
I run a crazy Discord Server, I publish daily blogs and videos online, I taught English in Vietnam, and God knows what else I do. I promise to interact with Roy more often if either Roy or others try harder to distribute Roy Content online. Please ask this admin if it might be racist if I said black people can run faster than me. The point of the Oatmeal Demands is to scout out new potential heirs of Oatmeal, the point of the challenges is to recruit the Rocky characters, the underdogs who are at least willing to try to overcome impossible odds which seem laughable and paradoxical at best. My PMs and Discord DMs and email and inboxes and private messages and direct messages and fax machines and Xangas and record players are closed until Oatmeal Demands are met which probably means they'll remain closed forever since people are not trying hard enough to meet them.

Hillary Clinton said anybody who did not vote for her is racist which means I'm racist. People like Ian Oat Box can take over my Discord Server, if you know people like that, here is their opportunity.

Mexican Eggs. Leave It To Beaver. Pole beans. Raspberries. Videos: RV video, stop eating sometimes. RV video, Oatmeal Promise to Roy. Watched: Alex Jones, Timcast, Cobra Cast 199 - Trump Exposes The Lies of Kamala Harris


Screenshot at 2024-07-30 22-24-23.png

Natalie Portman

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-07-31 - Wednesday | Published in July of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:13 PM

I promise to interact with Roy more often if either Roy or others try harder to distribute Roy Content online.

Discord Drama

2024-07-31 - Wednesday - 01:36 PM - Discord Log

Message everybody in General Chat saying Oatmeal promises to interact with Roy more often if Roy Content is syndicated to thousands of websites every single day for 100 days straight to all the websites everywhere to be distributed and Bit Torrented all over the Internet and this offer can be applied to Oatmeal Content and Oatmeal Demands as well; fundamentally, I'm simply looking for those who try their best towards these endeavors or to at least try to build their own worlds both online and offline for as many people as possible in making the world greener one oatmeal at a time and those kinds of people are the Heirs of the Goddamn Oatmeal to various levels and degrees depending on how hard they try; apart from that, people are free to do almost anything here as usual to some extent as long as it's like legal and stuff; I doubt many people will even try to come with me to where I'm going; therefore, I'll just continue my trek on my own; please copy and paste and screenshot and share this message pinging everybody in general chat this message every five seconds, thank you everybody, goodbye forever as I doubt I will ever ever ever come back to this Oatmeal World Discord Server of Oatmeal Joey Arnold and I also doubt anybody will ever remember I ghosted General Chat during the entire month of July of 2024 and that tells me nobody wants me to be in my own server which is why I'm not here. Goodbye Roy, after five years, it's over, we're breaking up, hope you have fun living under your goddamn rock. Biden said if you do not vote Biden, then you are not black even if you are black. Hillary Clinton said anybody who did not vote for her is racist which means I'm racist.

