
Sharing is caring and that includes germs.

You could make MONEY by saying YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN.

$15K to each illegal in New York but what do legals get? Illegal aliens to get $4.38 billion in Biden Covid cash. 124 illegal aliens released during Obama were later charged in 138 murder cases. With 4G, as it forms, looks like breaking glass within an expanding forming crystallized flower. You see flashes of things come and go randomly. You see chaos, black spots, the patterns decline more and more. Dozens of cops attack hundreds of Christians in a field near a church the cops put a fence around in Canada. You can watch the videos. This is their way of saying you SHALL NOT attend church or we will get you, even if you are just in a field near the church we have STOLEN from you. Disney is going after me, literally. They are rejecting Fair Use. Most Americans don't know the acceleration happening in Europe in the 2010s and that acceleration is currently running wild across the United States, I have been warning you for years, I feel like I'm NOAH and yet we are not talking about rain but other things. Soros quietly remodels U.S. justice system, how liberal. Stallone is rolling in his grave. White people can take more poison than blacks and especially more than animals.

Agenda 2030

90% global human population deduction by 2030, not telling people about this will only increase the probability this happens if not worse. 90% deduction is their plan in curing poverty, disease, famine, etc. They have computer chips the size of actual sand now. Try getting that out of your body. Man hits woman again and again for an hour, gets other men in the room to say nobody is hitting her, the woman will then believe nobody is hitting her, that is how Fake News uses the Stockholm Syndrome to brainwash the world. We don't talk about the bad stuff that happens in Europe each day, MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW. Globalists starve Africa, other countries, they trick humans into hating each other, and they fund the migration into Europe and America to divide and conquer. Chips were implanted in soldiers in the early 2000s, MK-Ultra goes back at least to the 1960s. Bill Gates talked about this at TED, about reducing CO2 which means killing people. Code for killing people.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-12 - Monday | Published in April of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-04-13 00:46:25.png

Nobody watches my videos

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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They have computer chips the size of actual sand now. Try getting that out of your body.

Man hits woman again and again for an hour, gets other men in the room to say nobody is hitting her, the woman will then believe nobody is hitting her, that is how Fake News uses the Stockholm Syndrome to brainwash the world.

Chips were implanted in soldiers in the early 2000s, MK-Ultra goes back at least to the 1960s.

Bill Gates says mothers in poorer countries should have less babies, the opposite is true. Generally, the poorer the place, the more babies they have and it is better that way. People generally have less babies in wealthier places.

Divide and conquer as they GMO us, as they geoengineer us, as they va va us, as they fry us in so many different ways at the same time, as we face a global war on top of economic depressions and much much more.

Weekly Photos

Weekly Show


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

11:14 AM
90% deduction is their plan in curing poverty, disease, famine, etc.

11:48 AM
There are American neighborhoods you cannot walk down without......

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

2004 WOLBI Hangers Joey.png

List of my Favorite Websites

My Autobiography

History | Future | 1900s | 2000s | 0000s | 1000s | 2000s

11:08 AM
While watching Infowars, hour 1
You could make MONEY by saying YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN.
90% deduction is their plan in curing poverty, disease, famine, etc.

Dozens of cops attack hundreds of Christians in a field near a church the cops put a fence around in Canada. You can watch the videos. This is their way of saying you SHALL NOT attend church or we will get you, even if you are just in a field near the church we have STOLEN from you.

Masks 2019

2021-04-12 - Monday - 10:52 PM - Covid Log

The medical world was told they were going to need masks in 2019.
They admit in official documents it takes at least 15 years to get vlab vlab.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

Iomega Zip Disk Log
2021-04-12 - Monday - 04:09 PM LMS JA - Iomega Zip Disk Log created

Two of Three Disks Copied

2021-04-12 - Monday - 03:25 PM - 04:14 PM - Iomega Zip Disk Log created

After getting this 250 MB Iomega Zip Drive in the mail today, which I ordered via Amazon, which came here from Minnesota, I began to copy the three 100 MB Iomaga zip disks to my Vietnam Yoga laptop, here are the details, the log as follows, two of three disks copied but 2nd disk failed to load:

