
Trump to get 136 years in prison, the 34 counts does NOT even say HIS NAME. If they can get somebody with diplomatic immunity, like a Pope, like if Trump gets 136 years for nothing, then how many more years would you get for something, even the smallest of things? After reading the 34 counts, it does not say Trump did anything wrong, the allegation is on the staff in general. Is an employer responsible for what employees do, is there evidence Trump was aware of any alleged crimes, Bragg refused to say what Trump did, you can read it. Why is Stormy Daniels sending money ($122K+) to Trump?

Instead of labeling food GMO, can we label them Precision Breeding?

Alex Jones got mad at the Trump crowd last night because this aint no rodeo disco, this is real life, the globalists are going after all of us. This aint no beauty pageant in Florida, we are living in a global info war that is crushing humanity. I got the Roseanne Syndrome meaning I've perhaps said crazy things. Perhaps I shouldn't have. But that is life. Whether that is a good or bad thing depends on the case. I wasn't like any more racist than Roseanne would have been when she called the lady like a love child of Planet of the Apes and something else which is true. Russell Brand highlighted how Trump ignored fake news. This black guy was able to get an exclusive. It's not a prosecution. It's a persecution. In other news, people are dying from Covid Vaccines.

You are trying to high-jack letters? Other people may have FR tags for other things. Someday you may run into other communities with the same exact tags. You will then have to ponder what to do. Trying to take over hashtags is almost as evil as the evil weaponization of copyright, patents, trademarks, fake intellectual property, etc. If Trump can go down for infractions allegedly committed by his staff, then can the Obamas go down for war crimes? Here is a quote from The Intercept.

Trump, 136 years in prison. Alvin Bragg said nobody is above the law except for murderers, rapists, etc, who get out within days. But Donald is so much worse than actual killers like Fauci, Bill Gates, Obama, etc. If they can go after a President over nothing, you next. Hillary Clinton may become the vice-president and then Biden may be removed. Trump's speech last night was blocked on television and many places, they do not want you to hear it. If you a sex fiend, you could get a SWEET DEAL from Alvin Bragg who said nobody is above the law except for actual murderers, rapists, etc. But if you're Trump, you get 136 years in prison plus no mug shot, no handcuffs, you can't be a martyr, don't buy those shirts.

Welcome, if you're new here, my name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold, I'm a content creator @ JOEYARNOLDVN on social media networks, platforms, blockchain blogs, websites, like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Discord, etc.

April | 2023
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
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Sign this petition to save Trump and the world.

Tree Banned Oatmeal For Simping Laura Loomer, Candace Owens



Screenshot at 2023-04-05 22-40-19.png

Tetris movie.

My Daily Blog

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-04-05 - Wednesday | Published in April of 2023


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:18 PM
What Alex Jones Thought About The Post 34 Count Trump Indictment Speech | Twitter | YouTube

10:54 PM
Tetris Movie, Spoiler Review, Maxwell vs Nintendo/Atari, USSR, Capitalism, Video Games, Atari, Communism, Music





INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


Twitter Tweets

12:22 PM

Trump, 136 years in prison. Alvin Bragg said nobody is above the law except for murderers, rapists, etc, who get out within days. But Donald is so much worse than actual killers like Fauci, Bill Gates, Obama, etc. If they can go after a President over nothing, you next.

12:27 PM
Trump to get 136 years in prison, the 34 counts does NOT even say HIS NAME. If they can get somebody with diplomatic immunity, like a Pope, like if Trump gets 136 years for nothing, then how many more years would you get for something, even the smallest of things?

12:35 PM
After reading the 34 counts, it does not say Trump did anything wrong, the allegation is on the staff in general. Is an employer responsible for what employees do, is there evidence Trump was aware of any alleged crimes, Bragg refused to say what Trump did, you can read it.

12:39 PM
Why is Stormy Daniels sending money to Trump?

12:43 PM
Stormy Daniels OWES Trump $122K+ dollars & YouTube OWES Oatmeal 10K+ videos, Vietnam Kathy stole my bike, the courts have spoken, this is the way.

12:48 PM
Is that Jack Black, Doc Brown, oh and Megan too haha, in Star Wars The Mandalorian? Eating too many marshmallows I see.

12:54 PM
Hillary Clinton may become the vice-president and then Biden may be removed.

12:55 PM
Trump's speech last night was blocked on television and many places, they do not want you to hear it.