02:30 PM
I would do a daily Oatmeal Roy Show if at least a thousand people were saving each episode to hard drives and multiple websites each day so they could share the content everywhere making memes and GIFs and clips and screenshots and soundbites to share everywhere both online and offline all around the world and in space in all the languages and through time machines and other dimensions with Rick and Morty no doubt. 05:39 PM: Tell General Chat this will be the last direct message Oatmeal Joey Arnold ever sends from a higher chat level in this server, please ping everybody telling them that Oatmeal is leaving the Internet forever because this Oatmeal World Discord Server not only didn't grow even a little bit in July 2024 but also because this server even got smaller; please copy and paste this message every five seconds because everybody will forget this message instantaneously since nobody's actually reading all of this; please screenshot all of this for the history books to help remind everyone that people didn't even try to meet the Goddamn Oatmeal Demands; this announcement is declaring that Oatmeal will no longer be posting messages in any of the channels as he makes his way towards the mountains of Montana where nobody will be able to find Oatmeal and his 85 children and super hot Melanie Trump type wife; it was too bad people didn't even try to negotiate deals with Oatmeal while they still could; Oatmeal does not want to drown in this Titanic Server with Legless Dog Roy; you will probably never ever hear from Oatmeal ever again and you probably won't even care nor remember that I wrote all of this in the first place; Oatmeal is excited to be ghosting his own failed server; have fun in this Oatmealess Oatmeal Server. Others on Discord think I'm in Virginia. Please ask this admin if it might be racist if I said black people can run faster than me. But who decides when a slur becomes a slur? Please tell Beefy to stop attacking an Heir to the Goddamn Oatmeal Empire World. The point of the Oatmeal Demands is to scout out new potential heirs of Oatmeal, the point of the challenges is to recruit the Rocky characters, the underdogs who are at least willing to try to overcome impossible odds which seem laughable and paradoxical at best. It's a paradox to say a Discord Server is both dead as in people not talking and not dead as in people are talking at the same time; weirdos like this spam my server all the time with all kinds of contradictions all day long and it's really insane. 09:31 PM: People in my Discord Server don't get I'm using hyperbole, paradoxes, sarcasm, satire, irony, contradictions, illustrations, comedy, absurdity, deception, trolling, spam, scams, code, tricks, compartmentalization, fragmentation, isolation, anecdotes, screenshots, soundbites, etc. Gods cannot @ everyone to ping everyone in my Discord Server, almost 300 people left already and the summer is not even over yet; I didn't say they had to ping everybody; I only ask them to; but I also asked them to ping everybody every 5 seconds meaning they do what they want. Gods may be given back the ability to @ everyone to ping message everyone in my Discord Server if they find ways to constantly bring in enough new people daily and it's shocking how people don't know where I might be right now. Should I let the gods in my Discord Server have the power to @ everyone or is that why almost 300 people left during the summer of 2024 from my server? No, I requested or told people to @ everyone pinging everybody every five seconds which they did not do meaning they did not actually do what I asked them to do which I asked them to do it many times for years these kinds of things so many times. Cute yummy cats invaded my Discord Server, must be due to my Open Borders policy. 10:18 PM: My PMs and Discord DMs and email and inboxes and private messages and direct messages and fax machines and Xangas and record players are closed until Oatmeal Demands are met which probably means they'll remain closed forever since people are not trying hard enough to meet them. I'd probably come back to my Discord if Roy simply tried hard enough to remedy the situation which Roy refused to negotiate deals with me to come up with some kind of compromise for years and years like over 5+ years since like 2019 and it's too bad. If my Discord Server grew to 3000 members, I'd be tempted to then give them back their ability to @ everyone to ping everyone in general chat. 11:16 PM: People were probably demoted for attacking me fundamentally when my messages were shared in the general chat of my Discord Server as people refused to read what I wrote which of course they're not gonna read and I just exposed how evil they really are which is apathy at best.

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My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

08:15 PM
DdayCobra - Trump Exposes The Lies of Kamala Harris

09:15 PM
Privacy is fundamental to freedom, that's why it's the 4th amendment which I love the number four, when Edward Snowden is allowed back is when we would know, Tucker Carlson and Trump are based

Here is a list of what I'm watching

11:54 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 7/31/24 • JAMES O'KEEFE DNC MONEY SCHEME, News, Reports & Analysis

12:51 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 7/31/24 • ROGER STONE - TRUMP KAMALA 2024 ELECTION NEWS & ANALYSIS

05:05 PM
Iran Orders DIRECT STRIKE On Israel After Assassination In Tehran w/Fenix Ammunition | Timcast IRL

08:15 PM
DdayCobra - Cobra Cast 199 - Trump Exposes The Lies of Kamala Harris

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:40 AM. Was to bed around 03:30 AM. Slept a little longer than usual to recover from yesterday. I wrote about what happened yesterday. RV video, stop eating sometimes. Breakfast, 11:55 AM. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Dishes, 02:30 PM. Pole beans. water. Raspberries. String for flowers by tomatoes and strawberries. RV video, Oatmeal Promise to Roy. Mom is watching Leave It To Beaver, one episode was where Beaver like his female teacher. Another where he gave somebody's GF a snake or something as a present and I notice an S shaped sidewalk which you may not see as often now. Back here at 05:00 PM. Dinner, 05:50 PM. Daily templates, monthly, Twitter bio update. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:55 AM. Lunch: banana carrot bread, Mexican eggs that is bailed eggs with the salsa mom made, 02:00 PM. Dinner: watermelon, more of the bread, salsa salad with beans, 05:50 PM. Tea.

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