A Halo of Thorns 12- Microfiction in the Age of the Coronavirus

At 5:29 AM July 16, 1945 the human race became star makers. That is to say, we managed to replicate the nuclear processes taking place in stars like our own sun. The only problem is that the surface of a type-g planet is not the ideal place to set up star-making factories, aka Nuclear Reactors. Fukushima and Chernobyl are perfect reminders.

We have now jumped to a new stage in our development as a species. The origins of the virus are still up for debate. Some say that it was a natural jump from one species to another. While others say it could have come from a lab. In other words, it's artifical in origin. The key thing to notice in this argument is that nobody disputes our ability to manipulate genetic code and thus alter our fundamental biological functions. Not only is this type of work possible, but it is indeed an active area of research. In other words, we are not just life givers, but life makers. Species hackers. And for that reason, this virus is not just a health hazard but a warning and a sign that humanity has been put on notice.


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