'Take The Red Pill' Books – Chapters & Thread Links

Here are the links to a couple of books I wrote a few years back, and shared on Leo/Hive recently…

The chapters were all posted in the ToMastery Community, and this summary will go in the LeoBooks Community. It will act as an easy reference for myself and anyone else interested, along with link back and forth - and updated - as the years go by.

As for future books etc, there were aspects that were started and more that I may do going forward. I might also change the 'branding'/naming as the whole Matrix/red pill thing has been done to death now and not always used positively. We'll see.

Anyway, here are all the chapters (and associated Threads) of the first 2 books posted on InLeo

Take the Red Pill, Quit the Quo

Book written by Adam Barratt, 2011

Chapter 1: The Status Quo | Thread

An introduction to our foe!

Chapter 2: Who Am I? | Thread

A little more info on the writer of this book, and what we are about.

Chapter 3: The Dream Chasing Paradox | Thread

The painful Catch-22 that needs to be overcome.

Chapter 4: And… Action! | Thread

“Do the thing and you will have the power” ~ Emerson

Chapter 5: Decisions, Decisions | Thread

Don't be an ass! ;) The importance of definite decision.

Chapter 6: Priorities | Thread

Discover them, make them and follow through on them.

Chapter 7: Discipline, Attitude & Patience | Thread

DAP – an acronym for three of the most important factors for success.

Chapter 8: Persistence | Thread

Keep on keeping on! The inevitable results of never giving up.

Chapter 9: Fear of Criticism | Thread

Do your own thing, cut out the chumps!

Chapter 10: Kaizen | Thread

Cultivating continuous improvement.

Chapter 11: Blue Pill Heads & The Not Much Crowd | Thread

The Pro-Quo Brigade!

Chapter 12: Karma | Thread

What goes around does indeed come around. The chickens always come home to roost. Reap what you sow and all that.

Chapter 13: Rally Call & Final Word | Thread

Closing thoughts, let's do this!

Taking the Red Pill – The Next Level

Book written by Adam Barratt, 2012

Chapter 1: Now Where Were We? | Thread

We pick up where we left off in the first book and continue onwards on our jolly juggernaut!

Chapter 2: Routines & Habits | Thread

My thoughts and how best to use them to your advantage.

Chapter 3: Perfectionism Plague | Thread

We discuss this cheeky progress stifler and ways to beat it.

Chapter 4: Gossips & Whingers | Thread

The bane of mine and your life… remove and destroy!

Chapter 5: Gratitude & Reframing | Thread

Appreciating what you have and framing all that happens positively.

Chapter 6: Fear Fairies | Thread

Once again, we tackle the subject of fear, an all too important subject. “The only thing to fear is fear itself” ~ Franklin D Roosevelt

Chapter 7: Simplify, Minimise, Zen | Thread

Minimise you life to the maximum! Simplify, become Zen, om ;)

Chapter 8: You're Not Normal | Thread

You and I are 'different'. Embrace and celebrate!

Chapter 9: Closing | Thread

Final thoughts and next phase…

Thanks for reading!
Adam @adambarratt

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