Blockchain Poets ~ Week in Review for Oct 23 to Oct 30 ~ AMAZING Poems ~ Hive SBI Winners, PIMP winners, too

Here are the poems published to Blockchain Poets for the week of Oct 23–Oct 30. Let’s have a look at the poems then we will get down to the contest winner.

This Week’s Poems

Checking the Scarecrow ~ Haiku of Japan by @dbooster
Poor Things by @caelum1infernum
Have the Rains Stopped ? by @akumagai
Mess by @gingerup
I Live in Colours by @olawalium
Haikus With the Theme of Peace by @ruggedbeardmedia
The Encounter. by @olawalium
Abrazo. (ESP-ENG) by @joseitosanchezs
Modern Society by @caelum1infernum
What Does Poetry Mean to Me? by @driptorchpress
Who Rules the Past - a Sonnet for Dreem WOTW Entry - Blank by @stuartcturnbull
What if? The Struggles of the Mind by @sofs-su
Holy by @warpedpoetic
Rest Well by @quduus1
New Member Second Times the Charm by @lynn2005
When You Are at a Crossroads by @akumagai
Life and Death. Hand in Hand by @marconisnghtmr
A Dark and Stormy… by @driptorchpress
(SPA-ENG) Cosas Que Explotan ・ Things That Explode by @agreste
We Found Our Voices by @olawalium
The Absence of Pride by @mell79
VERDADES QUE DUELEN ADMITIRLAS/TRUTHS THAT HURTS to ADMIT THEM Muchas Veces, O La Mayoría De Las Veces Ocurre Con Los Empleadores…!!!/Many Times, or Most of the Time It Happens With Employers…!!! by @edwin638
How Deep and Dark Can One Get by @akumagai
The Road by @driptorchpress
Invisible Tears by @vision-of-esca
Monsters for Halloween by @marconisnghtmr
Friday Poem: I Will Not Cease From Mental Fight: II - Nil Desperandum by @stuartcturnbull
Weekly Prompt - BCP Halloween Party! by @maylenasland
Beautifully Broken by @trucklife-family
River Lights by @gingerup
A Poem of War by @concreteshallows
My Angel Is Hurt -Weekly Prompt - BCP Halloween Party! by @natalialove
We Miss You Jlolrdc and Coolguy… by @quduus1

A lot of new faces this week. Please everyone welcome @concreteshallows @edwin638 @lynn2005 @marconisnghtmr @ruggedbeardmedia @sofs-su! Greetings, guys. Gope you stick around and keep submitting your poems to the group!

There we go. If you have time, check them out and see what you think. And if you like any, let the author know about it by leaving a great comment!


Some great comments this week. Thank you everyone! As usual, I am sending 10 Ecency POINTS to everyone who left at least two comments for every poem they posted. Also, 50 POINTS to the person with the most comments and a random person. This week those are @mell79 and @stuartcturnbull

Winner of Hive SBI and PIMP

Remember, only people who gave two comments for every poem they posted are eligible for this contest. The only exception is that new poets are giving a pass their first week here.

Excluding myself, that puts 12 people in the running for HIVE SBI and 14 people in the running for PIMP tokens.

I threw you guys into a random picker

and the winner is…

For Hive SBI:

@joseitosanchezs - 3 SBI
@ruggedbeardmedia - 2 SBI
@caelum1infernum - 2 SBI
@mell79 - 2 SBI
@sofs-su - 1 SBI

For PIMP tokens:

@natalialove - 50 PIMP
@joseitosanchezs - 50 PIMP
@ruggedbeardmedia - 50 PIMP
@agreste - 50 PIMP
@lynn2005 - 50 PIMP


(if you aren’t sure what SBI is, it’s kind of lifetime payment system. You can read about it here)

And thank you all for your wonderful poems!

Next Week ~ Next Prize

Next week will be the same reward — shares of Hive SBI and PIMP. For PIMP, you must use the #pimp tag. For both SBI and PIMP, you must comment at least twice for every poem you post.

The exact amount of Hive SBI depends on how many poets submit poems for the week.

0–9 poets - 1 SBI
10–19 poets - 5 SBI (split 2–2–1)
20–49 poets - 10 SBI (split 3–2–2–2–1)

(Note, these numbers don’t include @moeknows or myself.)

So if you want a chance for Hive SBI, go write a poem! If you want a chance for a lot of Hive SBI, go recruit others (and write a poem)! Spread the word, upvote and share this post to make it more visible, contact poet buddies on Discord and try to talk them into joining our group.

Just remember the rules:

  1. Comment on two other poems for every one that you post
  2. Make it a good comment (not just “great poem!”)
  3. If you offer criticism, keep it gentle and polite and remember the golden rule of criticism: say at least two positive things for every one thing you criticize.

