🎬️ Movie: The Beekeeper from 2024 🎬️

Time for some action, it's been a long time since it's mostly been in other genres. Have seen advertising for the film and think it must be good when Jason Statham plays the lead role. This is an action-packed thriller directed by David Ayer and from 2024.😃

The film follows Adam Clay a former commandosoldier played by Jason Statham. He is sort of retired and lives as a beekeeper. When the landlord falls victim to a phishing scam, Adam takes up the hunt for the guilty to avenge her. Statham delivers solid acting performances as usual with intensity and charisma. Here is action that the man is known for, it is also a fast and exciting story, even if it may seem predictable, it is good entertainment. Visually it is also impressive with cool choreographed fight scenes and a stylish aesthetic so I give this a strong 7 for its genre.

Here is a trailer.🎬️

source: youtube.com


my reviewsscore

Hope to see you in the next post, have a great day everyone! And thank you very much for stopping by. Il be back! 😏

Sources: All images/screenshots are taken by me unless otherwise stated.

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