A Halo of Thorns 10- Microfiction in the Age of the Coronavirus

Who says you can't be a little naughty in the apocalypse? Yes, I know I'm supposed to eat healthy meals. I knew, however, that if there ever was a city-wide lockdown, I would be craving many things. For example, I'm right now craving a juicy hamburger with fries and cold beer at my favourite diner downtown. In preparation, I tried to imagine what sort of things I would crave in isolation. I purchased a few items that were less than healthy but could provide me with a psychological boost. Potato chips for instance. Bad for your body, but a joy to munch on in times of duress.

Another guilty pleasure of mine: Noodles with egg, spices, and water. That's it. Cooking requires no over-complicated procedure. The most difficult part is taking out the slippery noodles without poking holes in the soft poached egg. The taste, I imagine, is not for everyone. I can best describe it as dripping hot seafood juices on your tongue. It's gustatory bio-chemical abuse. Yet, oh so delightful!



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