Rally Call & Final Word – Chapter 13: Take the Red Pill, Quit the Quo

Rally Call!

Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Make a stand, make a difference. In a way not doing something good is almost as bad as doing something bad. Sure, the bad person is actively doing a bad thing which is obviously wrong. But the ‘good’ person who is meekly hiding away in the background sickens me even more.

They don’t want to rock the boat, they want a quiet, easy life. But they’re not really helping… other than keeping the way things are, the way things are. A lot of which is just wrong to say the least. They’re weak sheep.

Perhaps it’s time to step up to the plate and if something is wrong, put it right. Use your influence and your brain power for something better. I like people who stand up for what is right even if it may make them look bad. They are the people who I respect the most. The people who don’t are the people I have the least respect for.


These may well be good, nice people but, come on, enough is enough, get with the program. I’m not talking about kicking off or fighting for the sake of it, I don’t believe in that at all.

What I’m saying is, do it intelligently, in a relaxed manner, lead by example, influence those who want to be, put aside those who don’t want to play ball, they will be shown the way eventually, or perhaps not.

I have a couple of favourite quotes that sum up this point:

The only thing that evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke


The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict - Martin Luther King Jr

Powerful quotes, worth pondering.

Final Word…

So, there you have it. I will be expanding on all these topics and more on the blog and in future reports, audios and videos. As and when I improve this book, whether I add or edit content or improve the design, I will let you know so that you have the most up to date version.

There will be an audio version of the book coming very soon and I will let you know when it is ready. I will also be producing videos in due course based on the book but expanding, delving deeper and offering far more, perhaps like a webinar (online seminar).

In theory you are subscribed to the blog as you have this report but you may well have received the link from someone… in which case I urge you to go to the blog and subscribe so you can stay in the loop and you don’t miss out on anything… I can assure you there is much in the pipeline.

Also, feel free to pass this book on. Send the link to friends, family and associates if you think they might appreciate or get something out of it… and urge them to subscribe and become part of our tribe of forward thinking doers.

If I had listened to the crowd I would have missed so much and not have been presented with the opportunities I have. Internet marketing, working abroad and much more. I would be sat in essentially a mundane dead end job with some prospects but stuck in a system I don’t want to be a part of. This having a knock-on effect on my life, mildly depressed and unfulfilled, energyless.

But doing it my way I have worked better places, added a little variety and then weasled my way towards my dream of working abroad, becoming a successful online marketer, writer and being financially free along with a buzz and contentment that comes with finding and following your calling.

It’s a process of refinement.

I have wider worldwide contacts and more exciting opportunities as well as growing far more, increasing my value and my wisdom and passing that onto those whom I have met and will meet. I’m certainly glad I did it my way. And the best is yet to come.

This is of course good for me. I’m going in the right direction and you can too. It depends what you really want.


You can live your life however you want, by all means stay in the system I’m so eagerly fighting away from if that’s what you want… but the options are there if not. You can think a little bit more freely, follow your heart and live your dream, whatever that may mean to you. I can help you… or I can at least try.

I took on the chin my apparent outward ‘lack of success’ and forewent the payoff and social kudos in exchange for the higher plane of the future bigger and worthwhile success I was envisaging. I’m not there yet but am well on my way and have the right attitude and plans in place… just a case of bringing it home.

For me and for those I hope to attract to my blog and future exploits, it’s about freedom. Travel, adventure, fun, laughter, growing, improving, awakening, financial security, health, energy. Sounds like a lark right? Why not… why not indeed.

It wasn’t easy though. It still isn’t. Through switching jobs, forays abroad etc lies an uncertainty. Times when money is a concern amongst other things. This can make you down and drain you from the mission to go for what it is you’re striving for. But that’s the difference. That’s the pay off you get when you accept what life is throwing you and do as everyone else is doing as well as telling you to do.

Security, comfort zone, steady income, stable home, knowledge of how your life will pan out today, tomorrow, next week and next year. This can be a great pay-off, things won’t be spectacular but you know where you are… you give up and fit in… or sell out.

It’s also known as boring.

But that’s where that burning desire for so much more kicks in. It’s still raging quietly even when it’s been pissed on, it still simmers and when the time comes it can erupt into a blazing inferno.

That’s the way it was (is) for me. For me it’s too late… I couldn’t actually sell out and go against my beliefs (not for any length of time anyway) even if I wanted to as it just isn’t possible now… I’ve come too far. I’m being pushed by something far greater than ‘myself’.

