
They say Elon Musk cars are getting better. But not saying his cars are perfect but his cars are improving. But it's like how calculators make people unable to do math in their heads. So, even if smart cars were perfect, problem is becoming dependent on these smart cars and smart phones and smart houses and more. Riding in a smart car might be like riding in a dinosaur meaning extremely dangerous like being an astronaut. Why Oatmeal Moderating in the Oatmeal World Discord Server? You may see me demote members who are probably already too high and perhaps they broke rules, posted NSFW, lied by saying they're women when they're not which I have no problem promoting you if you're literally Steven Crowder or something; it seems many anonymous accounts got orange roles which I could demote them but then decided just to promote a few people up to those levels or higher to counter the chaos as many people have no idea who to promote and demote or the wisdom and the mechanisms that it takes but I'll try to promote people who are not too anonymous and women just so happen to be less anonymous and men tend to be more criminal in nature assuming you're not like Tim Pool or whatever which again if you're Owen Shroyer who is also a man, then hey Owen would probably become an owner of this server in seconds.

Alex Jones said he's not evergreen but Ultra Green. No, @realalexjones, let's call it wine which also gets better with time as it matures or in this case the general public matures to understand truth as the heat begins to boil the frogs to death.

Raspberry picking. Mom's birthday, they went out. Watched: Inside-Out 2, Pink or P!nk - Try from 2012, Alex Jones, Timcast, ACLJ

Joey Silent Month

Screenshot at 2024-07-02 11-07-33.png

Jack Posobiec got Tim Pool a Tim puppet

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-07-03 - Wednesday | Published in July of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

01:23 AM
Haha yeah the left loves to create this false idea that the right is Nazis and beyond that it is really a war between not right and left but up and down.

Twitter Tweets

11:38 AM

They say Elon Musk cars are getting better. But not saying his cars are perfect but his cars are improving. But it's like how calculators make people unable to do math in their heads. So, even if smart cars were perfect, problem is becoming dependent on these smart cars and smart phones and smart houses and more. Riding in a smart car might be like riding in a dinosaur meaning extremely dangerous like being an astronaut.

Server Rules Update

2024-07-03 - Wednesday - 06:39 PM - Discord Log

Server Rules
Excessive or aggressive or destructive amounts of the following should be minimized by the staff if need be as deemed necessary as this server is run by we the people (the staff) meaning the staff can determine how and where and when rules are enforced to various degrees and what have you

  1. NSFW
  2. SPAM
  4. Hate speech, misinformation, disinformation, malformation
  5. Mentions
  6. Bad words, cursing, vulgar language, offensive vocabulary
  7. Anything that might be illegal, immoral, criminal, evil
  8. Calls for acts of violence
  9. Opposition to the Discord TOS
  10. Attacking, bullying, harassing, name-calling, mocking
  11. Opposition to the Ten Commandments in the Bible
  12. Opposition to the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights
  13. Opposition to the Magna Carta
  14. Opposition to free speech and/or private property/ownership rights
  15. Please demote anybody who abuses moderating powers
  16. Send people to prison for being too tyrannical
  17. Please tell people why you're demoting them
  18. Please tell people why you're promoting them
  19. Demote people for making bad decisions
  20. Promote the best of the best
  21. Demote the worst of the worst
  22. Be quick to demote as much and as often as you must
  23. Be slow to promote like once a year up one level at a time
  24. Please only promote people up one level or role at a time but only once a year, there are roughly 58 main roles, that means it would take 58 years to become an owner of this Discord Server but then you have to start over every time you get demoted because you would be demoted back to prison which is level-00
  25. Be hesitant to grant exceptions to these guidelines to various degrees as staff may have power to apply these guidelines as they deem fit
  26. Please scroll down, keep reading about other related information
  27. Ask staff what the rules are
  28. But higher staff can overrule
  29. Hierarchy pyramid of power
  30. Gods and higher are the high council like a supreme court of judges