12:59 PM
If you a sex fiend, you could get a SWEET DEAL from Alvin Bragg who said nobody is above the law except for actual murderers, rapists, etc. But if you're Trump, you get 136 years in prison plus no mug shot, no handcuffs, you can't be a martyr, don't buy those shirts.

01:03 PM
They're charging a parking car attendant who was peacefully confronting a guy who was breaking into cars, the guy also shot the man in the stomach. But they are charging the man and not the criminal guy.

01:36 PM
This actor was in Star Trek and now Star Wars, not to mention my favorite time traveling franchise of all time or Taxi. How many other famous actors have done both Star Wars and Star Trek?



2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg


12:29 AM
Can people talk about France or the French people or French related food or anything else with the FR tag as opposed to being limited to the French language alone?



2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


12:14 PM
You are trying to high-jack letters? Other people may have FR tags for other things. Someday you may run into other communities with the same exact tags. You will then have to ponder what to do. Trying to take over hashtags is almost as evil as the evil weaponization of copyright, patents, trademarks, fake intellectual property, etc.

02:31 PM
My favorite, Brad Pitt as Thor.

05:49 PM
Are those Viking women who can tear men's arms out of their sockets like Star Wars Chewbacca? I love the music, the concert, sort of reminds me of the Irish or Celtic group or I forget their name. Awesome. I enjoyed watching all of the seasons of the Vikings. I'm not currently watching the new show.

05:53 PM
As long as you can turn off AI meaning manual switches and not buttons which AI could turn on if there is a little bit of backup battery found on watch batteries which could allow it to wake up even after it is turned off. Smart phones for example have no switches which is bad.

06:00 PM
Wendy Peters, what did Trump do?

06:22 PM
Can we indict Obama for murder, why stop at arresting Trump, why not go after war crimes, Fauci, Bill Gates, WEF Klaus Schwab, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Black Rock, TikTok 686 Restrict Act etc?

06:29 PM
I don't have to tell you what I'm charging Trump with, I'm just going to attach 34 Nothing Burgers that I want to eat to this secret crime, I'm just going to Bragg about it.

06:35 PM
Xia_Land is hotter of course. Oh look, I just found @megynkelly as Wilma Flintstone. This version has a sexy face. It would be tough to compete face-wise with Megyn.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

The Walking Dead 1117

2023-04-05 - Wednesday - 02:17 AM - The Walking Dead 1117: Lockdown

Recap. Fight. Car chase. Negan to come in. Kids hide. Lockdown to save people. Arrested for your own good. Eat the bugs.

The Walking Dead 1118

2023-04-05 - Wednesday - 03:05 AM - The Walking Dead 1118: A New Deal

Each of the last 8 episodes start with highlight reels. Last episode and this one narrated by the daughter of Rick Grimes. A new deal. They get rid of the guy. Girl does not want a gun. But that is a bad idea. Guns are not bad little girl. Negan having a baby but natural births can be better. Wrestling. Church. Tape recorder. Fight.

12:00 PM
Rubin Report - Jimmy Fallon Goes Quiet as His Trump Question for Roseanne Backfires | Direct Message | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin born 1976.
I got the Roseanne Syndrome meaning I've perhaps said crazy things. Perhaps I shouldn't have. But that is life. Whether that is a good or bad thing depends on the case. I wasn't like any more racist than Roseanne would have been when she called the lady like a love child of Planet of the Apes and something else which is true.

12:09 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 4/5/23 • REPUBLIC-IN-CRISIS - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:07 PM
Alex Jones got mad at the Trump crowd last night because this aint no rodeo disco, this is real life, the globalists are going after all of us. This aint no beauty pageant in Florida, we are living in a global info war that is crushing humanity.

01:30 PM
Viva Frei - Trump Indictment; Democrat Hypocrisy; and LIVE With BillBoard Chris! Viva Frei Taco Tuesday!

01:43 PM
34 felony count Trump indictment is nothing more than an accountant dispute said Viva Frei. Does Trump not have liability protection for alleged crimes committed by his staff, does an employer go to prison for 136 years for a murder done by an employee?

01:48 PM
Russell Brand - TRUMPED UP CHARGES | Legit or Bullsh*t!? - #106 - Stay Free With Russell Brand

01:53 PM
Russell Brand highlighted how Trump ignored fake news. This black guy was able to get an exclusive. It's not a prosecution. It's a persecution. In other news, people are dying from Covid Vaccines.

