The wonderful thing about wealth is that it's lying around waiting to be claimed

I opened my Netflix account and because I have been seeing "Dubai Bling for a while now, Netflix recommended other genres of movies completely related to fame, riches, and flaunting. That means I wasn't surprised to see Bling Empire: New York staring at me. I did not intend to watch it but I thought I should stick around and see the preview. I was hoping it would be convincing enough to motivate me to add to my list. Of course, it was.

The wonderful thing about wealth is that it's lying around waiting to be claimed.png
The preview made me feel as though this time I wouldn't be watching people who have money but seem to have a lot of time on their hands to gather around each other just to get into fights and malice. This one looks really different. I have a good feeling there will be better things to learn from this particular movie than the Dubai Bling I saw a few days ago. I am beginning to get tired of that movie. I feel as though it's a waste of time and data because the actions and everything they were doing was mostly making me feel numb and dumb instead of teaching me something.

This is why I am hoping this new recommendation will do better and bring lots of lessons to the table.

If you must know, the preview did come with something I could talk about which is the essence of this post.

I saw a young lady talk about her past, present, and future in a few clips. She mentioned that she had a rich dad. He had a business and they were privileged to do those exclusive things that people with money often have access to. And it was good while it lasted until everything changed. Her dad cut her off. Initially, I thought maybe it was because his business got shut down. But when she said the dreaded phrases that rich kids from well-to-do families throw around, "cut me off", I felt there was more to it than dad running into financial crisis.

The preview of course did not have the time to share the details since Netflix picked a few scenes that could be the difference between getting views and not getting views. So I guess to have my answer I have to watch the whole thing.

However, after she mentioned being cut off and no longer accessing money from her dad's side she said something that made her believe this movie would be different. Unlike other spoilt children who would stay put and fight their parents for taking away their privilege, she did not. She welcomed the new development. She kept her head high, went into fashion and became an influencer. According to her, at that point, she was doing well. She was earning her own money. And she did not need to rely on Dad anymore for the things she needed.

But this isn't the part that struck me. It was ending. She said, once the realization hit her that things had changed, she had to become financially independent. She needed to learn to rely on herself and not anyone else to get by. It was difficult for her. But at that point, she had to get things done.

It's a miracle if you learn how important being financially independent is. However, the most amazing part is fully recognizing that you can't be financially independent if you don't get things done. As she said, at that point, no one had to tell her she needed to think for herself and make sure that every step of the way, she was doing what she had to do to become financially independent. Every goal, every milestone, would be channeled towards not being in a position where another person cuts her off and her life becomes difficult. She would make sure that perhaps she wouldn't experience that cycle anymore. She might do it so her children wouldn't experience it. She may have different reasons which I would find out by the time I see the whole thing.

The most important thing is that she recognizes the role of working towards her goals and getting things done.

A lot of people know that they want to get rich. They desire it. They dream about it. They imagine it. They are convinced wealth would look good on them. But they shy away from "putting in the work" part.

Like Richard Templar said in his book, The Rules of Wealth,

Most people are too lazy to be rich. They may say they want to be, but they don't. The Rules of Wealth - Book - Richard Templar

And this is obvious because they forget that

They have to wake up early, work hard all day, and go to bed working on their wealth objectively. The Rules of Wealth - Book - Richard Templar

They prefer to wait around for the lottery, jackpots, big prizes, and sudden inheritance while they forget that even though a lot of people get these things, the odds that it's going to happen to them are very slim.

Wealth comes to those who seek it out I assume. If one decides they want to be financially independent, like the girl acknowledged in that movie, they need to get things done. Sacrifices will be made. Effort and focused work has to be put into anything they are doing with the aim of building wealth.

In Richard Templar's words,

The wonderful thing about wealth is that it's lying around waiting to be claimed. The Rules of Wealth - Book - Richard Templar

And the ones who claim them are those who are willing to get things done.


Dubai Bling - Movie - TV Series- 2022

Bling Empire: New York - TV Series - 2023

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