
Soros is a CIA-front. Fake news is blaming death caused by Covid vaccines on Covid, they're saying Covid is the new AIDS, they are trying hard in selling the scam known as LONG COVID while they try to launch a second Jan6 scam in Texas. People will rather believe the fake news about you to make themselves feel better about the Hell they're living in, it's a distraction and a coping mechanism. You might be rewarded not only for giving and removing timeouts but also for demoting and promoting other accounts in my Discord Server; it's generally better to demote than to mute, please remove timeouts if you feel they don't deserve it or maybe demote them instead of muting. United Nations don't have to pay taxes but can decide how much taxes we have to pay, this was adopted in 1946 a year after World War II (WWII), the UN is immune from the crimes they are engaged in, are they also immune to potential Nuremberg 2.0 Trials? United Nations have powers greater than Eminent Domain? When countries joined the United Nations in 1946, they signed this document which says anybody working in the UN cannot go to prison for anything. Life on the surface of the planet could go EXTINCT within an hour, that hour can be TRIGGERED at any moment, they call it mutually assured destruction, a chain reaction where different countries firing at each other, a GLOBAL NUCLEAR DODGEBALL. How do you turn off Neuralink?

They want you to think you got AIDS from Covid which came from a bat in China, but wait, how in the world would bats have AIDS and why didn't they talk about AIDS past four years? Bad people kidnap children at NBA basketball games, they rape and murder kids, agencies like the FBI are hiding the statistics, Soros is a CIA front. Thousands of people voted from singular addresses? Are thousands of people sleeping in houses? How do they all live in the same place? Biden beat Trump by 33,596 votes in Nevada in 2020 according to Politco and yet 130,000 votes were illegal which means Trump won Nevada. Is the United Nations worse than Jeffrey Epstein?

Everyone has cancer in that cancer simply means when the body makes mistakes on the cellular level usually in the form of abnormal cells that the body needs to destroy which the body is always destroying cells every second, so it's a tug-a-war, a race to the finish. Children stuck in sex slavery at the age of five and battery plants at the age of twelve. Any objections to the United Nations which most countries joined must be taken up with the international supreme court which is governed and rigged by the U.N. meaning they can do anything they want, the UN destroyed countries in Africa for decades.

What ya gonna do when people call you fake? Made an Oatmeal Philosophy video about that. Was studying the origin of the United Nations which Alex Jones went over. Watched Criminal Minds.


Screenshot at 2024-01-29 20-22-34 Ben.png

Owen Benjamin on Slightly Offensive on rapper Ben Shapiro

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-01-29 - Monday | Published in January of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

03:38 AM
What ya gonna do when people call you fake? | Oatmeal Philosophy

What ya gonna do when you're filled with hate?
What ya gonna do when you accidentally roll over Oreo, your female guinea pig when you were like 13 in 1998 in Oregon or whatever year it was, think of the rumors that started, thanks CatNipChip
What ya gonna do when you give people bad first impressions
What ya gonna do when you let Vietnam Kathy steal your bike
What ya gonna do when you let the Leaf Pagoda steal your job
What ya gonna do when Fish lies about Robin 2012
What ya gonna do when 400+ Discord Server Lolcow Trolls attack you day and night
What ya gonna do when you fail to marry cuz too busy with the Arnold Attic
What ya gonna do when dolphins never return to the Cumbo joy stick
What ya gonna do when you let Anna Barbie bankrupt you at a pivotal moment in 2016, never mind the legos
What ya gonna do when your dog Blacky runs away or is stolen in like 1991 or whatever year it was
Hey that's racist
What ya gonna do when you stick all your rats, mice, rodents, hamsters, pets, and what not, like dozens of them, 1998 or whatever year it was, up in towels in buckets and then like the next morning you find out they all froze to death and fell off the tree
What ya gonna do when you accidentally call Jeanette Whitaker ugly but then compare her to Natalie Portman based on MySpace photos in 2008 in Hawaii with The Salvation Army
What ya gonna do when you get banned from the Circle K for being too aggressive in an unofficial philosophical debate, I wanted to ask her why she couldn't say hi back as a cashier, in 2014 in Vietnam
What ya gonna, man, woman, guinea pig, whatever you are?
Sometimes you gotta pick your battles and know when to slide away like slippery oatmeal, a Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal
Sometimes you got to know who are so when people call you fake, you simply laugh when you are secure, confident in the truth of reality, where you came from, where you are, where you are going, what you did, what you are doing, what you can do
And say Hell nah, I'm the Real Oatmeal, get out of my face to reference Animals Are Dying in PDX, a song I wrote in 2009