02:02 PM
If Trump can go down for infractions allegedly committed by his staff, then can the Obamas go down for war crimes? Here is a quote from The Intercept.

02:12 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 4/5/23 • News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:16 PM
Are they putting vaccines in plants?

02:20 PM
Did they vax the meat?
Did the UK just pass Precision Breeding?

02:26 PM
Why are they excluding references to Precision Breeding, why did they amend the 1990 UK Environmental Protection Act?

02:41 PM
Instead of labeling food GMO, can we label them Precision Breeding?

02:50 PM
They can legally say GMO food is not GMO thanks to PRECISION BREEDING (it'll say non-GMO), they don't even have to tell you what country the meat came from. If they butcher it in America, it'll say from the USA. Covid Vaccines in food?

02:55 PM
Is fake meat going to give us cancer?

03:04 PM
Are Covid Vaccines even in the unvaxed, what is hot Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea saying?

03:14 PM
Doctor said ribbon structures are being found not just in the vax but the unvax too. If you want to live, buy meat from local farms directly.

06:41 PM
ACLJ Jay Sekulow - NY District Attorney Has NO CASE Against Trump

06:51 PM
Somebody needs to file a motion or a bill for particulars said @ACLJ @JaySekulow in order to find out what Bragg is charging Trump with as the 34 counts is simply a payroll calendar mixed with allegations regarding intention.

06:59 PM
"We can't have trial by ambush," said ACLJ Jay Sekulow. We should be transparent when presenting cases that are of public interest, this effects the world, it's not a personal/private matter.

Sign this petition.

07:10 PM
Lionel Nation - Trump's Legal Defense Commences: What Next?

07:16 PM
Trump indicted over 2017 activity, but the election was in 2016, does that mean Trump has a time machine? Somebody is an idiot on my Twitter. The Indictment did not say Trump did anything. It talked about the staff of Trump. You can read all 34 counts online. I spent several hours reading every single count.

Tetris Movie

2023-04-05 - Wednesday - 08:30 PM - 10:45 PM - Tetris Movie, Apple, AI Film | Review

Fun movie. Intense. Man was selling a game. It was doing so good. This was around maybe 1988 according to this movie. He saw Tetris. He was selling it. He was married to a girl in Japan. He had kids. He goes to Seattle to make a deal with Nintendo. He signed an NDA. He saw a gameboy. He went to Russia. He tried to buy the rights. He had to go back and forth between countries. Different people travel to different countries. There is the other man who was the middle man. Maxwell was in debt and ended up failing. Maxwell was screwing with people. It was tough. It was hard. I love the Tetris theme in the movie, the graphics. The Final Countdown song was fun. The car chase was exciting. They were trying to get on an airplane to leave at the end before the KGB found them. In the end, he was able to see his daughter sing the song at home. He won 5 million dollars out of the deal. He moved to California along with the founder from the USSR or Soviet Union which was dissolving back into Russia. It followed Henk Rogers and the creator of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:12 AM
CcayCobra - President Trump DESTROYS Alvin Bragg with Powerful Speech - CobraCast IRL

The Walking Dead 1117

2023-04-05 - Wednesday - 02:17 AM - The Walking Dead 1117: Lockdown

The Walking Dead 1118

2023-04-05 - Wednesday - 03:05 AM - The Walking Dead 1118: A New Deal

11:27 AM
Red Letter Media - Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episodes 5, 6, and 7 - re:View

12:00 PM
Rubin Report - Jimmy Fallon Goes Quiet as His Trump Question for Roseanne Backfires | Direct Message | Rubin Report

12:09 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 4/5/23 • REPUBLIC-IN-CRISIS - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:30 PM
Viva Frei - Trump Indictment; Democrat Hypocrisy; and LIVE With BillBoard Chris! Viva Frei Taco Tuesday!

01:48 PM
Russell Brand - TRUMPED UP CHARGES | Legit or Bullsh*t!? - #106 - Stay Free With Russell Brand

02:12 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 4/5/23 • News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

06:05 PM
Tim Cast - Timcast IRL - Trump Indictment BACKFIRES, Even Liberals Say ITS BUNK AND Will FAIL w/Dave Smith

06:37 PM
Glenn Beck - Trump's Arrest PROVES We Live Under Democrat TYRANNY | Ep 266

06:41 PM
ACLJ Jay Sekulow - NY District Attorney Has NO CASE Against Trump

07:06 PM
Alex Stein - Mark Dice: REAL Reason Trump Paid Stormy Daniels

07:10 PM
Lionel Nation - Trump's Legal Defense Commences: What Next?

