
Every time you say YES, you're actually saying YEShua. Over 171,000 people came through Mexico into America in March of 2021. BREAKING NEWS: I'm so glad viruses cannot move sideways. Over 2 million people coming for the year of 2021, an invasion, a population replacement, the Death of Europe is now in America. Happy Easter 2021, you can see 666 on many cable channels at night in the footer. There are so many people coming in each day, they have traffic cops helping them cross the street, here is a screenshot for an example, over 2 million people to come before 2023, that is before next year. Remember Las Vegas Shooting 2017?

2021-03 - VHS to DVD Log

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-03 - Saturday | Published in April of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-04-03 22:27:28.png

Vancouver, Canada

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Over 2 million people coming for the year of 2021, an invasion, a population replacement, the Death of Europe is now in America.

There are so many people coming in each day, they have traffic cops helping them cross the street, here is a screenshot for an example, over 2 million people to come before 2023, that is before next year.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

12:51 PM
There are so many people coming in each day, they have traffic cops helping them cross the street, here is a screenshot for an example, over 2 million people to come before 2023, that is before next year.

Covid Log

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My Autobiography

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12:28 PM
BREAKING NEWS: I'm so glad viruses cannot move sideways.


2021-04-03 - Saturday - 12:34 PM - Covid Log

Over 2 million people coming for the year of 2021, an invasion, a population replacement, the Death of Europe is now in America.

Learning English

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02:01 AM
Every time you say YES, you're actually saying YEShua.

Oatmeal Health

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Looking Fat?

12:32 AM - Hive

Oh very good. I like that. I think you can keep this way. And you may start to look like your mother, grandmother, other family members, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, relatives, ancestors, other people, someday, and that can be good and/or bad depending on what they look like.

So, when you look at your family, you might be able to see your future, how you might look someday. That can be good or bad. If there are problems with that, you can at least write it down and know about what some of the problems might be for you someday.

Good news is knowing the future means you can maybe try to stop the bad stuff from happening.

Also, climbing trees can help turn you into a monkey, ahahaha. I'm joking but hey, I like climbing trees, very fun.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

12:28 PM
BREAKING NEWS: I'm so glad viruses cannot move sideways.

They found the blood of Jesus?

10:06 PM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell, people claim this man found the blood of Christ, that it is alive, that it was found underneath where they think the cross was since there was an earthquake, the Bible says earth opened up, it is possible some blood dripped off his body and into the crack in the ground and onto the Ark of the Covenant assuming Jeremiah hid it underneath where the cross was going to be but 600 years before Christ died, I am choosing to believe this happened because only God could make something like that happen.

Super Heroes Stupid?

10:10 PM - Facebook Message

I saw a photo story of Dee Maree Queen who lives in Collie, Western Australia on Facebook on my timeline a day or so ago and I wrote: "First thing that came to my mind was a new super hero show call Black Lightning, they got a lot of soul kind of like you, I could see you as a super hero."

Dee sent Today at 2:29 AM
Yeah don't call me that on my profile pic, it's stupid.
Dee sent Today at 2:29 AM

Stupid Bill Gates

10:15 PM - Facebook

Instead of responding to her message reply, I replied here with the following on a meme she posted regarding Bill Gates, I wrote, "Bill Gates thinks he is a Super Hero. Oh yeah, Super Heroes are stupid according to some people. I love super heroes. Bill is not a super hero. I don't think calling people super heroes is stupid. Some people can be against super heroes. Regardless, we all can agree Bill is not just stupid but evil like a villain."

Chat with me on Twitter

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Other Websites

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Female Cop Show

2021-04-03 - Saturday - 09:47 PM - Family History Log

Mom was telling me she watched many television shows in the 1970s and there was one she only saw a little bit of like a female cop show and she forgot about it until now. She said she generally would prefer watching shows with simple plots like the Love Boat was one she mentioned and she does mention others she either watches now or ones she watched throughout her life and then there are also old shows which she watches now which perhaps she didn't see before or didn't see much of including Gun Smoke is my guess in that I don't know how much of that she saw decades ago.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2021-04-03 - Saturday - 03:56 AM - 04:16 AM - United States of Al 101

Cute show. Man back from military and brought a friend back who lived over there who tries to help him and his wife away from a divorce.

The Mighty Ducks Game Changers

2021-04-03 - Saturday - 04:19 AM - 04:48 AM - The Mighty Ducks Game Changers 102

She tries to help with team building. Lost & found.

War Room


Over 171,000 people came through Mexico into America in March of 2021.

Over 2 million people coming for the year of 2021, an invasion, a population replacement, the Death of Europe is now in America.

Happy Easter 2021, you can see 666 on many cable channels at night in the footer.

12:56 PM
They said showing ID is racist. So, go to an airport, refuse to show ID, say it's racist because they said it's racist.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

2021-04-03 - Saturday - 03:56 AM - 04:16 AM - United States of Al 101

The Mighty Ducks Game Changers

2021-04-03 - Saturday - 04:19 AM - 04:48 AM - The Mighty Ducks Game Changers 102

Michael Jacques

11:59 AM - Candace Owens I feel the Democrat Party represents Black America like plantation owners represent

Reaso TV

12:01 PM - Melissa Chen on Fighting Wokeness at Home and Radicalism Abroad

Turning Point

12:05 PM - WATCH CHARLIE KIRK AND CANDACE OWENS LIVE on now from the Nashville! #GenFreeTour

Mojisola Adams

12:12 PM - Candace Owens might be right about Cardi B..

Tim Benton

12:14 PM - Candace Owen says she can get an ID because she is smarter than a 5th grader.

War Room


Dear diary, got up at 11:40 AM. Nice day, partly cloudy. Yard work and then house work from around 1 PM to 9 PM. First, me and Larry were pressure washing the front yard driveway, sweeping paint chips coming off the yard and garden combo shed followed with the entire driveway till like 4 or 5 and then I was in the backyard doing more pressure washing sidewalks and the sides of the house and big garage and book shed and a little bit of paint came off a few places and we do have some white paint. Pressure washed the covered patio until there was hose burst. Looks like the hose on the pressure washer has had an injury there for a long time. Stop after that around like 7 PM and then continued organizing the patio and using the regular hose and organizing the garden shed and putting things away and everything to like 8 and then dishes to 9 and shower to now at 9:40 PM.

Mom was telling me she watched many television shows in the 1970s and there was one she only saw a little bit of like a female cop show and she forgot about it until now. She said she generally would prefer watching shows with simple plots like the Love Boat was one she mentioned and she does mention others she either watches now or ones she watched throughout her life and then there are also old shows which she watches now which perhaps she didn't see before or didn't see much of including Gun Smoke is my guess in that I don't know how much of that she saw decades ago.

Food log
Breakfast: orange, bagel, coffee, 12:30 PM.
Lunch: second bagel for lunch around like 3 PM or 4 PM or whenever it was when we were transitioning to the backyard.
Dinner: soup stuff with chicken, yogurt, 9:30 PM.

02:06 AM
To Dee in a Facebook message
First thing that came to my mind was a new super hero show call Black Lightning, they got a lot of soul kind of like you, I could see you as a super hero.

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