Fell Dragon Book 7 Part 24

Hi all

ComiCon Cape Town has been exhausting but a lot of fun! I have been taking a lot of pictures and have come home with so much loot! I just haven't had the time to share anything yet. Hopefully, over the weekend I will have more time.

Until them, here is an update with a slight #nsfw section, but enjoy.

Before he did something he couldn’t take back, he decided a walk was needed. Many in the castle had heard him arguing with the princess and scattered before him so as not to get his ire. He ignored them and left the building. He needed a chance to cool down, and the best place he could think of was the small woodland beyond the castle. It was large enough that it would take some time for someone to find you, but not large enough for him to truly get lost.

While he had come here to think and cool off, he only wandered deeper and deeper between the trees until he was exhausted. It wasn’t a physical exhaustion, one he could rest from, but an emotional one. He wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to recover from this.

In the shade of a slim tree, he set his back to it before he slid down to its base with a sigh. He regretted what he told Kaiden, but he was so tired. He didn’t know how to help her when she wasn’t even willing to help herself. While he wanted to blame everyone around him, he knew this choice was one that Kaiden was making and would keep making, as she felt guilty over what happened to her brother. The Dekai had preyed on that. Her parents’ grief had worsened it, and she had turned away from the only one who was truly looking out for her.

He didn’t know what to do, but he knew that he had become useless. Why should he stay if he could offer no more? All his dreams of one day having a family again were evaporating before him and there was nothing more he could do. No, that wasn’t true. There was nothing more he wanted to do. He had given everything of himself and now he was too tired.

He looked up at the sky filtering down through the leaves above him and sighed. He was too tired to make a decision now. Not caring whether anyone would miss him in the castle. He closed his eyes with a sigh and allowed his thoughts to wander beyond his exhausted being.

He must have fallen into a fitful sleep at some point because when he opened his eyes, the sky above was starting to darken, and a cool breeze was starting to swirl around him. He sat looking at the sky darken for a while before the emotions came back to him. He still regretted the words he had used but he was also angry as she had felt nothing for him and what he was going through. She hadn’t felt anything in so long, he wondered if she could still feel anything.

He didn’t want to go back to their shared room, but he knew that if he didn’t, the castle guard would come looking for him in due time. He sighed as he started to get to his feet.

“You’ve been sighing a lot lately.”

Kaiden’s voice came from behind him, and he turned his head in surprise. He hadn’t sensed her at all. She was sitting with her back against the same tree he had been seated at.

“It was easier to ignore. Everything was easier to ignore, as long as I concentrated on the pain.” She continued.

It was the most he had heard her speak since before her first round of surgeries. He slowly sat back down but didn’t look at her. For a long time, they sat in silence, and night had fallen. Bolx knew even with her wide repertoire of abilities, she couldn’t see in the dark and had put herself in a vulnerable position.

“You are the only thing that reminds me that I am still human.” She whispered.

He could hear the emotion in her voice but allowed her to speak.

“Don’t go.” She begged after some time.

Bolx bit down on his teeth to prevent him from telling her that he felt there was nothing left for him here. Her begging him to stay made all this so much more difficult.

“Nothing is going to change right now.” She continued after some time. “I can’t promise I will be what I once was, but I can promise a future when this is all done.”

“There will be no future if you continue like this.” He finally snapped. “I am not to blame for what you’re going through. You made the choice to do this to yourself. You made the choice to treat me like a disobedient dog. You can’t beg me to remain like this.”

He heard her get to her feet suddenly and he was almost convinced that she had stormed off, but he was surprised when she came to sit next to him. They were close, but not so close that they were touching. Then she placed her right hand, palm-side up, on his left leg, then waited for him to reciprocate.

Bolx didn’t want to, but this was the first time she had made an effort to have physical contact with him in weeks. He was about to place a hand within hers when she said, “All I can say is that this will improve, and I can give you a future you deserve.”

He looked at her and was on the verge of querying why she said that she could give him a future, but this would improve when she turned to look him in the eyes. She bounced her hand on his leg once more and said, “I can give you that future now.”

Annoyed that she was playing with his emotions, he snorted softly but still placed his left hand in hers. Then she surprised him by swatting his hand aside. Now with anger bubbling, Bolx was about to leave when she gripped his tail hard from around his middle.

“Do you remember what you told me when I first asked you about touching your tail?”

“I do.” He whispered. “That only my wife was allowed to touch it, but this is hardly the first time you have held it.”

Again the silence, as he tried to avoid her gaze, yet she wasn’t letting him ignore her. She squeezed harder and asked, “Do you understand what I am asking you?”
His heart was beating in his ears, and it felt as if his breath was caught in his throat. He was ready to leave but she wasn’t willing to let him go. To get to this point after everything that was going on; he didn’t know what to say to her. It was something he had been thinking of before Edzeeker had come into their life but had felt it wasn’t time yet. Even now, the situation seemed forced and only brought up because she couldn’t bear to lose him.

