
YouTube @TeamYouTube, how can the uploader have rights to have my video removed if the daughter of George Carlin, @kelly_carlin, had them remove their video meaning Kelly should take me to court because the offense was done against her it would seem and not against them. YouTube @TeamYouTube stole my over ten thousand plus videos, they did not even let me get Google Takeout, but they even restored many of my videos and then turned around and removed them even after I won many appeals over the years since at least 2017 or longer.

Bilal launched Bear Shares around 2020 or whatever year it was which was a clone of Hive Blog which was a clone of Steemit and then Bilal renamed it VOILK which people can rename things but it can also be suspect when people do it. Your thumbnail made me think of Ariana Grande and I know the fake news about me is crazy and I'm just a small little potato compared to people like you and Steven Crowder and Alex Jones and Trump and others, so I can't imagine what it might be like with hit pieces coming at you.

Music trailer work. Video: Oatmeal First Real Laptop. Watched: Criminal Minds 1215-1216.




Sherlock Oatmeal

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-27 - Wednesday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:17 AM
Oatmeal First Real Laptop

My first real computer had 1 GB of RAM
Only one gigabyte of RAM, that's it?
I was so excited, let me tell you story now
Ra Ra Roo Roo
I was born in 1985, I eventually got this hand-me-down toy laptop which my siblings got in the 1980s, I especially had this laptop when I first met Tiffany Cumbo on the red scooter in the 1990s, I pushed her around in the wagon, we buried toys in her neighbor's yard
Speaking of burying, you should bury this story before I bury your bike again like Vietnam Kathy stole your bike, like you said before, this is my Ojawall pipe, where is my wife, oh well, this is my Bon Jovi egg nog life
I was around technology, computers, phones, video games, machines, cars, since the 1900s, we used real computers at libraries, Bhakti Sa, others, and we even got our own computers in the 1990s, we started learning how to work on electronics, the Internet
Started taking web design and other computer related classes during my four years at the FGHS high school from 2000-2004, started learning more and more each year since the 1990s and especially since the 2000s
We started recording audio of our family in the 1980s, we started making home videos starting in 1996, I started keeping an online journal since like 2004 or earlier, probably started uploading our videos to Xanga starting as early as early as like 2004, I started using computers and the Internet more and more every year
During my second college at ABC in West Virginia, 2006-2007, when I was NOT hanging with Sawyer Frye, Jen Moore, Sarah Cole, Josh Williams, others, I was like in Matt's room using his computer or that of his roommate David who maybe liked other men
In 2007, Matt ended up selling me his laptop for $50, it was a Gateway m500b1: 30GB HDD, 2.2GHZ CPU, 1GB-RAM (upgraded), IEEE-built-in
I think it was a Pentium 4, and I was excited about my first real laptop that I actually owned
But then, I didn't take it with me when I went to work at Camp Kuratli the summer of 2007 or in the fall when I was in Revolution Hawaii with The Salvation Army
I started using the Internet more so since like 1997 and started learning about Ubuntu and Linux around 2007 and then started buying Bitcoin and started blogging on Steemit starting in 2017
What ya gonna do in 2027 Ra Ra Roo Roo?


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:31 AM

The first computer I ever owned was this laptop I bought in 2007 from Matt Manehan for $50: Gateway m500b1: 30GB HDD, 2.2GHZ CPU, 1GB-RAM (upgraded), IEEE-built-in.

11:29 AM
YouTube @TeamYouTube refused to let me go to court over the George Carlin video. 01:37 PM: YouTube @TeamYouTube, how can the uploader have rights to have my video removed if the daughter of George Carlin, @kelly_carlin, had them remove their video meaning Kelly should take me to court because the offense was done against her it would seem and not against them. 02:31 PM: YouTube refused to let me go to court with @kelly_carlin even after letting @warnerbros @wbpictures @Discovery take me to court which they didn't which resulted in @TeamYouTube restoring my @dunemovie review video, YouTube should remain consistent but here is the paradox. You cannot take down a video until a judge orders you to, but @TeamYouTube does not do this meaning they violate laws as they pretend to be a platform while operating as publishers which violates section 230 and we all know this. 05:51 PM: YouTube @TeamYouTube stole my over ten thousand plus videos, they did not even let me get Google Takeout, but they even restored many of my videos and then turned around and removed them even after I won many appeals over the years since at least 2017 or longer.

