Consideration of "Reblog"; Was this helpful?

Hi Hive Lovers

This is an article related to our activities in the community, and today it is about reblogging. This is my 9th article, which discusses in a simple way the things in the community here. What has been discussed? You can check it again at the following link:

You will easily find the "Reblog" menu on every post that has been shared here.

There you will also always find posts that have been re-blogged by someone and have filled the homepages of those who re-blog them.

Reblog is one of the very important menus here, and it will expand the reach of a post. Of course, that's important to do, right?

They give you that choice, and you can reblog your own post or anyone's post, and you can do that any time.

You can reblog other people's posts without asking permission from the post owner. You can also delete them whenever you want. Everything is up to you. The absolute right to it is in your hands.

When you reblog someone else's post, it will be on your homepage. It will be your full "responsibility".

I mean, it has become "yours". Other people's posts that you reblog also represent you. It's the same with a post you've shared that presents yourself.

Apart from the interests and advantages of using the reblog menu for a post, if you have the desire to reblog someone else's post, then you must have considerations.

I have three considerations as my personal criteria in reblogging someone else's post here, as follows:

Only posts that bring many benefits to many people

This consideration is a form of my responsibility in the community. We know that there will be many people who can be influenced to go in a better direction. You all want goodness and usefulness to be contagious, right?

Only posts that suit me alone

This consideration refers to my representation of myself in a community. You will be known as "who" based on your posts, including those of other people's posts that you reblog. It will all show your character.

Only posts that meet community rules

This consideration is a form of my compliance and support for community rules. Wherever you are, you are bound by the rules. You won't go through a traffic light at a crossroads even if someone else does. You definitely don't want to be involved in an accident, and you don't want to put yourself in the shoes of someone who doesn't respect the rights of other road users. Conditions such as the analogy above also apply here.

Another general consideration when using the reblog menu is as a form of my appreciation to the owner of the post who has tried hard to present something quality.

Wouldn't someone who has worked hard and benefited you deserve your credit?
So, I invite you all to use your "Reblog" menu wisely.

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