A Halo of Thorns 9- Microfiction in the Age of the Coronavirus

I swear even the mandarins are conspiring against me and reminding me that we're not in Kansas anymore. Has every thought and deed become colored with the palette of the coronavirus? Moments of silence suddenly broken by the scream of sirens echoing across the city. An innocent sneeze as alarming as bio-terrorism. The sun falling on the cherry blossoms a reminder of our isolation, the ghostly pleasure of things past. We were innocent back then. Oh yes, we had gone through world wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other catastrophes. But they had, for the most part, been isolated events. They happened to someone else living somewhere else. Not today. Not with this damn virus. It's truly the first time that we experience and share an existential threat together as a global community. As a species. We're only as strong as the weakest link, which in this case is the chain of transmission. To survive we must break it. Ironic isn't it? As the distance grows between us, the closer we become to one another.

Now back to the sticker on this mandarin...


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