Everything you want in life has a price connected to it

Do you remember when I told you about Marty Barde who mentioned that, "Money is, at its essence, that measure of a man's choices"? I am sure you do.

Everything you want in life has a price connected to it.png
Today I want to remind you that all of that is true. You see even though everyone painted Blake Carrington as a bad person because of the means he resorted to making sure he places food on the table for his family and his next generation had something to hold onto after he was gone, he was merely exercising what Marty Barde said.

It turns out that everything we want has a price and no matter how we try to stifle them, it stares us in the face.

A lot of people accept to pay whatever price there is to pay as long as they get what they want. Adam Carrington is almost always ready to squash whoever stands in his way of getting what he wants. He did not mind burning his mother's face off. He did not mind killing his foster mom. He did not mind making sure Steven was admitted into a psychiatric hospital so he would be the only son by the time he showed up in Carrington Manor. He did whatever it took as long as he successfully achieved his goals...

The closest person who was able to stop some of his dubious plans in their tracks had been Amanda, a sister none of them knew existed until the very end. She had been able to drive a nut in Adam's plans, making some of them futile enough to remove him from positions of authority. Either way, Adam just like Blake is a prove that blood is thicker than water in a crazy way.

But Fallon who proves time and time again that an apple doesn't fall far from the tree once she recognizes her family traits in her bloodstream had decided to go through the right way to get what she wanted. In either case, there are always prices to pay.

For instance, to get Liam, the love of her life back after she cheated on him, she had to lose a womb, fall into a coma, and live with the realization that she would no longer be able to carry her own child except through surrogacy. I think amongst all the members of the Blake Carrington family, she had dealt with way more than the rest could handle if those blows fell on them.

The prices each of these people had to pay to attain their heights of success is something that would take more than a post to write and reveal. Each of them facing their own demons while chasing success, fame, financial independence and everything else in the beautiful package of life had to do all that it takes to get there.

For the rest of us, I wonder what we all have to do to get what we want even though I know that some people shy away from making those sacrifices depending on their limiting beliefs or the circumstances surrounding their existence.

But like Robert Greene rightly mentioned in his book, The 50th Law, shying away from taking these actions would mean remaining mediocre. It would be falling short of where you could be if you took at least one big risk or made one huge sacrifice.

You have to pay the price for the things you want and those prices sometimes will not make sense to the next person. Other times, you might dread the sacrifices you have to make because you know if you don't chase your dreams, as Asake had said in his song lyrics, no one will chase them for you.

What you love isn't what the next person loves, so you will have to do all it takes to make sure that you keep doing the things that you love and that you will do them with all of your heart.


Ozark - TV Series -2017–2022

Dynasty (TV Series 2017–2022)

The 50th Law - Book - 50 Cent and Robert Greene

Lonely at the Top - Song - Asake

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