A Halo of Thorns 11- Microfiction in the Age of the Coronavirus

It's strange to see how the walls of civilization crumble. Like a slow moving tsunami that you see coming from a distance, but cannot quite believe is real. I've seen videos of this tsunami effect happening in Indonesia. Onlookers watched as the gigantic wave approach and didn't run until it was on top of them. Bam! Slammed against a wall. When you least expect it, and sometimes even when you expect it, the waves crash right there at your doorstep. Wall street takes a dive. Food supplies are disrupted. Restaurants close. Hospitals overwhelmed. Stores boarded up. The empty streets . You're locked at home. And the ships don't arrive.

That poignant feeling is nicely captured in Ray Bradbury's prophetic short story: There Will Come Soft Rains. I won't say too much about it because it's one of those stories that you want to experience in its fullness. Suffice it to say that it left me pensive and slightly perturbed given current events. I found some copies of this short story online, but I don't know if they're legit, so I won't put them up here. Do give it a read, if you have the time. Hope you enjoy it.

And may your cup be always warm.


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