Ponzi Schemes - Watch where you put your money

Isabel chewed on the inside of her left cheek, blinking her eyes slowly at Chloe who was typing away at her laptop, almost paying no attention to the blonde in front of her.
Ponzi Schemes - Watch where you put your money.png
“Can you even hear me?”

The sudden snap of the laptop caused Isabel to leap from the table, where she had hung one of her hips, in fright.

“Isabella, I do not believe in reaping where I did not sow. Besides that investment sounds like Ponzi to me.”

Isabel scrunched her nose at Chloe then headed over to Derrick who she knew would not resist her.

He had his earphones plugged like he always did, Isabel lowered herself onto his lap and took his earphones out then began her slow blinking charm on him too.

“What do you want princess?”

She took a strand of her hair and twirled it as she spoke,

“There’s this investment my friend told me about, all you have to do is get registered with 1000 dollars and you get 4000 after a week.”

“Woah!” Derrick took his face cap which he had worn backward off and rubbed at his hair. “That sounds too good to be true. What kind of investment is this again?”

She rose to pace a little before returning to sit on his lap,

“You're investing in gold. According to him, you have to apply to the bank with proof of your citizenship and email address. You'll receive a confirmation code peculiar to you afterward, that's the code you enter into the bank website to access your cash.”

Derrick scratched his beard for a while before exhaling deeply.

“So what can I do for you princess?”

“I need a thousand bucks to get registered”

Derrick nudged her so she could allow him to get to his feet. He put his face cap back on, the right way this time,

“I don't know princess. That's a lot of money

She bowed her head and then rubbed at her eyes, trying to conjure tears. Derrick caught the meaning immediately

“I got you, don't worry” With that he plugged his earphones in, bouncing off in his usual ‘I-got-everything-under-control’ manner.

Isabel released a deep sigh as she sank into her bed.

Chloe was the most analytical of the three of them. The second but most prominent child, she was as smart as a calculator. The mere fact that Chloe thought the investment was a bad one was discouraging because everyone in the house trusted her judgment even when it turned out to be wrong. She just had a way of making whatever she said to look like the real deal, but this time, Isabel was certain she was the right one.

Derrick on the other hand was flighty-headed. He was the first child but somehow, he was comfortable with letting Chloe take on that role. He was the only one who constantly listened to her whinings which was why she knew he would give her the money.

“What are you going to do with 4 thousand bucks?” She remembered Jayden's smile when he looked down at her that night.

“I don't know. I'll save up for college I guess. Then get my mom something nice, she keeps complaining my dad never pays attention to her these days”

“Hmmm….” Jayden took her hand in his and planted a soft kiss on it. “You're a good girl, Isabel, it's a shame people hardly understand you”. She thought so too, which was why she had fallen in love with Jayden and believed him when he brought the investment offer.

By Monday when she was to receive her share of the money, she reached out to Jayden so he could derive the confirmation code, then get the money for her but his line was switched off.

Later that evening, she took a stroll over to his place to find out what was going on but it was locked.

“Hey Gary,” she called out to Jayden's old, next-door neighbor who was mowing his lawn. “Seen Jayden around?”

Gary shook his head. “Guy up and left early this morning. A couple of people been looking for him though.” He walked close to Jayden's side of the fence then added in a whisper “says he defrauded them of some money”.

Isabel held her mouth open when for the first time, Derrick threw a vase and marched up the stairs furiously after she told him. She had never seen him so angry. Chloe gave her the dreaded “I told you so” look and headed up after him.

Isabel sank into the sofa, tears running down her eyes. If she could turn back the hands of time, she would first take out the part where Derrick walked out on her in anger. That was more hurtful than the thousands of dollars she had lost.

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