There will be pitfalls, challenges, obstacles, ‘failures’, setbacks and all the rest of those great things but each one will help us emerge stronger on our journey. And it is a journey folks. Lets enjoy the ride, do what we want to do, in the right manner and collectively go forward, push boundaries, and conquer new frontiers.

Join me. Work with your heart’s desires and with the universe. There are indisputable universal laws at work at all times whether you like it or not. Learn to flow with them rather then against them and you will come through. Do it for yourself, your family, your friends, your kids, your peace of mind and personal enlightenment.

As mentioned, there is more to come, much more. I’m thinking of making these reports into a series that when put together will give the whole picture and enable you to achieve the objects of your desires. Not only elaborating on the principles in this book but also more actionable steps, the spiritual journey as well as travel and adventure tips, advice, info and inspiration.

All these pieces of the jigsaw will form a powerful manifesto and blueprint you can follow and aid you along your journey. Then off the back of those reports I will produce an audio version and videos which will cover the book as well as expand on it.

Ultimately I have far too much to say and couldn’t put it all in this one book. I wanted it to be short enough to be read in one sitting and not too heavy going. But it gives a good grounding for anyone who wants to wander down this road or improve their lot or even just a little curious as to the possibilities that could exist.

I have left quite a bit out. I started writing several chapters but haven’t completed them. I wanted to get this initial book out before procrastinating for too long - you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

I could be forever adding chapters and sections and nothing would ever get complete… refining, editing, tweaking as I want to put my best foot forward but sometimes you just have to just freaking well get it out there and act accordingly from that point. So this is the start and I’ll follow up on the rest shortly.

Thanks for reading. If you’ve read the whole thing then all power to you. I appreciate it and I hope you have gained something. Maybe a little more energised, positive or at least questioning things. I hope I’ve inspired you to strive for a little more and to pass on that ‘vibe’ to others. We can make a difference. We will make a difference. Ultimately it’s down to you.

Do what you want to do, and be who you want to be.


Not sure where I first saw this, but seems apt to finish…

I heard a very interesting story somewhere once: It was about this eagle that had to lay its egg near a chicken community for some reason. Maybe it was in danger or it was injured or something. This egg was hatched by the chickens and the eagle baby started growing up in the chicken community. Although it looked a little different, everyone thought that it's just a little different looking ‘chicken’. And life went on. It would go looking for throwaways and seeds and grains everyday with the other chickens and come back home in the evening back to the lair.

One day while it was as usual searching for food with its ‘family’, the eagle baby suddenly noticed a large bird flying high above in the sky with its wings wide open. The baby was awestruck, it asked a fellow chicken what that was and the chicken replied "That's an Eagle! The king of all birds." The baby asked "Can I fly like that also?" And the reply was "Of course not idiot! We are chickens remember? Our wings are not strong enough to fly like that."

The eagle baby understood, but somehow somewhere deep inside it felt a strong urge to see the world, to fly high above, to soar bravely on the eternal winds of change. It felt sad wondering why it had to be born as a ‘chicken’? Why couldn't it be just born like an eagle so it could fly like that? As it wondered all those things, the eagle baby sighed deeply and went back to looking for grains.

And finally, from the book Tribes written by Seth Godin:


We’ll speak again soon but in the mean time remember…

Follow your heart, live your truth!

Onwards to Book 2, where we continue our quest

Take the Red Pill, Quit the Quo

Book written by Adam Barratt, 2011

Chapter 1: The Status Quo
Chapter 2: Who Am I?
Chapter 3: The Dream Chasing Paradox
Chapter 4: And… Action!
Chapter 5: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 6: Priorities
Chapter 7: Discipline, Attitude & Patience
Chapter 8: Persistence
Chapter 9: Fear of Criticism
Chapter 10: Kaizen
Chapter 11: Blue Pill Heads & The Not Much Crowd
Chapter 12: Karma
Chapter 13: Rally Call & Final Word

Taking the Red Pill – The Next Level

Book written by Adam Barratt, 2012

Chapter 1: Now Where Were We?
Chapter 2: Routines & Habits
Chapter 3: Perfectionism Plague
Chapter 4: Gossips & Whingers
Chapter 5: Gratitude & Reframing
Chapter 6: Fear Fairies
Chapter 7: Simplify, Minimise, Zen
Chapter 8: You're Not Normal
Chapter 9: Closing

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2 columns
1 column