Movie: Retribution from 2023

Hello everyone, I saw Retribution yesterday, the film would have been better without the children in the car I think, they didn't say anything, and the acting performances from them I thought were ass. Sorry Liam Neeson I'm a fan of yours, not your fault hehe.😃

Retribution is an intense action thriller from 2023. Starring Liam Neeson, he and the children are subjected to a house threat while driving them to school. If they stop or get out of the car, it will explode. Liam Neeson delivers well as usual.

Visually, the film is good, and has a number of good twists and surprises along the way. Cool car chase scenes and with music from Hans Zimmer which I like a lot. The film is directed by Nimrod Antal and the film delivers excitement from start to finish, but the dialogue from the children in the car was too simple and at times simply stupid. They basically said nothing.. The film would have been much better without them lol. Sorry, it's a 6 from me, could have been an 8 maybe..

Here is a trailer.😃



my reviewsscore

Hope to see you in the next post, have a great day everyone! And thank you very much for stopping by. Il be back! 😏

Sources: All images/screenshots are taken by me unless otherwise stated.

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