When you plan - take possible Consequences, Obstacles & Twist of Fortune into account

If there's one quote my siblings and I used to love that we learned from the movie, Merlin, it's this one;

When a life is given; a life must be taken. Merlin - TV Series - 2008–2012

We were all young. We were mostly attracted to the movie because of the film tricks and special effects that made up the magical realism that the film portrayed. We couldn't help it! If you look closely, you will know that children are innocent beings and it's curiosity that makes up the larger portion of their lives. So it's only fair that we loved Merlin and we placed all series on repeat until my dad got tired of us watching it over and over again.

When you plan take possible Consequences, Obstacles & Twist of Fortune into account.png

The first time I saw the trailer for the movie, Ratched, I did not know what to make of it. I could not tell what her intentions were. Plus, movie trailers only merge scenes that will pull you in so you could be excited to see the whole thing. I was still watching one of the longest series of mine so I did not watch Ratched the first time I saw it. I added it to my list instead.

Today after carefully skimming through my list I finally settled upon that particular movie. Oh, the beginning was elusive! Filled with lots of secrets, hate, passion, and every other emotion humans could rivel up in their beings. It was amazing to lie still and watch the first episode.

Initially, I was smiling at the Lady, who went by the Name, Mildred Ratched, and how she maneuvered her way into the lives of the people she wanted to be seen with. I did not know what her end goal was. The trailer made me think it was one of those movies that tried to remind the rest of us to never believe everything we see because we barely know anyone's secrets. Believe me, I thought she did all she did in the trailer because of money, fame, and security.

So, I watched her make those quiet, well-thought-out moves with skeptical eyes. I was literally judging the character before I knew her using the short clips in the trailer. I was wrong. I shouldn't have judged Mildred by her cover or should I say the trailer?

I don't know if at some point her main aim and intentions will be revealed. Maybe it will have something to do with wealth, fame, and security as I had thought. I don't know but what I did know is that when I saw her make those moves, I did not want to write about this movie. Here we are! I am writing about it.

Why? The end of episode one brought me all the way to Merlin. I could understand her by seeing the results of her actions. As Robert Greene says, it doesn't matter if something someone who probably said they care about you brought you ruin, then, it wasn't in your best interest. Robert said and I quote;

Power is a game. It can't be repeated too often. And in games, you do not judge your opponents by their intentions but by the effects of their actions. You measure their strategy and their power by what you can see and feel. The 48 Laws of Power - Book - Robert Greene

To offer clarity on this point, he went further to ask;

What does it matter if another player, your friend or rival, intended good things and had only your interest at hearts, if the effects of his action led to do much ruin and confusion? The 48 Laws of Power - Book - Robert Greene

Robert repeated just as I said above:

It's only natural for people to cover up their actions with all kinds of justifications, always assuming that they acted out of good. The 48 Laws of Power - Book - Robert Greene

With all this, what I'm trying to say is the same thing Robert Greene said. You shouldn't always be blinded by what people say they intend to achieve by the things they do to you or other people. Instead, learn to follow the process and see where everything leads.

Clearly put;

The results of their actions

This will define what it was they really wanted to achieve and not what they say. Actions not words, is the phrase that is used to describe when someone means to do something. Less talking more acting!

To other people, Miss Mildred Ratched will be seen in a positive light; how she helped the man who had a heart attack, saving the hospital's reputation in front of the press, and making the Governor believe in Dr. Richard Hanover while making sure the head nurse was disqualified and all.

For me, I wanted to see the end game. It was at the end I realized that all of her moves were effortlessly orchestrated so she could be in charge and take care of someone whom she came to call her brother once the state brought him to the hospital to be treated before he was tried and convicted for murder.

Why then did I start this post with Merlin's quote? The reason is that Mildred had to first make someone die in order to be in a position to see that her brother lived.

It was staring at me in the face how we humans have the ability to play these power moves and make things work the way we want them to. Most people like Mildred, blackmail, save a life, kill one, and a series of other moves to arrive at our goals.

Even though a lot of people take the ugly way to achieve their dreams, what Mildred Ratched reminded us was that it doesn't matter what it is that we want, be it financial freedom or security, if we take conscious steps, never give up, grabbing opportunities by the throat as they come, nothing, except the Almighty can stop us from achieving our goals. All we have to do is plan all the way to the end.

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