Fell Dragon Book 7 Part 23

Greetings all

Tomorrow is the day! ComiCon is going to be amazing! So, for now, I don't have a lot to say, so please enjoy the update. There is a bit of time jumping but I hope you all enjoy it.

It hadn’t been too long ago that Bolx had been on the human royals’ planet. There was so much hurt there, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to hide that from Saita. He never could have dreamed that he would be able to find love with her again, but having to go back to the place where he had lost Kaiden and was banished from his time was almost too much to bear. He had tried to hide his feelings while they travelled, but with Saita not always sleeping at night, she quickly caught on to what was happening in his head.

She had allowed him to wallow for a few nights, hoping that he would talk to her, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Saita and Kaiden had become so overlapped, that he was worried he would say something that would shatter the world that he now lived in. One he felt was perfect.

It was the last night they would have to spend on the ship when she had dragged him to bed earlier than normal. Yet, the traditions she had built up from their first time together weren’t initiated. Instead, she sat him on the bed and then sat opposite him before saying, “Tell me.”

Bolx was sure that she could ferret the information out of his head, but she had respected him too much to do that, rather hoping that he would eventually say something to her. However, it had been several days, and he had tossed and turned nightly, and he had said nothing. He didn’t want to say anything, didn’t want to admit what he already knew to be true. Despite everything, he still held out hope that Kaiden still lived, even though he knew it was impossible. He couldn’t bring himself to say that to Saita after what she had given him.

“You’re going to have to tell me at some point.” She said softly. “And don’t say it’s not fair to me. We’ve done that song and dance already. I am stronger than you give me credit for.”

“But I’m not.” He whispered.

That seemed to catch her off guard and she backed off immediately. She had thought his silence was to protect her when it was meant to protect him.

“I still love her.” He eventually whispered.

“And I still love Aidan’s father.”

He hadn’t expected that admission and Saita rubbed at her burning cheeks in embarrassment.

“I don’t think I ever admitted that before.” She said with a half chuckle.

She remained silent for a while before saying, “You look so haunted, and I don’t know how to help you.”

“Being you is good enough.” Bolx then sighed, “This is something I need to work through in my own time. It’s not as simple as talking about it. It’s too much for me right now.”

Saita frowned but nodded her head, “I understand. However, please know that I will be here for you when you are ready to talk to me about this. I want you to talk to me about this. Knowing how she handled this thing could help me in the coming battles. That said, I know how painful these memories are for you.”

“I just need the time to wrap my head around the end of that time.”

The end. He hated that word but knew that it was true. That time was gone. If it hadn’t been destroyed, Kaiden would have followed them. She wouldn’t have left him. Not after everything.

“Try to get some sleep tonight.” Whispered Saita gently as she kissed his forehead before settling into bed and eventually falling asleep.

Yet, sleep eluded him. When he was last on that planet, he intended to find Saita and bring her home. That intent had pushed his feelings down, but now that he was going to live with her, it brought back the memories of those last few months. Those final four months.

Bolx had sat through all the surgeries that Kaiden had forced herself to go through. It took months, and with each one, he saw the pain getting worse and worse. The Dekai was only too thrilled that the human was able to survive the surgeries. Her parents were of no help and seemed oblivious to what she was doing for their sake. They were too deep in their mourning for their son to see what their daughter was doing to correct a mistake that wasn’t hers.

With each surgery, Bolx could feel more and more of Kaiden disappearing before him, but he couldn’t leave her. She barely said two words to him, but still, he didn’t leave her side. He would stay up with her as sleep became impossible with the pain. She lied about her pain, but he could see it on her face every time he looked at her. It broke his heart, but he refused to let her do this alone.

Soon, the system was in place and Edzeeker was thrilled to have it tested. However, with each test he did, he seemed less and less pleased. Then the marks started appearing, horrifying Kaiden, but making Edzeeker a little happier. It didn’t last long.

While Kaiden was stronger than ever, she was constantly plagued with pain and outbursts of anger. It was something that Edzeeker had expected but no one else had. The anger was fine on the battlefield as she ripped apart the Wolven, but it wasn’t fine for the relationships within the castle.

Kaiden was often seen screaming at castle guards or even her parents. She had allowed herself to be turned into a living weapon and she hated it. She blamed everyone for the choice she had been pushed into. She turned her back on everyone, even him, and obeyed orders given to her by Edzeeker on where and when to attack. He watched as the Dekai slowly turned the princess against everyone she had ever loved until she was nothing more than the weapon he had created.

She didn’t eat, she didn’t sleep. She sat in their room until she was called to battle. Bolx couldn’t stand what was happening to her, to them. It was too much for him. He had to do something, and in the end, it was his fault that their world had fallen. He had been selfish. He had wanted his old Kaiden back.

Bolx knew he had told Saita that Edzeeker had left their world years before he had been sent to her timeline, and it hadn’t been completely true. He had abandoned them a few days before the end, but with the time Bolx had spent in the different time, it had been years since he left. He had abandoned them because of what Bolx had done, and the guilt of that was why he couldn’t sleep tonight.

He left the room and wandered the ship until he found himself in the empty, dark mess hall. He sat down and looked at his hands clasped before him. No one would find him here for some time, and he needed to think.

He remembered the fight. The things they had screamed at each other, the blame that had been placed. She attacked him with words while he retaliated. Their fight had nearly spilled out into the rest of the castle when he had thrown his hands up and shouted, “Enough! I am not a dog you can kick because you screwed up.”

She had stared at him with a venom he had never seen before but before she could shout back at him, he rounded on her.

“You have always acted out a guilt and that is what has brought you to this point. No one is to blame for what you are going through. You didn’t have to agree to become this!”

“Then who else was going to step up and do it? You?”

“I would have gladly done it to prevent you from turning into a raving lunatic. Have you seen what you’re capable of doing? At this point, you’re killing as many friendlies as you do foes! You have lost the focus you once had and you’re blindly following a madman. You don’t even question him any more. Edzeeker says jump and you do.”

She was lost for words, but she was seething. Weeks of having to watch the woman he had fallen in love with disappear was too much for him and he wasn’t going to stand and watch her turn into nothing but a weapon, especially if no one else was willing to bring her to her senses.

“You are more than this, but if you have made up your mind to become a weapon to be wielded, then so be it, but it won’t be with me at your side. I won’t watch this downward spiral anymore.”

He surprised himself with his words and almost instantly regretted them. Not wanting to see the pain his words had caused, he turned from her and marched from their room. He couldn’t take this anymore. He had already lost one family to the Fell Dragon and now he was losing his next one. He wasn’t going to hang around to watch this life crumble to nothing again. He didn’t have the strength anymore.

He had made his mind up. He was going to return to Saith. He didn’t know how his actions would affect their relations with the humans, but at that moment, he didn’t care. He was done. He was so tired of fighting a war he knew he could no longer win, and honestly, he didn’t want to anymore.

There will be an update on Tuesday, but it'll likely be short. See you all then!

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, and Book 6 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 22>>You are Here>>Part 24 (Tuesday)
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