07:25 PM
Your thumbnail made me think of Ariana Grande and I know the fake news about me is crazy and I'm just a small little potato compared to people like you and Steven Crowder and Alex Jones and Trump and others, so I can't imagine what it might be like with hit pieces coming at you.

Discord Drama

2024-03-27 - Wednesday - 11:40 AM - Discord Log

133/ Bilal at bhbigheart, user ID 478170183236845577, was in my Discord Server since 2023 or longer, I joined his alleged Hive Blog clone-websites since like 2020, Bear Shares, VOILK, but some said Bilal scammed. Today, Bilal mentioned Paisa Kamao and then left. 134/ Bilal said his third project or app is Paisa Kamao but it could be a scam or it may fail too, I talked about this yesterday. 135/ I cannot absolutely say if Bilal stole money from people. That might be true. Some might have said some of the posts on his websites were plagiarizing and then profiting over it. That is true to an extent but that may or may not be Bilal's fault as that kind of thing happens both online and offline all over the world for decades, centuries, or longer. 11:53 AM: Bilal launched Bear Shares around 2020 or whatever year it was which was a clone of Hive Blog which was a clone of Steemit and then Bilal renamed it VOILK which people can rename things but it can also be suspect when people do it. YouTube refused to let me go to court which legally the court is supposed to order YouTube to remove videos but YouTube just removes videos acting as if they're the court and most people are not lawyers and don't care about what I'm saying and most people have no idea what I'm talking about but YouTube is violating laws. 12:07 PM: 137/ They put out the AI George Carlin 2024 video some months ago, George's daughter went to court to go after them over the video, they took down the video but then had my copy taken down as well even as it would be the estate who would have that kind of power. 12:18 PM: 138/ Roy Merrick uploaded today to my Discord Server a Ra Ra music video. When I asked Roy how many saw his video, Roy said and I quote: "Innumerable." I felt like my brand is not expanding fast enough. It's probably safe to say not many saw Roy's content. 139/ Roy, why should I be here if nobody is here? What's the point of that? How does that help anybody if there is nobody here? Roy said cuz it's your baby. I'm having an abortion. Die my little babies. Just kidding, no abortion. Cuz there are no babies. Cuz nobody is here. 12:26 PM: 140/ Why are you here, Roy? Nobody is here. You're talking to yourself. I'm not even here. 142/ Let the record show Oatmeal was trying to build an empire for decades, it seems Roy wasn't really trying to help with that over the years, Roy might drop into Oatmeal's Discord Server for a minute every 4 months maybe, it seems Roy didn't do enough in the past to really help. 12:55 PM: 143/ Let the record show Oatmeal may be abandoning this Discord Server or may be spending less time if things don't improve well enough and fast enough, demands/progress should be met, Oatmeal has talked about this for months if not years. Oatmeal is trying to get some of his projects done before 2030 or 2025 meaning as soon as possible, Oatmeal has said many times he's scouting and recruiting Heirs of Oatmeal, fans, contributors, partners, supporters, debaters, and more. Oatmeal is currently in a transition in his life regarding many things, Oatmeal will try to make gradual changes in the coming years, Roy is free to do whatever Roy does. Oatmeal will continue talking about this in videos, articles, posts, messages, content, and everything else, on all the websites and everything else, Oatmeal has tried talking about some of this for years. Oatmeal is trying to build things, Oatmeal is trying to do many things, Oatmeal will continue to try to figure out what is working and not working, Oatmeal is always looking to add more people to his team, it seems Roy is not currently on the Oatmeal Team. Oatmeal may stop posting things on Discord as that may not be working well enough to be worth Oatmeal's time. I have a lot more to say but I may say it on other websites and everything for those who want to know, to be continued and everything else as many of this is ongoing and up in the air and many things, check out my blogs, websites, videos, and everything else for more information about me, this server, and more, to be continued, good luck everybody. 150/ This Discord Server is more an echo chamber at the bottom of an ocean full of legless dogs in their disabled boatshipbus full of Not Bill Warts. I could be wrong but it seems to me that this Discord project failed to an extent over the years meaning I probably wasted my time trying to turn this into something that might influence culture on a large enough scale as to eventually cause a domino-effect. One of my life lessons apart from how I work too hard on too many things on top of everything else is I failed to say no sometimes or many times and it seems to me that I tried too had for too many years trying to get people to see me, I tried too hard perhaps in many respects to get people to come to this Discord Server, and the list goes on and on. It seems to me Roy is stuck in this vortex and Roy may stay stuck here forever until he can prove me wrong someday which he probably won't. I see this server as a failure to a large degree until people can prove me wrong someday. But that day may never come and I need to give up. There are so many things wrong with me. I can talk for thousands of hours about what is wrong with me. Sometimes I'm perhaps too optimistic in believing in people. I try so hard. I want to give people the benefit of a doubt. I can go on and on about all of it. If Roy is trying to help me, then Roy is doing a bad job at showing it. People are free to continue to use this server within reason. I'm begging myself to try to get some of my other work done. I'm so distracted and busy. I get so bogged down with work all the time. That is why I was I trying to find people to help me. I feel like nobody or not many are helping me all of the time. Again, some of it is my fault. This server might not be working as I intended it to work. More on that later but not here. See my other websites and everything for more info and more, etc, goodbye. 06:32 PM: 158/ Don't you love how people don't read what I write, like how surface-level and one-dimensional people are, like how most of the people here in this server really know next to nothing about me. 06:38 PM: 159/ Flopper proves my point by saying, "Maybe for once in your life you could write something worth reading It's all the same rambling nonsense about how you're great and everyone else sucks designed to get a rise and force engagement out of people who couldn't give two fucks about your monumentally flawed logic and self importance Apart from the initial "wtf is this guy" you just aren't that interesting Repetitive ass self absorbed motherfucker." 161/ Do you think the wife of Steven Crowder is to Crowder what Roy is to Oatmeal, are we looking at extortion or worse? 07:29 PM: 162/ Flopper said, "In all honesty it always just makes you look/sound like a jabbering simpleton far too afraid to say what he's really thinking in part because of a complete lack confidence in your arguments and what people might respond with to undermine your veracity and the points you don't clearly make." 164/ Flopper had the fish balls to say I've failed to say what I really think as the idiom goes, "Say what you really think," but I've spent decades trying to say what I really think in many cases which I've done a bad job at doing sometimes but still I spent a lot of time trying. 08:38 PM: 165/ I wrote in my server: please leave my server, goodbye everybody, Rihanna said go on and take a bow, curtains finally closing, that was quite show, very entertaining, but it's over now, go on and take a bow. 166/ I also wrote: I hope everybody leaves right now. Oatmeal leaving this server, goodbye everybody. Oatmeal Out. 09:25 PM: 167/ This proves the point nobody cares what I say one way or another, like no matter what I say, people are neither joining nor leaving this Discord Server no matter what I say or not say, like no matter what I do or not do, as all 600+ Lolcow Trolls have muted and ghosted this server, I've created a paradox limbo that is unstoppable/unbreakable.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Criminal Minds 1215-1216

