Blue Pill Heads & The Not Much Crowd – Chapter 11: Take the Red Pill, Quit the Quo

So, we are taking the red pill. Like in the Matrix movie when Neo was offered the red pill to go on the ride of his life, get out of the matrix and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes, or take the blue pill and return to ‘normality’. We are most definitely taking the red pill… in fact we are red pill fiends.

But there are those people who have quite clearly taken the blue pill and continue to do so. The pro-quo brigade, affectionately known as the ‘blue pill heads’. We’re not talking Viagra here (at least that may spur them on to some sort of action), no, the hypothetical matrix blue pill. They’re addicts on a constant drip of this stuff.

To be fair, they probably haven’t chosen it, they’ve just gone onto this course by default… natural conditioning has led them down this path and they have simply continued without question or any deep thought.


The properties of the blue pill are deep and powerful and can quite easily snuff out the effects of the red pill, not least because of the sheer volume of people on this and the conditioning that comes with it. Symptoms include: Preserving the status quo, not thinking for themselves, doing what they’re told, not daring to dream.

I like to think of the ‘pro-quo brigade’ to be the enforcers and perpetuators of the discussed status quo. The people at the top so to speak, with the most influence making it all run smoothly and ‘blue pill heads’ are more the underlings, the subservient drones that mindlessly nod and plod along without thought or question.

The ‘not much’ crowd is a concept I heard talked about years ago by an American entrepreneur called Mike Litman. It’s essentially where you see someone you haven’t seen for a while, maybe in the street, and you say “hey, what you been up to?” or similar and they say something like “not much”.

No excited stories or plans, no update on how they’re powering their lives forward… just a standardised, not much, pretty much the same as when you last saw me, each day repeats itself kind of thing. Another one I’ve heard is “same old” or “same shit, different day”. Terrible.

So, try and avoid being one of these or associating with people who are. Those in the Blue Pill Head and Not Much Crowd can stay there if they like and probably don’t realise they are or worse still actually celebrate that they are. I’m sure you’ve heard people say things like “I haven’t got a life” and “I’m so boring” almost like it’s ok… but it is ok as that is just how they want it. We don’t.


Traveler Vs Non Traveler

I have seen and heard this conversation played out many times. I have discussed this concept with people and is something that fascinates me a little. It’s the differences in attitudes and mindsets and that underlying worldview of how life should and shouldn’t be lived. A blue pill head staunchly defending their territory and their conditioned way of life. And someone taking the red pill, or at least trying, maybe taking a little nibble at it to see how it goes with the possibility of more adventures.

At a previous job (office work, one of the better ones, in fact ‘good’ by normal standards but still not the one), I was sat opposite a ‘regular’ guy. He was a nice guy, normal run of the mill character. He did his job, I think he had a girlfriend/wife and maybe a kid. He bustled along doing what needed to be done and just ticked along.

That’s all absolutely fine, no problems there, up to him. A girl went and sat next to him and I couldn’t help overhearing (because I was eavesdropping) her talk about going to Australia.

Now, she didn’t have a concrete plan. She new some people there I think, she would of course meet people, she had a visa sorted and could quite easily obtain any work (being English speaking, language would not have been a barrier so she could have walked into a similar job she was doing back home amongst many other things.) She wasn’t sure of the length of stay at this time and was going to go with the flow.

Perfect, I thought… get out and do it, I thought… should be doing that myself, I thought. Not so our friendly BPH.

Why would you do that?
That doesn’t sound like a plan
You’ll have to start again at square one when you come back
You will have wasted your time there

A crazy reaction, and you can see what people are up against.


Now, I got the impression she wasn’t a seasoned campaigner, so this was probably one of her first forays into the world of adventure. Fortunately, the ticket was booked and she was going. It may have put a few doubts in her mind but it was already in motion. I hope she would have spoken to like minded people after about her plans and they will have built back up the excitement that she would have had. I also think she was new to this as she didn’t defend herself and her plans as vehemently as the hard-core would.

But to be fair, the hard-core wouldn’t be having a discussion with these people (other than for their own entertainment) and would simply be getting on having fun lives. She was backing herself up but was almost apologetic and she didn’t have all the answers. Even though I hardly knew these 2 characters I was very close to popping my head up and giving my 2 cents - “you go for it girl!” would have been the starter.