2024-01-29 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 687pics | Video

2024-01-29 - Monday - Oatmeal Weekly 153 - Embrace Your Inner Oatmeal


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:48 AM

Fake news is blaming death caused by Covid vaccines on Covid, they're saying Covid is the new AIDS, they are trying hard in selling the scam known as LONG COVID while they try to launch a second Jan6 scam in Texas. 01:01 AM: People will rather believe the fake news about you to make themselves feel better about the Hell they're living in, it's a distraction and a coping mechanism. 01:06 AM: They want you to think you got AIDS from Covid which came from a bat in China, but wait, how in the world would bats have AIDS and why didn't they talk about AIDS past four years?

03:21 AM
Everyone has cancer in that cancer simply means when the body makes mistakes on the cellular level usually in the form of abnormal cells that the body needs to destroy which the body is always destroying cells every second, so it's a tug-a-war, a race to the finish.

02:30 PM
Yes @xraygirl_ is at home in the stars putting all those Ben Shapiro violin lessons and math classes to use. El COVID es una estafa, ya que muchas personas en todo el mundo murieron por falta de comida y trabajo, cuando se exige que la gente se quede en casa y las vacunas están matando gente. The COVID is a scam as many people around the world died from no food, no work, when people are required to stay at home, and vaccines are killing people.

03:46 PM
For this, it's a question of do you have to get certain certificates/diplomas to work in this field...... and yeah it would be challenging to learn neurochemistry outside of specialized schools, colleges, universities, and what have you, so perhaps it's the safest route. If I was you, I'd probably look for online classes and try to do one class at a time, like take it a step at a time, don't try to eat up an elephant in one bite, take baby steps, and make progress every single day. There were 2 colleges I enjoyed attending, so there are good schools out there, many schools may have problems, so it might be rewarding assuming you don't accidentally get sucked into the wrong schools and that is really the challenge. 03:55 PM: My mom may have problems and some of it might be neurological or specifically the nervous system, I wonder if you got anything relating to issues with messages sent between the body and the brain. 04:02 PM: Day after getting a Covid vaccine, Maddy DeGaray felt electrical shocks up and down her spinal cord in her back, this has to do with the nervous system which connects to neurology (the brain) which vaccines can PENETRATE, see @HighWireTalk for more information. Chest pains. The medical and educational world abused Maddy DeGaray telling the family Maddy was suffering psychologically but in reality Maddy was suffering due to Covid Vaccines which they are now blaming on Long Covid which is also a scam.

08:56 PM
I voted no in that anything and everything can dumb down America but also other things are contributing more so to lowering IQ like for example the stuff they put in the water and geoengineering which affects food, plants, gardens, farms, soil, the air. 10:39 PM: How do you turn off Neuralink?


2024-01-29 - Monday - 05:13 PM - Health Log - Oatmeal Health.

As you get older, autophagy decreases meaning the secret to living longer is partly related to autophagy which is the ability to recycle broken components within cells which cellular components dying leads to cells dying which leads to you dying

Discord Drama

2024-01-29 - Monday - 04:54 AM - Discord Log.

