A poem of war

When will we learn, when will we ever know
The inhumanity of war does not show
It doesn't discriminate, it knows no bounds
And yet we continue to fight and tear
Ourselves and each other apart
In the name of justice, in the name of peace
How can this be? How can this be right?
To maim and kill in the name of might
Morality lost to those who crave power
Yet still we go on day after day
condone murder as if it's okay
What happened to our humanity?
What happened to our sense of right?
War is an abomination, a blight
On everything that is good in life
It destroys families, friends, wives
Husbands, children--it takes them all away And for what? For what reason do we keep fighting?

Isn't it time that we finally put an end To this cycle of hate and pain? Let us hope for a future without war Where love can triumph over might

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