Iomega 001 - Internet Class, Spring 2005; speech is here, Marilyn Arnold, 351 $12.95 USD, Iomega Zip 100 MB
Volcanop website from 2005 by mom

Iomega 002 - CAS 217 full, Marilyn K. Arnold, PC not MAC, Iomega Zip 100 MB, 351 $12.95 USD
Iomega 003 - L4OJ, PC 04 College, Marilyn Arnold, Iomega Zip 100 MB, PC Not MAC

Oatmeal Health

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Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

11:27 AM
Disney is going after me, literally. They are rejecting Fair Use.

10:10 PM
I see a notice on Facebook saying HBO doesn't like a video I posted of Milo on Bill Maher. They are against Milo for exposing truth. Facebook wrote: HBO Rights Manager has taken action on your video because it may contain music, audio or video that belongs to them.

Your video matches 10 minutes and 57 seconds of content owned by HBO Rights Manager. Play matching part.
The following action(s) have been taken:
Your content is no longer viewable on Facebook in the specified territories. If you submit a dispute, your content may be restored.
Applied: Worldwide
Make sure you only post content you own the rights to or have permission to use. If you post content you don't own, it may violate copyright law. Learn more.
Delete this video if you don't have permission to use all of the content in it.
Submit a dispute if you think this is a mistake and you're sure you have permission to use all of the content in your video.

Fair Use. Plus, the tech cartels went after Milo and others illegally too. So, that is why you are going after this fair use video because you are against people who tell the truth including Trump.

They're trying to kick me off Facebook. Here is one of the many copyright disputes I get each day. They are protected under Fair Use and yet they try very hard to violate Fair Use and other things.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Make Voting Great Again

12:07 PM - Hive

I trust paper more until the good guys can put in a real blockchain in place for voting. The bad guys are all over the place and will try to put in a fake version of blockchain for voting and that can be hard to counter.

Make Local Communities Great Again

12:13 PM - Hive

And people should focus on their own bodies, their closes friendships and relationships with other humans, their houses, land, property, block, neighborhood, community, area, and then their local town, city, region, and then their county.

They must be focused on their family, their friends, people they trade with, people they do business with, employers, employees, customers, students, people they interact with, in that order roughly speaking, even before getting to state and federal level items, people should focus on local things first as much as possible.

They must drain local political swamps before anything else, work on things in their neck of the woods first and always return to it before weeds return as they generally do every so often.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc


2021-04-12 - Monday - 01:27 AM - 02:18 AM - Pennyworth 210

Dad of Alfred still alive. Mom sees. Storm Cloud fake was stolen. Real ones still out there. Thomas and Martha Wayne have a female baby. Does that mean Bruce has an older sister or is this a new canon where there is no male Batman? Man swallows Storm Cloud and becomes Mister Freeze or something worse. He fights with Alfred and others for England and against the Ravens.

Health Ranger

10:20 AM - Situation Update, April 12th, 2021 - Xylitol crystal morphology vs. 4G mobile phone energy

It seems that these certain crystals could only do certain things until the 1940s when something changed in like a science lab for some crystals and that somehow changed crystals all around the world. It's as if these crystals are the Borg. the Matrix, a shared memory or a cosmic God memory which small particles read as you observe under a microscope. 4G hurts the formation of the crystals and molecules. 5G is even worse.

Cosmic Memory
Patterns look like flowers forming

With 4G, as it forms, looks like breaking glass within an expanding forming crystallized flower. You see flashes of things come and go randomly. You see chaos, black spots, the patterns decline more and more.

Ron Gibson


Aliens to get help. Bad help.
$116 billion dollars each year, Americans are forced to pay.
124 illegal aliens released during Obama were later charged in 138 murder cases.
Illegal aliens to get $4.38 billion in Biden Covid cash.
$15K to each illegal in New York but what do legals get?
You could make MONEY by saying YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN.
90% global human population deduction by 2030, not telling people about this will only increase the probability this happens if not worse.

DARPA is working on making a chip to put in our bodies to help find the fake Covid Virus. Not that viruses are fake. Viruses make us sick but we can fight them. We don't need their help.