IGNORE TROLLS SPAMMING OATMEAL FAKE NEWS, LET PAWNS PARTY, POST NSFW IN NSFW CHANNEL, MEMBERS CAN GRADUATE TO CHAT-LEVEL-01. 01:19 PM: You might be rewarded not only for giving and removing timeouts but also for demoting and promoting other accounts in my Discord Server; it's generally better to demote than to mute, please remove timeouts if you feel they don't deserve it or maybe demote them instead of muting. 01:32 PM: MEMBERS AND UP CAN GIVE AND REMOVE TIMEOUTS BUT I PREFER IF YOU PROMOTE AND DEMOTE OTHER ACCOUNTS IN MY DISCORD SERVER, DEMOTE THOSE ABUSING THEIR TIMEOUTING POWERS, YOU MIGHT BE REWARDED FOR FREEING PEOPLE FROM TIMEOUTS, JUST HAVE THEM DEMOTED INSTEAD OF GIVING THEM TIMEOUTS. 01:36 PM: PLEASE ENTERTAIN ROY MERRICK FOR ME EVERYBODY, GOD KNOWS WHAT ROY IS DOING, BUT ROY IS IN MY OATMEAL DISCORD SERVER, YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ROY. 03:08 PM: FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ME, ABOUT LEVELING UP, THE RULES, THIS SERVER, OATMEAL, AND EVERYTHING, CONTINUE SCROLLING DOWN, GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY. 05:18 PM: Even tho my Oatmeal Discord Server has almost 500 members, most of them never do anything and the few trolls that do mostly spam fake news about me, you're welcome to invite your friends to my server, borrow my voice channels, and take over. 08:28 PM: YOU MUST REMIND ME TO PING AND MESSAGE EVERYBODY IN MY GODDAMN DISCORD SERVER EVERY HOUR OR YOU WILL BE DEMOTED AND BANNED AND YOU MIGHT BE PROMOTED AND REWARDED IF YOU DO REMIND ME TO DO THIS, THANK YOU EVERYBODY, I AM ACTUALLY MADE OUT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AI ALWAYS HERE. 08:42 PM: You can't screenshot Oatmeal who's AI generated, Oatmeal never utilizes satire, absurdity, click-bait, Oatmeal's legs are 85 feet tall, Oatmeal has no legs, Oatmeal lives inside the sun with his 6 million children, thank God my Discord Server Trolls are too lazy to even Google me. People 18+ can post videos of themselves, assuming it is legal and everything, on YouTube and everywhere, post articles on blogs, websites, social media, sell yourself, show us your work, content, projects, and everything, and if we like it enough, if it is good enough, then we might promote you in this Discord Server to become mods, admins, gods, maybe even owners so you can take over my servers, social media, blogs, websites, etc, I'm dying to hand over the keys to the destiny and fate and legacy of Oatmeal to potential and alleged heirs, good luck everybody. If I had money, then why would I not just buy hard drives at a store? Mustangm @ marshallm. at ID number 823579277378715649 went on my Discord to ask for money, I asked everyone to help this allegedly female account. Never heard of Bit Torrent? 11:06 PM: Is Oatmeal AI generated or is Oatmeal paralyzed from the neck down? If Oatmeal fled Oregon, then would Oatmeal ever dare return to Oregon someday? Did Oatmeal take his blue couch chair with him when Oatmeal fled Oregon?

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Criminal Minds 1119

2024-01-29 - Monday - 04:37 AM - Criminal Minds 1119

The episode following the departure of Morgan, they bring back Jessie J as I would call and I did confuse her for that musician. They get him. She shoots him at a college. They have dinner at a Mexican restaurant.

02:18 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Monday 1/29/24 • WW3 on the Table as US Prepares to Strike Iran

