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How to keep posting with consistency?

Hi Hive Lovers

One of the efforts and forms of maintaining our involvement here is to make posts. There are many people here who manage to make one post every day. Some even manage to post more than one post. That's very proud.

They are really consistent in keeping periodically their posts up to date. You really can enjoy their regular posting time. I applaud their existence for keeping their posts, and they really have time for that.

Do you want to keep making one post every day?

Consistency for "one day, one post" is not easy for some people. You will feel burdened and it will definitely be a race against time. Your intention and effort towards it are really commendable. But, it's really tiring for you, especially for those of you who are busy and don't have much free time for it, right?

One of the difficulties you will experience is preparing quality and character-driven content. You don't want your post to be original, so just post it. You definitely want each post to be of high quality to be appreciated by many people here.

If you still have an interest and have a target to post at least one post every day, then that's what this article is for. Continue your efforts and hard work so that your engagement is maintained and your posts can be enjoyed and useful for many people.

I have come to the conclusion that what you should do is prepare some things for the purpose of "one day, one post." I am also heading in that direction for now.

Make post-drafts

You can create drafts of posts at any time when you have free time for it. It could be anytime, right?

One thing you should do is jot down the basic idea of each of your posts when inspiration strikes. Then, when you have free time, you can develop it according to the wishes and needs of your post.

You can do it at any time, while waiting for a client, while waiting for an appointment, while waiting for a trip or while fishing, as I often do. You can even do it while (sorry) relaxing on a comfortable toilet. !LOL

That free time can be as long as your hands, too. You know better when to do it.

You can save the drafts that you have created in the community application and they will become a backup for a post. If you have to create daily content and you don't prepare any drafts because of your busy schedule, then you will be burdened and have to make it in a hurry because you are chasing the changing days.

Schedule posts

If you want, you can also take all the concepts you have created in your spare time and place them in the schedule posting menu.

A posting schedule will be very helpful because you don't always have time to post things at the times you want. You just have to make sure you choose which community and on what day and time your post is published.

The posting schedule will give you the freedom of time to post periodically according to the time you want, and it is very good for your existence in the eyes of others.

Engagement is important to maintain. It is a commitment and consistency in the community. Everything is yours right here. But, that's what those who have had success here have done.

You are free to add other ways to maintain the consistency of your posts in the comments column.

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