Beer Tasting: Tektonik's ฤŒehur and Raschhofer Das Zwickl

Hello, beer tasters! ๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿป

How are you? I know, we would all like to see beer flowing in streams, but that's not the case. Lucky we have #beersaturday, a legal excuse drinking beer :) ๐Ÿ˜


The Christmas holidays are fast approaching but there are many restrictions here due to the pandemic. There will be no big celebrations. Just limited, in the family circle. It is probably the same elsewhere.
In our country, they have now started (or so I hear and see through the mainstream media) mobile vaccination campaigns all over the country, day and night. What do I know, if they had read this meme below, the pandemic would have been quickly solved. :)


Well, as I mentioned before, in fact, you saw in the first photo, I have two beers to taste today. I put them among the spices (because beer is also used in cooking, for goulash, skew, and so on) and I'm going to present them in the BEER community. As usual, first the one with less alcohol.

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Tektonik's ฤŒehur


Brewed by Tektonik Craft Brewery, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.2 % ABV.
This is Czech pilsner, the latest beer from this Slovenian craft brewery. Last week I tasted Bombaลก (Bomber), which was very tasty, and I would really like to know what this one is like, made according to a Czech recipe.


The beer is bright orange in color, although unfiltered it's very clear with a solid head that quickly disappears. It smells of something but I don't know what, I can't pinpoint the smell.
The sip goes down the throat smoothly, the hop bitterness is still quite pronounced, I can taste hay and grass next to it.


A fresh, drinkable, and bitter lager. I'd love to have another. But it has nothing to do with Czech lagers, I think. It's more to do with German ones.
I really have no other comments. Since it is available, it is possible that some more will end up in my fridge.

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Is it time for another meme? Of course! :)


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Raschhofer Das Zwickl


Brewed by Braurerei Raschhofer, Altheim, Austria. Bottle, 0.33 l, alcohol 5.4% ABV.
It's Zwickl style beer, which means that's unfiltered and unpasteurized German beer style. The brewers say:

Zwickl beer. Of course, because it's cloudy! We are a small brewery, where our family has been brewing beer with love, care, and patience for 10 generations. Enjoy our unfiltered delicacy!

Of course, I will try to enjoy it. After all, I am a beer taster! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Beer is cloudy orange in color, the foam is average, maybe a little creamier. I didn't smell anything. It flows smoothly down the throat, I can taste the sweetness of the malt, the bitterness is average and more in the background. A little taste of caramel and wild herbs. Slightly bitter and spicy in the aftertaste but it passes quickly.


OK beer. It is a drinkable beer, but it doesn't stand out in any way. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. Nothing. Of course, I'd have another one if I had one :)

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And what am I listening to as I write this? Nothing from my yesterday #newtunes post, but something older. Rock, of course :)

Killing Joke - Eighties

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More stories about beers?

2017 ๐Ÿป 2018 ๐Ÿป 2019 ๐Ÿป 2020

Tektonik Bombaลก & Mohren Brรคu Spezial, Stiegl Hell & Vizir ฤŒrnFest APA, Wieninger Lausbua & Pinzga' Phรถnix, STEAM Wiener Lager and Rieder IPA, Perlenzauber Hopfen Weisse and Atlantik-Ale, Silberpfeil Pale Ale & Bura Hurricane IPA, Old Franz IPA and Bewog Hagger, or take a look at my post Landgang Pils and Perlenzauber IPA, there are links to 2021 beer tastings!

Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


Take a look into Beer Community
if you want to read more Beer adventures.

And if you want to share your beer experience,
send the story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

BEER token is ready for you, too :)

Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

btw: There's two BEER Games in town:


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5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@hive-187719).

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