
Mind Rape Star Wars Alex Jones Jimmy Dore WEF Obama Trump video. Speaking of Genocide Convention, remember that time @BillGates went on @TEDTalks to reveal this math formula of CO2=PxSxExC and we all know what the P stands for? It's depopulation/treason/globalism, Alex Jones reporting, we need Trump. One of the objectives of my Discord Server is to train people in the fine arts of running groups, think of it like an Oatmeal Master Class. You might say I'm being too hard on people like Alex Jones Infocomms/Oatmeal Discord Server Roy Merrick who got me soap/shirts/book/videos/memes/songs/memories/GIFs/lore; but my intention is to persuade potential heirs to take it to the next level. Forget #CalandarGate, if you're sexualizing your coworkers in your mind, don't worry, there's an app for that, I mean the Brain Net, your boss will monitor your thoughts & stop it. Instead of becoming wives and mothers, the Internet is fusing women into hybrids of the two. Like Peter Pan, think happy thoughts to fly into work performance bonuses as your boss reads your thoughts via the Google Facebook Metaverse Matrix AI Sky Net Brain Net, you will be punished and rewarded for what you think and not think.

I cannot currently find this @jimmy_dore interview with @RealAlexJones on @YouTube or @rumblevideo but here is a link to a copy on @Bitchute where they open with the time @cenkuygur blew up. Problem with Brain Net is a potential for a feedback loop similar to when you place a microphone next to a speaker leading to a sound loop which increases in volume. Computers might loop your thoughts in a similar loop thus blowing TMNT Shredder or Back to the Future Marty away. Did Obama do this in the name of science, did Obama legalize the ability to spy on our brains in the name of fighting Covid or other diseases as the Trojan Horse excuse into brain control?

Didn't Obama make a Civil War movie where Texas left America in a Texit, is this a trap, is this the real Genocide Convention, is this a new Anti-Trump Anti-Alex Jones Jan6 scam false flag?

Fake Oatmeal


NWO Orders Obedience Slavery Government GCiEiJlXgAApX7l.jpeg

Nazis were following the law which was Hitler's Germany

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-29 - Friday | Published in December of 2023



Random Outline of my Jan6 Involvement, General Overview

Instead of becoming wives and mothers, the Internet is fusing women into hybrids of the two

Like Peter Pan, think happy thoughts to fly into work performance bonuses as your boss reads your thoughts via the Google Facebook Metaverse Matrix AI Sky Net Brain Net, you will be punished and rewarded for what you think and not think

05:04 PM - Song
If somebody's stuck in your basement, better find out who's there

05:05 PM
People ask me all the time, what's mind rape? | Twitter | Bitchute

Well, I'm glad you asked
It's kind of like imagine Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Bill Cosby go into bar, no scratch that
It's kind of like, imagine your own father enters your room without permission
No, your mind and says, [cue the clip of Darth Vader talking to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi]
The part where Vader says,
"Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong, especially for sister"
If your father did that to you, what would you call it?
I'd call it mind rape
But what do you call it when government does it?
I'd call it mind rape
They'll call it Brain Net at first, it'll be two-way where we can read each other's thoughts
But then government will have false flags and declare that as dangerous
Like they did with the Internet and AI
And then Brain Net will only be one way where our thoughts go to the government and not the other way around
When is government gonna do that?
Wait a minute, didn't Obama already do that?
Didn't Obama legalize that already back in 2016?
What is the National Neurological Conditions Surveiliance System?
Don't worry, they'll only go in your brain if your sick, right?


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:21 PM

I cannot currently find this @jimmy_dore interview with @RealAlexJones on @YouTube or @rumblevideo but here is a link to a copy on @Bitchute where they open with the time @cenkuygur blew up. 02:25 PM. Didn't Obama make a Civil War movie where Texas left America in a Texit, is this a trap, is this the real Genocide Convention, is this a new Anti-Trump Anti-Alex Jones Jan6 scam false flag?

03:27 PM
Instead of becoming wives and mothers, the Internet is fusing women into hybrids of the two. 08:44 PM. Demon Furbies, AKA Gremlins.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-29 - Friday - 12:51 PM - Discord Log.

