
My main Oatmeal World Discord Server invite link was used 5857 times not mentioning how many times other links were used and yet the server only has 1865 members. One For Israel has a website.

Church. Picked raspberries. Videos: if aint broken don't fix it video on TikTok. Watched: Criminal Minds 1605, CAMELOT331 - Rekieta Finally Responds, Tucker Carlson - President Nayib Bukele

Joey Silent Month
One For Israel

Screenshot at 2024-07-07 14-30-48.png

Afraid is a movie about AI

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-07-07 - Sunday | Published in July of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:33 PM

My main Oatmeal World Discord Server invite link was used 5857 times not mentioning how many times other links were used and yet the server only has 1865 members

Discord Drama

2024-07-07 - Sunday - 01:51 PM - Discord Log

1/ Dear General Chat, I promise to interact more with people in Oatmeal World Discord Server if we get 100 new members each and every day without stop at all for ten consecutive days straight before August 2024 but only if the grand total of all members goes up over a thousand at the end of those ten days.

07:57 PM
Leveling up
The following outline is a rough-draft suggestion for determining who to promote and demote to which roles and levels

Members could be perhaps promoted higher and higher based on the total points and here is a list of some of the Nintendo Mario Blocks which may earn members points

Members can earn points based on their

  2. Linked accounts
  3. Videos
  4. Audio
  5. How long they have been here
  6. Twitter X tweet posts
  7. Social media posts
  8. Blog posts
  9. Online activity
  10. Moderating activity
  11. Life experiences
  12. Work experiences
  13. Offline activities
  14. Profile picture avatar
  15. Activity on social media
  16. Websites
  17. Discord profile bio information
  18. Memes
  19. Apps
  20. Photos
  21. Edited videos
  22. TikTok Duets
  23. Online stuff
  24. How many people they invite here
  25. Their channels
  26. Podcasts
  27. Servers
  28. Groups
  29. Companies, organizations
  30. Books
  31. Services
  32. Goods, products
  33. Meeting Oatmeal Demands
  34. Helping Oatmeal recover lost Oatmeal Content
  35. Syndicate Oatmeal content
  36. How long you've known me
  37. Oatmeal documentaries
  38. Oatmeal trailers, outlines, etc
  39. Other Oatmeal Demands
  40. Projects
  41. Work
  42. Goals
  43. And the list goes on and on
  44. To be continued

Goodbye Discord

2024-07-07 - Sunday - 08:12 PM - Discord Log

1/ Dear General Chat, since most people are probably not really trying to get Oatmeal Joey Arnold to return to chat-level-00, I'm declaring now that I'm abandoning the Oatmeal World Discord Server where people are free to promote and demote as they deem fit, you'll probably never ever see Oatmeal in Oatmeal World ever again because not very many people really want Oatmeal to be here, too many trolls and stuff, so you guys can have fun without me since this server is not growing fast enough without my help; like the server is not growing because I'm not making TikTok videos about this server which is why this server is shrinking each day; therefore, I probably should stop trying so hard to make this work; goodbye everybody; I'd be surprised if people could get me to come back here; probably not gonna happen because most people don't really care at that level

