Creative Monopoly - Significance of discovering new secrets in business

It was the first time I read a book that I thought I wouldn't completely agree with everything the author said. I wanted to pick a few lessons and dump the rest. In fact, I stopped reading at some point, I did not want to hear any more of what he wanted to say. Maybe I was not ready to hear the truth or maybe it's because it went against everything I have learned over the years. But I do know that if an opportunity presents itself, I might fall back on his ideas and utilize them. For now, I felt like allowing them to take a back seat until I was ready.

Creative monopoly - Significance of discovering new secrets in business.png

Business, as I have come to know is operated like War. Building a company means beating your competition and taking the spotlight from everyone else in the industry. Spotlight could mean more clients for you and less for your competitors, more funding, and more of everything for you.

I agreed with his idea of monopoly and how companies find a way to keep a share of the market to themselves but I tried to resist the fact that he said we shouldn't compete for these limited resources we've all come to see. The truth is if you don't do it, another person will do the best thing you can do is go all in and do it.

Oh no! I am ranting. Forgive me. This is not exactly what I wanted to do. I thought I would find a way to introduce you to Go A-In, who had a career in an advertising agency. This is an agency where people do all they can to get to the top and crush the rest of the people below them. Yet, a certain author claims we should turn a blind eye to the fact that running a business should be operated like War.

For someone out there, they might get angry if they read this book too because we are taught to run businesses like War. Our perimeters must be protected. Our competitions should always be thrown off the scents. We ought to lead them far enough in the wrong direction, envelope them in the smokescreen, and watch them take the bait while we stand back and win. Every customer, every client, every prospective investor, and every staff needs to be convinced to be a part of the team, a part of the revolution through careful and strategic planning.

Anyone who fails to plan, they say, plans to fail. If businesses were not operated in this manner then everyone would have had a spot in the market. But society has become so lazy about finding those secrets that would make them stand out that they are content with copying the next working strategy.

Oh my goodness, I am beginning to sound like the author I said I did not want to agree with.

Hold on! It's making sense now. Copying the next person's strategy only gives us a bunch of copycats and no innovations. There doesn't seem to be anything new. Everyone just goes with what's trending until the bubble bursts.

But once an entrepreneur decides and is committed to finding newer and fresh secrets, he will be able to monopolize a certain segment of the market from prying eyes and go full pocket with his profits.

The outstanding yet unnoticeable factor in having lots of companies who are doing similar things open up is that there will be fewer profits. And less profits means, not being able to keep the lights in your office on for long. It means getting out of business as soon as you got in because you do not have enough net revenue to sort basic bills, and still stay above water. It means less impact on the wider world. But the company that finds the most secrets keeps the lights on longer than the rest. Why? This is because

In business, money is either an important thing or it is everything

To be able to move past your competition does not always mean trying to crush them. No! As it stands, I have been recently made to understand that we can have a creative monopoly. This means coming up with newer ideas and newer products that are beneficial to everyone and at the same time produce sustainable profits for the creator.


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