“For better or worse.” She whispered.

His mind screamed at him to say no, but his emotions and body begged for the attention he had been deprived of for so long. He was trying to build up the courage to decline the clearly forced offer from Kaiden when she twisted herself to sit across his legs. It wouldn’t have taken much to dislodge her, but the last bit of resolve that Bolx had had was now gone.

He was desperate to have Kaiden back, to have the life that he wanted. He knew this was nothing but a dressing to a much more serious problem between them. However, both of them were too selfish to lose the other and they both knew this was the only way to trap the other to remain as they were. Kaiden couldn’t afford to lose the only person who grounded her, and Bolx couldn’t stand to lose his vision of a future where he could have a family once more.

“I love you.” He said as he reached under her shirt.

“And I need you.” She whispered as she kissed the centre of his head.

It was something neither of them should have been doing but they didn’t stop. Their own selfish desires take control of their emotions. When it was over, Bolx didn’t feel the relief he had been hoping for. He hated that he had taken advantage of the situation and cursed himself. Kaiden had walked off some distance to allow Bolx to get to his feet and he couldn’t help but wonder if she too regretted what they had done.

“I don’t but I am sorry you do. You didn’t deserve this.”

Her voice was strained as she wrapped her arms around her chest before she dissolved into tears. Bolx hadn’t meant for his disgust in himself to be transferred to her. The pressure she was under was immense, she didn’t need his feelings to burden her any more than she already was.

He came to stand behind her and drew her shaking body into his embrace. He allowed her to be weak for the first time in months and he held her tightly.

“I’m so tired.” She sobbed. “And I miss my brother.”

“I know.” He whispered.

They stood together for a while before Kaiden turned and tried to push away from Bolx, but he wouldn’t let her go. Instead, he bent over and picked the human up in his arms. If she was surprised, she didn’t show it. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck before lowering her face into them.

“Let’s go home.” He whispered as he carried her back to the castle.

Despite the two of them being absent from the castle for some time, the only person who seemed to be looking for them was Edzeeker. He seemed to be on the verge of saying something to Bolx when the Saith fixed him with a glare.

“Back off.” Was all he uttered.

The Dekai wasn’t willing to take on an angry Saith and had stepped back, allowing Bolx to continue on his way. Bolx continued to glare at the winged man until he had passed him. He needed to keep the Dekai away from Kaiden somehow.

After returning to their room, Bolx locked the door before placing Kaiden on her feet. He half-grinned at her and said, “There you go.”

The young woman looked at him in confusion and her gaze made the Saith blush a little before he mumbled, “Isn’t it human culture for the wife to be carried across the threshold of their new home by her husband?”

Kaiden’s breath came out in short gasps and there were tears in her eyes again. Bolx stepped forward to embrace her tightly.

“I love you more than anything in this world and I am sorry I couldn’t guard my feelings from you. You are my partner. You saved me.” He whispered. “I won’t abandon you when you clearly need help you don’t have the courage to ask for.”

Kaiden’s hands gripped the back of his shirt and he felt how they balled as she buried her head in his chest and continued to sob.

“I am here for you. As long as that door is locked you can be as weak as you need to be. Build your strength up with me. Fight those damn bastards by day, but come night, I will lock that door and you be weak. You can’t be strong all the time, you’re tearing everything apart, including yourself.”

Bolx was surprised by the tears of frustration that came to his eyes. He needed her to understand exactly what she had failed in doing, and how they could move forward together.

“Let me strengthen you.” He whispered. “Let me help you.”

“I don’t know how.” She whispered against his chest. “I’m too tired.”

“Come on.”

He picked her up once more and went to sit on the bed with her in his arms. She continued to weep as he offered what comfort he could. In time, the princess managed to calm down, but she didn’t leave the embrace he offered her. He was tired and it was late, but he stubbornly refused to let sleep claim him.

Kaiden must have sensed his exhaustion and she tried to pull away, but he didn’t let her. He continued to stroke her hair until his head started to dip. She managed to untangle herself from him long enough to throw the covers from the side of the bed he wasn’t sitting on.

“You need sleep.”

“So do you.” He slurred. “Not sleeping unless you do.”

“You’ll be of no help to anyone in your state.”

Bolx flopped to his side, barely managing to keep his eyes open. Kaiden was forced to roll him over to the open side of the bed before pulling the covers over him. Yet, Bolx wasn’t so tired that he was going to let her go. He patted the empty side of the bed and mumbled.

“Can’t leave me alone on our first night married.”

He watched more tears come to Kaiden’s eyes as she dove back into his arms. They needed one another. They couldn’t exist alone.

“I’m never leaving you again.” He whispered.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Come Friday, I'll likely start the history of the current Fell Dragon. If you are triggered by abuse, it's best that you skip that update. Other than that, I'll see you all on Friday!

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, and Book 6 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 23>>You are Here>>Part 25
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