09:39 PM
I would suggest that is up to the discretion of the staff to determine how many points items are worth, I'm trying to offer things to look for in making these decisions I did say I like cum. But I went on to tell people what I meant. It was code. Cum is short for T.Cum which is short for Tiffany Cumbo. I would say things like this knowing they would not remember that I told many times what cum meant to me. I tried many times for years to tell again and again that I was talking in code as I often do. 6/ I tried many times for years to tell again and again that I was talking in code as I often do. I wrote I like Dick which is code for my grandpa Dick Richard Morehead. People called my grandpa Dick. So, I decided to say I like dick knowing the trolls would take me out of context as they usually do as they were already calling me a pedo for years. Did you know Anna Barbie has two Ns in her name and the Discord Ana is an anonymous sock puppet alt account of one of the trolls who has no connection to the Anna Barbie? I thought I saw her ID in person, I thought it said she was born in 1994 and Anna told me she was born in 94 several times and her username had 94 in it. In 2012, my attorney said if I lied by pleading guilty to harassment of Robin Baker which actually she was harassing me, then allegedly the D.A. was going to drop the federal charge of interfering with a 911 call which at first I wanted to go to court but my lawyer said the cops would testify because I told the cops I did interfere with a fake 911 call. I went back and forth with Anna Barbie over the years over things, like online debates or fights or what not. Anna Barbie had several Facebook accounts, she may have deleted or hidden or changed some of those accounts, she may have borrowed the accounts of her then BFs or husbands or friends or what not it would seem, so perhaps she was not really pretending to be other people but would either post via different accounts or would have different people post on her behalf. Anna Barbie was not a teacher that I know of or at least not in 2014, like I don't think Anna had a job in 2014 that I know of but Anna would do karaoke singing at bars and different places and perhaps got paid money sometimes and her mother would drive her around. In 2012, Robin Baker would yell at me and at my dad. Robin lived in the house with us. My dad would yell back at her. Robin was more of a drunk than he was. Robin was drinking and smoking all day everyday, she had an oxygen tank. They took photos of her arms and legs to say that I did attacked her. But the bruises were due to all the drinking and smoking. She was skin and bones and only about 60 years old or something and yet looked many years older than that. I first ran into Anna Barbie probably via her YouTube channel. I first met Anna probably in 2013 in person in Saigon because she said she wanted help with learning English, with singing, with playing guitar and piano. So, I would help her out. She would pay me or feed me. I was friends with her whole family. So, I became part of her family. I even liked her older sister. I also work on debunking partly via writing outlines and blogs and videos and what not of my entire life to help people sort of see where I was each year of my life, the different people, places, activities, I try to include links and everything that I can in my autobiography that I continue to try to construct on the Internet. I don't know if Anna Barbie ever liked me more than a friend kind of thing but I sort of have a feeling that her sister liked me. I don't know if I was officially thrown out because she was jealous of me and Zizi or not, I was thinking Anna got rid of me because she was afraid of the cops and because of what I wrote on Facebook. I believe I got most if not everything back, Anna's mom came with a plastic bag of my things one day, I might have been wrong to make a very big deal about it at that time. Your assumptions might be at least partly accurate, Anna would get angry about things but I am not always certain of the origins of her anger or what but Anna was hot headed not just towards me but towards others and Kathy Bike was like this too. Cops harasses Vietnamese people, they'll come up with an excuse to fine people money or threaten to arrest Vietnamese which leads to Vietnamese bribing cops all the time, they call it coffee money and my visa for my passport was expired. Some Vietnamese may believe it is bad luck to talk about the past and especially if it is alleged bad stuff and so they tend to believe Buddhism and things like that meaning they tend to believe we should not deal with the past but just forget about it and move on. 2024-02-10 - Anna posted a photo to Instagram: February 10 of 2024: Anna said in the photo she was 30 years old and her ID she showed me in person in Vietnam said 1994. I made a video on April first of 2015 saying I was gay and then I came out and said didn't you guys see I posted it on April Fools Day. I sort of would do things like this on and off for years. In this server, I would sometimes say things like oh yeah I murdered 8 trillion people, I am 8 million miles tall, and I live in the sun. I would say different things to see if they could use their brain to think. The logic follows if I say two things and if one of the things is probably inaccurate, then the other thing might assume the other thing is also possibly inaccurate as well. A few times they asked if I would do a bad thing and sometimes I said I would but one must understand that the word would is hypothetical and perhaps in a parallel universe if I was not me, then I would but it would not be me. I think the 12 came from the idea that the Discord Ana was allegedly 12 which has no meaning in that the trolls always make up numbers for their ages which changes all the time. One of the Oatmeal Parodies was @ JoeyArnoldCali and that account would role play with the Ana account. In 2022, trolls like Brony would ask me this many times each day. I decided to lie a few times to troll them even after saying I wasn't. I would try to them the truth many times. But I would sometimes lie as to generate controversy to see if that would draw people in. I even said a bunch of times over the years that I lied about things a few times to scam my trolls. One of the problems I may have had is a feeling of being insecure about myself. I feel like I am many years behind on the work I wanted to finish. No you are amazing but you need to know there is a lot of fake news about me on the Internet and that is really crazy stuff. Some of my goals might include having a education/entertainment podcast dealing with topics like history, health, technology, travel, culture, science, religion, philosophy, politics, movies, art. Part of me wants to travel the world making documentaries. One of my camp friends, his nickname was Donald Duck, he was from Africa, he was always exciting to talk to. As a kid I would think I wonder if there are dinosaurs hiding in the Congo jungles.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Criminal Minds 1605

2024-07-07 - Sunday - 12:49 AM - Criminal Minds 1605

Main aunt from Sabrina Teenage Witch as a senator. Interesting to see a secret gov dating app. Emily versus her boss but then the senator is killed by her son who Emily tried getting him to talk by pretending to be like hot MILF to him. Bomb at the end, looks like JJ may have died with Aladdin, effective cliff-hanger.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Criminal Minds 1605

2024-07-07 - Sunday - 12:49 AM - Criminal Minds 1605

08:26 AM
CAMELOT331 - Rekieta Finally Responds To Insane Allegations With New Evidence.. FT Xia Land

07:11 PM
Tucker Carlson - President Nayib Bukele: Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, and His Advice to Donald Trump

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 07:50 AM. Thing came for Larry yesterday in the mail. Breakfast, 08:00 AM. Reading that what woman want book, took notes. Sunday school, Matthew 15 or something. Morning service, Ted told me he floats out of his body when he sleeps so he can travel the world like Matrix Neo to take in negative energy to restructure it into positive energy. During service as he sits next to me, he meditates with his bare feet, he takes off his shoes. I asked him questions and we talked. I decided not to tell him that trying to have your soul leave your human body is extremely dangerous. After church, met Kayla with mom, so she talked about her life. Interesting. She is expressive. She was in District 12 and District 1 of Saigon one time for her job. Interesting. I told her a little about my time in Vietnam. Lemon or lime like juice container into big garage. TikTok video there. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Nap, around 3 or 4 for like an hour or two. Dishes after that around like 06:00 PM for like an hour or longer. Dinner, 07:05 PM. Dishes. Watering at 08:20 PM. Picking raspberries to 09:30 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 2 tangerines, tea, 08:00 AM. Lunch: potatoes, 02:00 PM. Dinner: soup with chips, 07:05 PM. Tea.

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