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Business is a team sport - The person with the best team wins!

It was the dumbest thing Antonio had heard in his 15 years as a Financial officer. Not even in his 3 years as a Chief financial officer.


When Tribett took over the company from his stroke-suffering uncle, Antonio knew it was going to be a disaster. Tribett didn't even have an eye for business. All he knew was putting on fancy shoes and three-piece designer suits. But there was nothing he could do now. Tribett was his boss and he needed to say “Yes sir” to retain his job even when Tribett was asking them to open their company for just anyone to invest in.

“Strangers would have a part in this company all in the name of an Initial public offering

“Antonio for the umpteenth time, this is the trend. I learned from a good friend of mine that this is going to create awareness for the new stock of toys our creative team has just designed. It's a fast approach….”

“You see, in business, cutting corners only lands one in trouble. Mr Tribett, this is not a good plan.”

Tribett rose, taking the squishy round ball he was fond of,

“I heard this would make our stocks available for trading on a stock exchange. It's good for business, I'll get the management team ready.”

With that, he walked out leaving Antonio to rub hard at his temples.

“Oh, this is amazing! The creative team would be so excited”

Abigail was one narrow-minded person that Antonio resented. He had worked with Chief operating officers over time and the fact that Tribett promoted a lady who had worked with them for just three years didn't sit well with him. No wonder she was so excited.

When Tribett called for a management meeting, Antonio adjusted his tie, ready to convince the other parties that the plan was not concrete enough and could make them lose their jobs.

“We're comfortable with the 6 private investors we have. This company is one of the best in the toy industry. Do we still need to pitch our company out to strangers?”

There was silence in the meeting room as a couple of eyes merely stared at Antonio. He looked at George Brownson, the African-American Chief marketing officer but there was no sign of concurrence.

“I believe an IPO is good for all of us”

“Oh great” Antonio muttered under his breath as Abigail rose.

“Mr. Tribett, this makes a whole lot of sense and promises to be good for the company. I think we should reach out to our Underwriter and ask them to help us reach out to prospective investors. Then we could involve the press as well…”

“Yes, Miss Abigail. What we need is to organize a Roadshow. I've been in one so I know what it entails.”

There was this smile on Mr. Tribett’s face that caused Antonio's blood to boil like broth. If only he knew how much he was detested, he wouldn't dare grin with all his dentition.

“Mr Antonio, we would need you to meet with the Underwriter to determine the offer price so that we know if this is going to be a success or not. This may not sit well with you, but we need you to understand that this is for good, and it's for all of us.” George Brownson said.

He wasn't going to suppress his insolence this time around. He knew Tribett didn't like him, he didn't like Tribett either, but going against his professional advice was something else. Humiliating him like that before his colleagues and making them seem smarter.

He was going to teach Tribett a lesson. This company was his even more than it was Tribett's because he was the one who labored, invested blood and sweat, to ensure that the financial state of the company held for fifteen years, while Tribett was busy sailing the African continent, collecting sea shells and pretending to be taking the MBA exams.

He was barely seated in his office when someone came to knock on his office door.

“Mr. Tribett wants you in his office now.”

He adjusted his tie and then took the elevator.

“Antonio, you're a hard worker but we cannot let your old-fashioned ways obstruct our technological advancements. I wouldn't want to relieve you of your duties so I will transfer you to work with a good friend of my father…..”

He didn’t hear the rest. It was like a dream, he was going to lose everything. The name, his dream job, his place as CFO. He was going to plead but Tribett said,

“Amanda is going to be the next CFO and she will be in charge of the IPO. I believe you have trained her well.”

That was the last thing he heard before he passed out.

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