What happened to your 1,000 HP goal?


My goal this month of September is to reach 1,000 HP!

Yes, I failed to achieve my September goal. I am short of 14 HP. I need a week more to reach that 1,000 HP. The important thing is that though I failed to beat my deadline, setting such a goal at least provided me with a benchmark where I can measure my performance. Setting that goal somehow is a way of keeping myself accountable while at the same time such practice provides motivation.

Not only Power Up Day (PUD), but Power Up Month (PUM) is also a good discipline to keep Hivers focused on token accumulation. It’s good that the Lord has given me such concentration to be reminded to power up at least one Hive every day.


I love this kind of activity due to its intentionality combining it with the fun of doing it as a community project.

Today, I powered up 12 HIVE. Below is the new status of my Hive account:


DateStarting HPEnding HPHP Growth% GrowthCumulative % Growth
01 September63080017026.98%26.98%
01 October80098618623.25%56.50%

I failed to record my HP growth since March and so I decided to just start tracking my account beginning last month of September.

As I reflect on my growth, though the quantity of HIVE is small, percentage-wise I consider such 23.25% monthly growth and 56.50% cumulative increase amid a bear market very encouraging. The most important thing is the regularity of the practice.

My next target is to add another one thousand toward the 5,000 goal.

If reaching 1,000 HP took me 15 moons, I wonder how long will it take for me to achieve that second thousand.

Grace and peace!

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