2024-03-27 - Wednesday - 03:22 AM - Criminal Minds 1215-1216

Reed sent to prison instead of just jail. Michelle Obama quote, give me a break. This episode borders on some potentially fake news as it attacks men by talking about a group of men online who attack feminism which in reality feminism is often a bad thing but in this show they try to paint feminism as a good thing and therefore the men-ophere guys painted as toxic. Reed makes friend with a black fed who is also in prison who has connections and respect. Cubs. Hope. Bone smasher offs himself off a building.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:44 AM
The Quartering - Steven Crowder Hit With BRUTAL Allegations...

Criminal Minds 1215-1216

2024-03-27 - Wednesday - 03:22 AM - Criminal Minds 1215-1216

11:06 AM
GBNews - Farage: The Trump Interview | Tuesday 19th March

11:26 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 3/27/24 • GERALD MORGAN - CROWDER'S DIRTY LAUNDRY | News & Analysis

12:11 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 3/27/24 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:07 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Wednesday 3/27/24 • RABBI SHMULEY! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! • Infowars

03:52 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [4 of 4] Wednesday 3/27/24 • RABBI SHMULEY | OWEN BENJAMIN TAKING CALLS & SKITS • Infowar

05:37 PM
Jon Stewart LOSES IT After Exposed Committing "Fraud" Just Like Trump w/Brick Suit | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:40 AM, weird dreams. Recycling out, light rain, cloudy. Swept RV. Breakfast, 11:07 AM. Lunch, 01:30 PM. Helped put stuff into the music trailer for like twenty minutes or less after that with Larry. Helped again around 3 or 4. Dishes, compost, RV, mail. Dinner, 06:50 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, grapes, 11:07 AM. Lunch: oatmeal, 01:30 PM. Salad, 01:55 PM. Dinner: soup on potatoes, 06:50 PM.

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