How to get "out of the box" in the Hive Community

Hi Hive Lovers

You must have read the sentences in quotation marks very often in the title of this post. This term is very synonymous with "Thinking Out of the Box". We often interpret this term as thinking creatively and different from the way people think. If you want to narrow it down, it will mean solving a problem with a new problem-solving method, rather than using a commonly used solution method.

The human mind is created to think about things without limits. It is we ourselves who limit the ability of reason to see a variety of points of view with certain limitations. These boundaries are boxes that become boundaries that will be a barrier for a reason to exploring various possible points of view.

The box can be habits, fears, worries, complaining and making excuses, getting into trouble, and feeling safe in a comfort zone. Many other things can also cause you to be trapped in your box. You can look for it yourself according to the circumstances that you feel, what you experience and what you think.

You will find many examples to get a clear idea of ​​this term. Try new ways to get alternative solutions to your problems, and learn from other people who have faced a problem first. You can observe the solutions they run and then modify the solution, then you will get a new solution to the same problem and it will be your capital to face other problems. Find a new perspective on looking at a problem, and focus on the solution - not the problem.

How to get "out of the box"?

I invite you to take a look at our issues in #HiveCommunity.
Look at how many accounts have stopped halfway through, and the paths they have started. You've created an account so passionately then stopped your engagement at one point. Engagement is key in a community. You won't be known if you don't introduce yourself. You will not be appreciated if you never appreciate other people and build relationships with them. You'll be "stiff dead" if you don't move and say "Hi" or "Hello" every time you wake up in the morning.

Some people here have had the problem of running out of ideas for their content. Almost all of them die stiff because they do not see the various potentials that they have around themselves. They don't broaden their perspective when they see something.
Then, compare it to some accounts that ran fast and got a lot of appreciation. They always turn what seems simple into valuable content, everything becomes valuable and becomes different when they shift and change viewpoints.

What do you do when you see your bed?
No, you don't just see thick blankets, soft pillows, and bolster pillows that you always hug every time you sleep. But, there are nightmares that you can tell us through the beautiful dreams you want to achieve. Your mind can see what you can't see with your eyes.

If you have reached this line. I am writing this post because my mind is almost trapped in a small box like a doll that hangs in a decorative box on the wall of my house. Even though I see it every day, from the moment I wake up until I go back to sleep.

“Jump out of your box and you will see the limitless powers of your mind”

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