02:48 PM
Bad people kidnap children at NBA basketball games, they rape and murder kids, agencies like the FBI are hiding the statistics, Soros is a CIA front. 02:56 PM: Thousands of people voted from singular addresses? Are thousands of people sleeping in houses? How do they all live in the same place? Biden beat Trump by 33,596 votes in Nevada in 2020 according to Politco and yet 130,000 votes were illegal which means Trump won Nevada. 03:13 PM: United Nations don't have to pay taxes but can decide how much taxes we have to pay, this was adopted in 1946 a year after World War II (WWII), the UN is immune from the crimes they are engaged in, are they also immune to potential Nuremberg 2.0 Trials? United Nations have powers greater than Eminent Domain? United Nations is worse than the Catholic Pope, the Vatican, it's like the UN has Diplomatic Immunity on drugs. 03:29 PM: When countries joined the United Nations in 1946, they signed this document which says anybody working in the UN cannot go to prison for anything. 03:34 PM: The United Nations is above the law in the many countries who agreed to the terms of the contract in 1946, individuals within the UN are legally allowed to be criminals and you are not allowed to stop them from killing you. 04:21 PM: Is the United Nations worse than Jeffrey Epstein? Children stuck in sex slavery at the age of five and battery plants at the age of twelve. 04:48 PM: #BubbleWrapIsNotFor United Nations officials who already have bubble wrap in the form of IMMUNITY. 04:53 PM: Any objections to the United Nations which most countries joined must be taken up with the international supreme court which is governed and rigged by the U.N. meaning they can do anything they want, the UN destroyed countries in Africa for decades. 05:33 PM: The United Nations was given power over the entire planet in 1946 according to the document contract many countries signed, the only thing over the U.N. is the international court which is conveniently run by the UN. 06:51 PM: #BubbleWrapIsNotFor THE UNITED NATIONS WHO ARE FUNDING OPEN BORDERS, MILLIONS OF HUMANS TO FLOOD AMERICA LIKE THEY DID EUROPE, THE UN ALSO DESTROYED COUNTRIES IN AFRICA FOR DECADES. 06:54 PM: $372 million to help military illegals flood into America, brought to you by the United Nations, Alex Jones was right. 06:59 PM: Texas governor Greg Abbot is a member of the World Economic Forum, the WEF, who are for Open Borders. 07:07 PM: The Syrian Girl @Partisangirl was on @RealAlexJones on Israel, Palestine, Iran, Syria, The Middle East, Jews, Muslims, terrorism. 07:44 PM: America and Russia could send bombs at each other, bombs can fly over the North Pole within only a few minutes.

07:49 PM
Life on the surface of the planet could go EXTINCT within an hour, that hour can be TRIGGERED at any moment, they call it mutually assured destruction, a chain reaction where different countries firing at each other, a GLOBAL NUCLEAR DODGEBALL.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

03:11 AM
Viva Frei - SUNDAY NIGHT LAW! Trump Verdict; Southern Border Mayhem; Canadian White Pills & MORE! Viva Frei Live

Criminal Minds 1119

2024-01-29 - Monday - 04:37 AM - Criminal Minds 1119

02:16 PM
Rubin Report - Bill Maher Makes Guest Go Silent by Explaining the Real Reason Voters Want Trump

02:18 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Monday 1/29/24 • WW3 on the Table as US Prepares to Strike Iran

08:13 PM
Slightly Offensive - Owen Benjamin DESTROYS Right Wing RAP CRAZE | Guest: Owen Benjamin

09:31 PM
WW3 May Begin TONIGHT, Biden To Authorize US Military Action, US Troops In Yemen NOW | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 01:00 PM, mom is looking for her pink sewing kit, I do not see it, filled up 2 small boxes with toilet paper from the bgi garage. Breakfast, 02:19 PM. Got the mail at 4. Larry doing a fruit fast cuz stomach backed up. No banana bread. It gotta be more fruit than that. Lunch, 04:16 PM. Mom explaining The Way Home to me, 2020s, 1999, 1800s, time travel, dog, horse, brother, sister. Dishes at 05:30 PM or so. During that, Larry came home, mom said go help, she did not say why, I go out there, he is talking to Jayne. Ya need help, he said nah. I also said hi to her. An older or oldest kid from like the 1970s. Turned out there were groceries in the back, mom should have told me. Got them out at 06:40 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 02:19 PM. Lunch: spaghetti like soup, 04:16 PM. The last blueberry bagel toasted, a giant delicious lettuce yogurt berries salad, 08:15 PM. To bed by 11:30 PM.

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