
Hello, friends.


This year, the fruits began to ripen surprisingly early. But vegetables, on the contrary, are not in a hurry.
We usually start eating apples around August 20. This year, I ate my first apple on July 25! A whole month earlier than usual!

Yesterday we made a charlotte from apples. But I didn't have time to take a picture of it. I managed to try just one small piece.
But I seem to have already written that in fact this year's apple harvest is very small. This year, the apple trees will rest and give a big harvest next year.
There was a time when neighbors gave us apples for free in large quantities so that we could feed them to piglets.
By the way, these apples have black seeds. This indicates that they are fully mature.
But our region is considered a zone of risky farming. Even our tomatoes do not ripen completely on the root.
The climate is changing. In reality, it is getting warmer on Earth, but at the same time it is colder. For a week now, the temperature at night is no higher than 10 degrees Celsius and this afternoon it was +27

It's time to think about the approach of winter. I will go on vacation tomorrow until August 10, and then I have to think about the winter, prepare some firewood. I have firewood from last year. And I hope that this winter the gas boiler will already work.

I add my beloved @archon community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.

I add my beloved @ru-trail community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.


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