The ship's engine explodes / History Part 11 - Lego Marvel Avengers - PS3 - (Esp/Eng)

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A warm greeting to everyone in this amazing Hive Gaming community. I hope you are having a great day.

Today I bring you a game called Lego Marvel Avengers is an Action and Adventure game.

I come to share with you the story mode in the format of lego games of this group of Super heroes that brought us so much joy with their movies.

Don't forget your coffee and I hope you enjoy and like my post, let's get started!

! [Spanish version]
Un cordial saludo a todos en esta increíble comunidad Hive Gaming. Espero que estén pasando un excelente día.

Hoy les traigo un juego llamado Lego Marvel Vengadores es un juego de Acción y Aventura.

Vengo a compartir con ustedes el modo historia en el formato de los juegos de lego de este grupo de Súper héroes que tantas alegrías nos trajo con sus películas.

No olviden su cafecito y espero que disfruten y les guste mi post. ¡Empecemos!





After facing Hulk we have to regain control of the main room of the ship as we are under attack by Hawkeye and if we lose this battle the ship will be taken over by Loki's allies.

! [Spanish version]
Luego de enfrentar a Hulk tenemos que recuperar el control de la sala principal de la nave ya que estamos siendo atacados por Hawkeye y si perdemos esta batalla la nave será tomada por los aliados de Loki



The room is being attacked by many explosive arrows Hawkeye keeps attacking us and we have to do everything we can to stop him otherwise we will fall from this great height and they would escape.

! [Spanish version]
La sala está siendo atacada muchas flechas explosivas Hawkeye no para de atacarnos y tenemos que hacer todo lo posible por detenerlo sino caeremos de esta gran altura y ellos escaparían.




I have to attack 4 times effectively to Hawkeye and it is not at all easy after he stopped twice our allies who were hypnotized by him, I managed to remove two hearts and now I have to unlock two consoles that they have under their control and to regain control of the ship.

! [Spanish version]
Tengo que atacar 4 veces de manera efectiva a Hawkeye y no es para nada fácil luego de que detuviera en dos ocasiones a nuestros aliados que fueron hipnotizados por él, Logre quitarle dos corazones y ahora me tocara desbloquear dos consolas que ellos tienen bajo su control y poder recuperar el mando de la nave.




After clearing the areas where the consoles were blocked I was able to free them but cousin I had to put out the fire that covered them and I had to go fighting against our alloys that were being manipulated by special arrows from Hawkeye.

! [Spanish version]
Después de despejar la zonas donde estaban las consolas bloqueadas pude liberarlas pero primo tuve que apagar el fuego que las cubría y tenía que ir peleando contra nuestros aleados que estaban siendo manipulados por flechas especiales de Hawkeye.




Two levers came out in the center of the room and I had to activate them in order to complete the unlocking of the ship by Loki's allies, The ship was wobbling on the sides they wanted to knock it down but luckily we managed to stabilize it.

! [Spanish version]
Salieron dos palancas en el centro de la sala y tuve que activarlas para poder completar el desbloqueo de la nave por parte de los aliados de Loki, La nave se tambaleaba a los lados querían tumbarla pero por suerte logramos estabilizarla.



One of the four engines of the ship explodes completely and the ship begins to lose altitude and now we will have to solve this problem with Iron Man and Captain, I was amused to see that where the suit was stored they had a skeleton too hahaha.

! [Spanish version]
Uno de los cuatro motores de la nave explota por completo y la nave comienza a perder altitud y ahora tendremos que resolver este problema con Iron Man y el Capitán, Me causo gracia ver que donde estaba guardado el traje tenían un esqueleto también jajaja.





Hulk still continued to fight Thor and they seek to neutralize him with a plane but the plan backfired as he jumped up to the plane to attack the pilot and that caused them both to go down, At least we were spared from worrying that Hulk was causing chaos.

! [Spanish version]
Hulk aún continuaba peleando con Thor y buscan neutralizarlo con un avión pero el plan salió de otra manera ya que el salto hasta el avión para atacar el piloto y eso causo que ambos cayeran, Por lo menos nos libramos de preocuparnos de que Hulk estuviera causando caos.



I had a hard time this week because of a power failure in the area where I live, I damaged the hard drive of my console and my PC but thank God I solved that problem and luckily I always keep a backup of everything.

It was chaotic the part where I was fighting against Hawkeye he did not stop attacking me and every now and then he hypnotized our companions to turn them against us, until I finally managed to defeat him.

I was surprised that Thor and Hulk continued to fight and that Stan Lee was the pilot who pulled Hulk off the ship, I really like seeing him in the game.

Now it will be up to me to solve the ship's engine explosion together with Iron Man and Captain.

! [Spanish version]
La pase mal esta semana a causa de una falla eléctrica en el sector donde vivo se me daño el disco duro de mi consola y de mi Pc pero gracias a dios ya resolví ese problema y por suerte siempre guardo un respaldo de todo.

Fue caótica la parte donde estaba luchando en contra de Hawkeye el no paraba de atacarme y a cada rato hipnotizaba a nuestros compañeros para ponerlos en nuestra contra, hasta que por fin logre vencerlo.

Me sorprendió que Thor y Hulk continuaran peleando y que Stan Lee fuese el piloto que saco a Hulk de la nave, me gusta mucho verlo en el juego.

Ahora me tocara resolver la explosión del motor de la nave junto a Iron Man y el Capitán


Equipo Usado Para Realizar este Post - Equipment Used To Make This Post

  • PS3 Slim 500gb
  • Camera 10 moons generic
  • JBL Quantum 100
  • Capturadora De Video Hdmi A Usb 2.0
  • PC Escritorio:
    • 12 gm Ram
    • i5 - 4 nucleos 3.10 GHz
    • 500 Gb HDD
    • 2 Gb Video AMD Radeon 5450 HD
  • Monitor Sansumg 19 Pulgadas


Programas Usados Para Realizar el Post - Programs Used to Make the Post


You can get the game Lego Marvel Avengers at your favorite video game store.

The screenshots were taken in my player profile thanks to the capturer and the obs studio program.

The editions are mine.

If you like you can see the other chapters of this series here:

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10

Thanks so much for stopping by to read my post, I hope you are having a great day, Thanks for stopping by!

! [Spanish version]
Puedes conseguir el juego Lego Marvel Avengers en tu tienda de videojuegos favorita.

Las capturas de pantalla se hicieron en mi perfil de jugador gracias a la capturadora y al programa obs studio.

Las ediciones son mías.

Si gustas puedes ver los demás capítulos de esta seria aquí:

Parte 1 - Parte 2 - Parte 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Parte 7 - Parte 8- Parte 9 - Part 10

Muchas gracias por venir a leer mi post, espero que estés teniendo un gran día, ¡Gracias por venir!


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