Who should be promoted?
here is an outline map in general of suggestions and like examples as follows

members should generally level up to castle or wait about a month or maybe longer than a year before applying for guards which is a staff position and it is the staff who could consider promoting members to become guards whenever but beware of the trolls and others

after becoming guards, wait at least a month or an additional year before applying for admin and admins shouldn't be anonymous or under 20 years old generally speaking, admins should probably have at least a thousand followers on social media and/or find ways to vet or verify or confirm or authenticate, it's critical admins have skin in the game as a form of accountability

be at least 30 years old

Higher Roles
we have to come up with general metrics and guidelines for determine who and when to promote and demote people to which roles and levels, it should generally take more time and what not to get to higher levels; these are guidelines meaning you might perhaps grant exceptions to this general suggestion

orange roles should probably wait many years before applying to become gods and/or they should have at least ten thousand followers on social media which should be verified and/or they probably shouldn't be anonymous or under 50 years old perhaps and/or whatever, etc, etc, and basically we have to be careful who we promote and what not

look at the people I'm following on social media like Twitter X, TikTok, Hive Blog, etc, because that is a window into the kind of people I'd consider promoting to higher positions meaning those kinds of people or people somewhat connected or related or similar to them; one of the problems is how easy it is to create sock puppet alt accounts where people can pretend to be other people to scam and what not and that is why I have these types of suggestions and guidelines

Oatmeal Demands
some of the purposes behind the demands is to motivate people to get involved and it is not necessary about specific examples of the demands that matter but more so gradual long-term momentum that I'm trying to initiate for the coming decades regarding different projects and many things both online and offline, so I'm trying to recruit potential heirs of Oatmeal and others and not just Heirs of Oatmeal as it is not just about that as it is also about helping people help people including content creators and other people and not just potential Oatmeal Heirs but others too and the list goes on and on and the lists of demands may be out there on my blogs and social media and the key is in trying to meet the demands and not so much or not necessarily in actually meeting the demands as there is more to it than just that

Joey Silent Month
I only said I would not post in chat-level-00 for at least one month meaning during July of 2024 or people can get find ways to get me to return to the general chat at any time by trying to meet demands but the demands are not 2,000 members as that demand is already expired and there are new demands now which most people have no idea what they are because most people are too excessively surface-level

Active Deception
being active in Oatmeal World doesn't guarantee automatic promotion and how long you've been here isn't necessarily the biggest factor in determining whether you should get promoted to admin or higher; for the most part, even if you were here in this server for 9,000 years, it doesn't mean you should be promoted at all as you could be an anonymous sock puppet alt account and on the flip side the opposite is true as the more real you are and the more we can prove the work you do on multiple websites and in real life, then your path towards godhood could be completed within seconds of joining this Discord Server and gods don't even have to be active or do anything ever especially since it's not like I'm paying the staff here meaning people choose to be active or not active but that's not necessarily the most critical determining factors therein in all likely probability and what have you like generally speaking with like perhaps few exceptions therein

Female Deception
people love to say I only promote women to higher roles but some women are more trustworthy but it's also that I tend to have higher expectations for men meaning I want to see men do even more and notice I've only given Ian the real owners role and he is not female but people will always say what they say and if Trump could probably become a god in Oatmeal World

Geraldy Jones
probably nuked this server in 2022 or I would have to check, this server was made in 2019, I don't remember if this server was nuked before Jones nuked it or not, I probably wrote it down somewhere regarding the history of this server and maybe I should publish an article someday outlining history of this server

Why Oatmeal Moderating?
you may see me demote members who are probably already too high and perhaps they broke rules, posted NSFW, lied by saying they're women when they're not which I have no problem promoting you if you're literally Steven Crowder or something; it seems many anonymous accounts got orange roles which I could demote them but then decided just to promote a few people up to those levels or higher to counter the chaos as many people have no idea who to promote and demote or the wisdom and the mechanisms that it takes but I'll try to promote people who are not too anonymous and women just so happen to be less anonymous and men tend to be more criminal in nature assuming you're not like Tim Pool or whatever which again if you're Owen Shroyer who is also a man, then hey Owen would probably become an owner of this server in seconds

Clueless Rats
when I demote people, they tend to say they have no idea why even tho they could simply do a quick search of their previous posts in this Discord Server and anybody could as demotions are generally based on messages in the general chat and the fact people choose not to even try to guess what it was or they tend to get it wrong as they just make generalizations without proper research which tells me I was justified in demoting them as they're clueless rats indeed