Like I say, the guy was a good guy. He didn’t mean any harm. No malice there. He thought that that’s the way things are. She is going to have the time of her life. In a year's time she may be back, she may get a similar job and carry on where she left off.

Apart from the obvious benefits of traveling and visiting a great country, it may take her life on a completely different course and she will have met people and had experiences that she would never have had just strolling through this small city in Devon.

You Weren't There Man

Another example of great quotes and attitude. Another place I worked (again a ‘decent’ admin based job but essentially a part of the living dead apart from the women's institute gossip corners that seemed to be prevalent… seriously, an efficiency and productivity coach would have a field day and could save millions for places like the NHS, but I digress) I heard some intriguing conversations.


In the process of my work I would be in a position to pick up on some of the exchanges of our department. We had someone working on the ‘front desk’ of this staff only department. We’ll call him Chris. Partly because that was his name. Now Chris was disabled (probably still is I should imagine). Cerebral Palsy I think, effected his walking and speech. He had a very quick mind and wit but it took its time to come out.

He was perfect entertainment for me as I sometimes used the photocopier near his desk and watched all the comings and goings. His interactions with people were legendary and I won’t go into them here, perhaps another time.

I say entertainment… not because of his disability, I wasn’t laughing at him, but very much with him. His disability is largely irrelevant to this story but despite this handicap he was quite active and participated in many organised holidays across the world amongst other things.

These weren’t just run of the mill package holidays, they were various adventure excursions (and I don’t think they were ‘specialist’ as such, I think they catered for all people). They took him to far flung places like Asia, South America and a lot of Europe etc and included various excursions and activities, off the beaten track and experiencing the culture.

I actually think some of these are a bit of a rip-off but the sentiment is there and is good to go on something organised if you need that support. Hey, it’s better than not doing it but if you would like to start a business this could be a lucrative one. Just saying.

So sometimes he would be away for a few days or weeks. We would help cover the desk he vacated. People would often ask as to his whereabouts and some of the small minded responses were simply phenomenal.


One of these said forays was to Vietnam. A great country and worthy of a visit for sure…

People had reactions along the lines of:

What would you want to go there for?

And my ultimate favourite of all time:

Isn’t there a war there?

No hint of irony. You couldn’t write this stuff.

This enlightened being was heading to Lanzarote for a week. Apparently they went a couple of years back and liked it so are returning to the same place. Fair enough, but perhaps not for them to comment on the more adventurous.

There is a definite divide in people’s attitudes, conditioning and outlook on life. This is both fascinating and disturbing. It can provide great entertainment for people like myself and others similar. I don’t want to change these people as they provide a service (making me laugh is good and you don’t want everyone to be the same as it detracts from what you’re doing) but at the same time I hope they don’t influence the psyche too much of the people who are open to something a little bit more special and exploring.

Get out and do it would be my advice. If you don’t want my advice, get out and do it anyway. And if you don’t want to… well don’t, go and watch BBC 'News' or such like and let it tell you what to do and think. Keep to your bubble of what is ‘normal’… but let the free spirits be exactly that and flourish.

An oft used quote apt for our purposes:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain

With all that said, we take a look at Karma next…

Take the Red Pill, Quit the Quo

Book written by Adam Barratt, 2011

Chapter 1: The Status Quo
Chapter 2: Who Am I?
Chapter 3: The Dream Chasing Paradox
Chapter 4: And… Action!
Chapter 5: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 6: Priorities
Chapter 7: Discipline, Attitude & Patience
Chapter 8: Persistence
Chapter 9: Fear of Criticism
Chapter 10: Kaizen
Chapter 11: Blue Pill Heads & The Not Much Crowd
Chapter 12: Karma
Chapter 13: Rally Call & Final Word

Taking the Red Pill – The Next Level

Book written by Adam Barratt, 2012

Chapter 1: Now Where Were We?
Chapter 2: Routines & Habits
Chapter 3: Perfectionism Plague
Chapter 4: Gossips & Whingers
Chapter 5: Gratitude & Reframing
Chapter 6: Fear Fairies
Chapter 7: Simplify, Minimise, Zen
Chapter 8: You're Not Normal
Chapter 9: Closing

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