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Go as far as you can see - When you get there you'll be able to see farther

There has to be a reason Nike chose the phrase, "Just Do it" as their marketing punchline. You already know how procrastination is often the thief of time and a lot of people will tell you to do stuff even though you don't think you are ready. It's always a bit of good advice because once you wait around until you get all the ingredients and processes right, you might never get anything done. It's a fact and of course, reality.
Go as far as you can see - When you get there you'll be able to see farther.png
It doesn't matter if you want a million dollar, you want to be the next trillionaire or you just want to start a business. Whatever it is that your goal looks and feels like, the best way to get anything done is to start from somewhere. You may not have the right amount of capital or even the training required to pull it off but you'll be surprised how the universe will align the moment you set one foot in momentum to run the race.

The truth is it's only when you have started that you'll be able to figure out where you'll go from there. You will have the chance to take whatever life throws at you at that point and turn it into a challenge that needs to be tackled with strong conviction and boldness. Life will test your stamina, a lot of things might even go wrong, but it's these things that will build you up for what's coming. If life had to give all of your dreams in a platter of gold, you would waste the opportunity to learn anything and become a master of yourself.

Speaking of mastery of oneself, while you are at it, life will also teach you that you need to tackle the boring things to be able to make any form of progress. It will not always be nice, fun, rosy, and exciting like social media claims. There will be nights you can't get home just in time for dinner with your family. There will be months of endless meetings and product testing to get the best prototype in front of your prospects. There will be lots of elevator speeches rehearsal, dismissal, and sometimes disappointment.

A lot of things and factors will test how much reaching your goals means to you. You will be torn between letting everything go and sticking around to see it through. You will meet friendly and unfriendly breeds of people. You will meet those who will take advantage of your vulnerability and those you will be able to do the same thing to. You might even have to lose a business deal, a potential investor, or a customer because of an unreliable business partner who isn't as enthusiastic as you are about your ideas.

There will be competitors who will rather see you suffer, and give up than give way for your dreams to see the light of day. And you will also be another person's competitive nightmare.

All of these will be present as you wake up every morning looking forward to the rest of the day while working on your business, passion, work, and anything else that makes your adrenaline rush. You will learn somehow not to take anything personally and how everything that goes on in the business world is fair depending on the perspective and how you choose to look at it.

Please, let me remind you that I am not trying to scare you away from making goals, failing to catch up with others, and possibly getting a breakthrough at the end of the day. I am only reminding you that it's a narrow road, sometimes the path will be lonely but if you could take a step further than the one you did yesterday, you will see farther ahead, and with the new blueprint you can work consciously into your dream life.

The first and most important thing is to take action. If you want to invest in the stocks stop wasting time and learn how the market works. If it's a business, stop waiting until you are ready or have a ton of money. If it's a career change, stop waiting until your partner decides it's the best thing to do. If it's saving money for a huge purchase don't wait until you get a raise. Even if it's buying a house of your own, start looking into outlets willing to sell and step up on your negotiating skills.

Whatever it is, start first, and you'll be surprised how quickly you will figure out the rest.

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