They have computer chips the size of actual sand now. Try getting that out of your body.

11:44 AM
Man hits woman again and again for an hour, gets other men in the room to say nobody is hitting her, the woman will then believe nobody is hitting her, that is how Fake News uses the Stockholm Syndrome to brainwash the world.

We don't talk about the bad stuff that happens in Europe each day, MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW.

Most Americans don't know the acceleration happening in Europe in the 2010s and that acceleration is currently running wild across the United States, I have been warning you for years, I feel like I'm NOAH and yet we are not talking about rain but other things.

Muslim trumps blacks in globalism.
Globalists starve Africa, other countries, they trick humans into hating each other, and they fund the migration into Europe and America to divide and conquer.

Soros bought off most district attorneys.
Soros quietly remodels U.S. justice system, how liberal. Stallone is rolling in his grave.

12:24 PM
They say it's not a chip, it's just a little green thing that goes into your body and tracks you.
It's monitoring your blood but it's not a tracker they say.

Nobody died on that ship, what a massive lie they told the world.

In the news years ago, China making super soldiers, putting stuff in their body.
White people can take more poison than blacks and especially more than animals.

12:32 PM
Share truth people now before it is too late.

Ron Gibson


Chips were implanted in soldiers in the early 2000s, MK-Ultra goes back at least to the 1960s.

Bill Gates in 2003 in a video talking about population.
Institute of Population Control
Bill Gates talked about this at TED, about reducing CO2 which means killing people. Code for killing people.

12:53 PM
On that TED Talk video from years ago, Bill Gates said if we do a really good job on __________, then you know what, then we can reduce that big bad number at the end of that formula, guess what P stands for in that formula.

Years ago, it was on 60 Minutes.
Bill Gates says mothers in poorer countries should have less babies, the opposite is true. Generally, the poorer the place, the more babies they have and it is better that way. People generally have less babies in wealthier places.

04:40 PM
Sharing is caring and that includes germs.

Military plans to replace human soldiers with robots by 2030, sounds like science fiction as seen in the Terminator films and the Matrix movies to name a few. The general public are unable to see.

September of 2019.
Johns Hopkins preparing for a pandemic that sounds a lot like Covid-19.

10:00 PM
Here is part of official international governmental documents, plans, from years ago, they talked about NPI.

10:52 PM
The medical world was told they were going to need masks in 2019.
They admit in official documents it takes at least 15 years to get vlab vlab.
The bee el em made many billions of dollars.
We have to get rid of nation states they say.

11:11 PM
So many videos of people breaking into stores and stealing.
When I say people, Facebook will ban me if I told you which people.
Black people mostly.
Media is throwing drunk armed teenagers at us as a cover and attempt to throw away 2A.

Divide and conquer as they GMO us, as they geoengineer us, as they va va us, as they fry us in so many different ways at the same time, as we face a global war on top of economic depressions and much much more.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching


2021-04-12 - Monday - 01:27 AM - 02:18 AM - Pennyworth 210

Health Ranger

10:20 AM - Situation Update, April 12th, 2021 - Xylitol crystal morphology vs. 4G mobile phone energy

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


The Ralph Retort


X22 Report


Dear diary, got up at 10:05 AM, partly sunny day. Found onions, they were in the cooler in the front garage, 11:20 AM. Changed 2 spent lightbulbs in master bedroom near LMS throne. Afternoon yard work from around 1 PM to like 3:20 PM raking, shoveling, potatoes near strawberries, and edging there and around bushes and front yard driveway. Connecting hoses for raspberry garden, water turned on, hot day. Raking in the bed near raspberries. Got the 250 Iomega zip drive in the mail. Youth group each Monday normally since like March of 2019 or so from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM.

Food log
Breakfast: banana, coffee, 10:13 AM. Apple, oatmeal, 11:30 AM.
Lunch: Fruit cake, frosting, top, 12:30 PM. Salad.
Dinner: a few things around 6 PM. Apple filled something too. Soup with potatoes and meat and stuff, 10 PM.

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