08:05 PM
Ride is a nice cowboys on a ranch show

Tetris Movie

2023-04-05 - Wednesday - 08:30 PM - 10:45 PM - Tetris Movie, Apple, AI Film

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:20 AM. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 11:28 AM. Lunch, 12:30 PM. Dishes. Mail. He got it in the mail. Requested granted. No more have to be jury sometimes. Cuz maybe Covid. Maybe if over 70. Who knows. Tumbler. Not Tumblr. Rocks by fence near there. Also rocks by big garage near forest of our yard. Mail. Sorting USB cords and other things above my TV by my closet. I mean I moved the stuff over to my bed. Mom is watching Not Dead Yet which I said is like Early Edition and Ghost Whisperer. One ghost is Sabrina's principle. I am good with faces. Mom said it was mundane but happy show. She likes the Alaska show over the Montana Big Sky cuz more happier. Dinner, 05:44 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 2 apples, 11:28 AM. Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 12:30 PM. Dinner: yummy spaghetti, the last of the cooked ones from a week ago, 05:44 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE. PLEASE START HERE IF YOU ARE NEW. HELLO. WELCOME TO MY BLOG IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME, HERE IS MY INTRODUCTION. MY NAME IS OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD. I MAKE CONTENT AND OTHER THINGS TOO BOTH ONLINE AND OFFLINE. IT MAY SOMETIMES BE HARD TO FIND MY VIDEOS BECAUSE YOUTUBE BANNED MY 10K+ VIDEOS BECAUSE I SAID TRUMP WON 2020 IN A VIDEO I UPLOADED IN 2021. IT CAN ALSO BE HARD TO FIND MY PHOTOS OR MEMES BECAUSE FACEBOOK SOMETIMES SUSPENDS SOME OF MY ACCOUNTS. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. YOU CAN ALSO JOIN MY CULT ON DISCORD. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY USERNAMES. SINCE 2014, MY MAIN OFFICIAL USERNAME HAS BEEN @ JOEYARNOLDVN (AND STILL IS CURRENTLY AS OF 2022). KNOWING THIS CAN HELP YOU FIND MY CONTENT IN THE FUTURE. I'VE HAD DIFFERENT USERNAMES OVER THE YEARS. TO FIND LISTS OF MY CONTENT, YOU COULD TRY SEARCHING FOR MY ANNUAL BLOG OUTLINES. I'M CURRENTLY HOSTING MY BLOG ON HIVE . BLOG OR HTTPS :// HIVE . BLOG. THAT IS THE DOMAIN NAME TO THE BLOCKCHAIN WEBSITE THAT I PUBLISH MY BLOG POSTS & ARTICLES TO. I ALSO TRY TO SYNDICATE MY CONTENT ELSEWHERE AS WELL. YOU'RE ENCOURAGED TO MIRROR MY CONTENT. IT IS NOT COPYRIGHTED. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY DOMAIN NAMES. TO FIND MY CONTENT, YOU JUST HAVE TO REMEMBER THREE THINGS. THE URL WEB ADDRESS TO MY DAILY BLOG POST IS THE DOMAIN NAME, MY USERNAME, AND THE DATE. JUST REMEMBER THOSE THREE THINGS. YOU CAN FIND A BLOG POST FOR EACH DAY GOING BACK TO 2020. FOR EXAMPLE, THE LAST DAY OF OCTOBER CAN BE FOUND AT Hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2022-10-31 - THAT IS URL HIVE . BLOG / @ JOEYARNOLDVN / 2022-10-31. AS YOU CAN SEE, THERE ARE ONLY THREE PARTS TO THAT WEB LINK. BUT SOMETIMES LINKS CAN DIE. SO, AT ANY TIME, MY LINKS MAY DIE. SOMETIMES, DOMAINS DIE OR CHANGE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF HIVE DIES, THEN CHECK STEEMIT . COM OR BLURT . ORG OR OTHERS. PLEASE STEAL MY CONTENT. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND REUPLOAD (MIRROR) MY CONTENT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE ME CREDIT. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T DELETE OVER TEN THOUSAND FUCKING VIDEOS OF MINE LIKE YOUTUBE ILLEGALLY DID IN OCTOBER OF 2022. PEOPLE SHOULD SUE THE HELL OUT OF THEM FOR DOING THAT. Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo.

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