Anyone caught breaking these rules will not be eligible for the reward.

I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s new poem in this next week.

(Note: If you’d like to donate anything for the contest, such as Hive Engine tokens or Hive, please get in touch with me. Look for me as dbooster#6252 on Discord.)

Calling all previous Blockchain Poets: @a-lass-wonders @aa9 @aamirwattoo @abisag @adedoyin-g @adriangamerxd @affiliatit1010 @agreste @aidee25 @akumagai @ambigenius @amiegeoffrey @amnes14 @ange.nkuru @anggreklestari @anikekirsten @anj @annabeth @anointingaz @arlin19 @ash2–0 @asif7 @assegai @ast3r @awuahbenjamin @azabache2021 @b-rays @babstar @baesick @balikis95 @beaescribe @blackdaisyft @blackdovy @blockchainbeth @blurtpoem @caelum1infernum @cesarj21 @chinyerevivian @chrysanthemum @chyssom @clayboyn @cliffagreen @computergenie @concreteshallows @creanovation777 @crypt0sph3ryst @d-pend @danladi @danmaruschak @dante31 @darkfemme @dave7658 @davidbright @deepspiral @deraaa @dibblers.dabs @diebitch @digitized89 @driptorchpress @drivingindevon @drwom @dwixer @dxworks @edwin638 @elementm @elisa2021 @elpastor @emeraldtiger @emmaba1 @emomo @emptyintentions @emrysjobber @enginewitty @ervin-lemark @evagavilan2 @evergreenfavour @fantom22 @fatma–27 @fibonacci2022 @floki-skarsgaard @forthefree19 @fredfettmeister @gatoguedexz @georgelumayag @gingerup @gone-hive @greenie.girl @hamsterpoweriii @haraya @harryhandsome @harryq11 @hbelakon1975 @heartofdarkness @hermaryrc @hilbyguy @hitz75 @inthenow @ismelda2305 @itohowo @itsostylish @itsprachi @itxilma @jacco25 @jakim7 @jamesdeagle @jane1289 @japhofin8or @jayblak @jearyjoe @jerryzikko @jesuspsoto @jianna @jin-out @joalheal @joelibra @johnbenn @johncarty859 @joseitosanchezs @josemalavem @joswag @joydukeson @justfocus @justme4u @kaixin @kater001 @katrina-ariel @kaysmile44 @kemmyb @kingobonnaya @kingsleymark @kraken99 @ladytitan @latino.romano @lawrence27 @lecumberre @lenaspiritual @litguru @littlepiggies @lizella27 @ljus @lolawrites @lucemtenebris @lucemtenebris @lukakorba @lv99-rd-chocobo @lymepoet @lynn2005 @maccazftw @malgarise @marconisnghtmr @marilour @martinlazizi @martthesquire @marydelmar70 @matyr @mavido @maylenasland @mbkumasi03 @mejs @mell79 @miangel100pre @michaelofurum @mirilarbarr @missingnins @mistural @morenxo @mrenglish @mundomanaure @murliwala @muthmainnah @myklovenotwar @myztiqakusuk @natalialove @natica83 @new-spirit @noodlypanda @nurudeen081 @obikay @officialrosh1 @olawalium @oldschoolzen @onos-f @orthodoxnudism @oscarpower55 @overorlando @owasco @peazy001 @penyaircyber @peter32 @philomenob @poemsofasickmind @poezio @positivesteem @pregosauce @primestacks1 @quduus1 @radenkusumo666 @rafa1272 @raj808 @rajiola @ramisey @rene.neverfound @repayme4568 @rikarivka @riverflows @royaldiadem @ruggedbeardmedia @s3ttt @sailawana @sakura1012 @samsmith1971 @sapphireissafy @sarashew @sarix @schreib.hamster @scottclinton @sgarciacine @shiftrox @shohana1 @sisc @smilejerry @smilejerryhive @sodeeyum @sofs-su @soul-subject @sp3ktraline @strivenword @stuartcturnbull @surrealfia @tahminasyed @takeonrules @tasonia @technicalart @tedcipher @tegoshei @temitopemichael @tess100 @tezmel @thecreativecasa @thegreens @todayslight @travellingcogs @trifecta-tt @trucklife-family @tuha.peut @unpoetaenamorado @veektur21 @viadelboss @vikbuddy @vinally @vision-of-esca @walkinverse @wanderlust7 @warpedpoetic @weone @whileponderin @whistler73 @witherbloom @yablonsky @yahia-lababidi @yen1503 @zakyj @zellypearl

(If you’d rather not be mentioned here, let me know)

All poets and poetry lovers are encouraged to join Blockchain Poets, a Hive community started by @moeknows and run by him and @dbooster.

Thank you all for submiting your wonderful work and reading. You rock!


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