28.9 GB

2024-07-03 - Wednesday - 10:41 PM - My Hard Drives Log

I'm downloading 28.9 GB from my x98 phone to my 2021 ASUS laptop, this is a normal routine, I usually try to copy or actually move all my media files on phones and what not to computers and hard drives and what not. Last time I copied files from x98 was back on the 5th of May of 2024. It was 1.3 GB. Before that, it was 2.8 GB at 2024-05-17 - Wednesday. Before that, 2024-03-04 - Monday at 594.2 MB. Before that, 974.6 MB on 2024-02-10 - Saturday. 2024-01-03 - Wednesday - 2:32 PM - 4.9 GB. That is a total of roughly 11 GB for the first roughly five months of this year of 2024. But this sixth month is at 28.9 GB and most of it was TikTok videos but some of it was scans and photos and videos outside of TikTok. But I did upload a lot more to TikTok past month. Combined, it's probably over 40 GB so far this year to TikTok. That might be an average of like 100 GB to TikTok per year if this pattern were to continue meaning roughly 1 TB every ten years.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Inside-Out 2

2024-07-03 - Wednesday - 02:15 AM - Inside-Out 2, Disney Pixar 2024 Cartoon Movie

Riley is now a teen. Belief world deep down. Headquarters was remodeled. Hockey team. New emotions like anxiety, shyness, boredom, and then nostalgia was not invited yet. Anxiety is using imagination against Riley. Older emotions try to journey to the back of the mind to rescue a lost memory to return to the base. Joy got the writers at imagination land to start a riot as to abandon the wishes of anxiety. Joy helped anxiety let go which resulted in Riley taking control. Joy realized she was wrong to delete memories from Riley. Not only was anxiety wrong for taking over, joy was wrong to try to hide bad memories from Riley. In the end, all the emotions embraced the river of consciousness of different thoughts of Riley which followed with Riley requesting for joy to take the wheel, I was tearing up, great movie. How was camp? Oh, fine she said. You see inside the heads of the parents, classic. Riley was able to apologize to her old friends and she has new friends in high school. The emotions were put in a bottle as in bottling up emotions and it took Pouchey to save them. They escaped a prison in the mind earlier in the movie.

11:49 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 7/3/24 • ELECTION 20024 - News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:03 PM
Alex Jones said he's not evergreen but Ultra Green. No, @realalexjones, let's call it wine which also gets better with time as it matures or in this case the general public matures to understand truth as the heat begins to boil the frogs to death.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Inside-Out 2

2024-07-03 - Wednesday - 02:15 AM - Inside-Out 2, Disney Pixar 2024 Cartoon Movie

03:55 AM
P!nk - Try (Official Video), October 2012

11:04 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 7/3/24 • BIDEN TO DROP OUT, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

11:49 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 7/3/24 • ELECTION 20024 - News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:28 PM
Biden Tells Allies HE MAY QUIT, Reports HES RESIGNING, WH DENIES It w/Daniel Turner | Timcast IRL

08:42 PM
ACLJ - MAJOR UPDATE: NY Judge Delays Trump Sentencing

09:45 PM
Piers Morgan - “You're INSANE!" Biden-Trump Debate Feat Megyn Kelly & Dave Rubin

10:12 PM
Biden DONE - Trump LEAKED Video Proves It - Democrats PANIC | CobraCast 199

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:40 AM. Little bit of a headache. Sunny day. Ultimatum promise TikTok video in RV. Mom said Larry said the cherries are not ripe as the pie made his stomach feel weird. I disagree. Breakfast, 11:03 AM. Lunch, I forget or I skipped. Weeding around the squash bed, shoveling, put the fence back, watering, raking grass left from cutting the front yard yesterday, dishes, Larry took mom out for her birthday today for dinner and a movie, I continued working, mopping, all of that, started the yard work around 03:00 PM as usual. Dishes around 04:00 PM or after. Made a video about how to make cheese. Dinner, 05:20 PM. Watering around 07:30 PM or something. Picking raspberries after that for about an hour or longer to 08:40 PM, filled up a small plastic container, blue lid, with raspberries. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, tangerine, last of the cherry pie, 11:03 AM. Lunch: skipped probably. Dinner: green tea, black tea, cheese, lentil soup, 05:20 PM. More tea. 2 toasted blueberry bagels with humus, 08:45 PM to 09:01 PM. Still drinking tea, two glasses in my room this time, meaning two cups at the same time as opposed to going back and forth refilling my cup like I normally do.

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