A Halo of Thorns 8- Microfiction in the Age of the Coronavirus

Just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean you can't enjoy some of the finer things in life. As part of my preparations for the eventual shit-storm looming over the horizon, I purchased a couple of cans of Turkish coffee. I've developed a taste for it, and for its companion the Turkish delight.


The funny thing is that every drink and every bite that I take feels as if it's my last. What if this pandemic gets out of hand even more so than it already is? Some mutation or other unknown factor could cause the equivalent of a cytokine storm in the nervous system of the planet. No more internet. No more Amazon. No more Turkish delight. Somber thoughts indeed! But I'm an optimist and know that we will science the shit out of the coronavirus. So, I sit back, look at the sky, and sip from my dainty cup.

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