2024 plans include gradually phasing out whatever that's not profiting at an accelerated/exponential rate like my Discord Server in an attempt to prioritize top projects depending on what's working the most/best, this is the path I'm taking. 01:45 PM. One of the objectives of my Discord Server is to train people in the fine arts of running groups, think of it like an Oatmeal Master Class. 01:57 PM. You might say I'm being too hard on people like Alex Jones Infocomms/Oatmeal Discord Server Roy Merrick who got me soap/shirts/book/videos/memes/songs/memories/GIFs/lore; but my intention is to persuade potential heirs to take it to the next level. 02:04 PM. Retr0 is fake news on my TikTok. When was the last time I shared screenshots of my Discord Server on Twitter? It's been a long time because I haven't visited my server in a long time. 02:19 PM. I'm abandoning my Discord Server in 2024 to the extend it lacks real engagement. 07:21 PM. Let the record show I've given trolls opportunity to blackmail me by exposing everyone I've ever been connected to via my autobiography blog detailing everything I've done everywhere proving my haters are way too lazy and pathetic to put in the work necessary to destroy Oatmeal. 07:31 PM. Only three more days of me talking about my Discord Server here and then I'm probably gonna stop; but I'm considering putting out more videos, articles and whatever else content detailing a list of ways people might be able to entice me to someday return to my server, good luck. 08:15 PM. The invasion of trolls into my Discord Server in 2023 was so insane that it may have disrupted all the work I put into trying to energize the server towards self-governance that could run without me with the reach to grow at an excessively accelerated/exponential rate to expand. 08:54 PM. My 400+ Lolcow Trolls had an opportunity to prove me wrong and win the bet by getting me to return to my Discord Server which I've provided many opportunities, let the record show my trolls are too lazy and they simply suck as they're incapable and owe me millions of dollars each. 08:58 PM. Let the record show, for weeks if not for months in 2023, trolls were given the opportunity to prove me wrong to win the bet by simply finding ways to get me to come back to my Discord Server which I told everybody everywhere for years different things that might get me to return.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Doll Factory 105

2023-12-29 - Friday - 03:39 AM - The Doll Factory 105

She finds out he was married to a high school sweetheart and they like have a kid. Alfie the black boy got money from a painting somebody did of him and got new teeth with the money. Guy said his wife is mad and she said no just ill.

12:54 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Friday 12/29/23 • VIVEK RAMASWAMY - DEEP STATE WILL DO ANYTHING, News & Analysis

01:01 PM
Speaking of Genocide Convention, remember that time @BillGates went on @TEDTalks to reveal this math formula of CO2=PxSxExC and we all know what the P stands for? It's depopulation/treason/globalism, Alex Jones reporting, we need Trump.

02:26 PM
Willyalfredo - Jimmy Dore Interviews Alex Jones! Bill Maher Has NO IDEA What the World Economic Forum Is!

02:29 PM
Let's hop on the Brain Net, what could possibly go wrong, it's not like they'll hack our minds to extract secrets and remote control our bodies like literal puppet drones, it's not like Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has ever lied to us before about privacy and censorship. 02:34 PM. Problem with Brain Net is a potential for a feedback loop similar to when you place a microphone next to a speaker leading to a sound loop which increases in volume. Computers might loop your thoughts in a similar loop thus blowing TMNT Shredder or Back to the Future Marty away. 02:59 PM. Forget #CalandarGate, if you're sexualizing your coworkers in your mind, don't worry, there's an app for that, I mean the Brain Net, your boss will monitor your thoughts & stop it. 03:46 PM. Like Peter Pan, think happy thoughts to fly into work performance bonuses as your boss reads your thoughts via the Google Facebook Metaverse Matrix AI Sky Net Brain Net, you will be punished and rewarded for what you think and not think. 03:54 PM. Did Obama legalize the ability to spy on our brains, minds, and very thoughts? Did Obama do this in the name of science, did Obama legalize the ability to spy on our brains in the name of fighting Covid or other diseases as the Trojan Horse excuse into brain control?

06:41 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Friday 12/29/23 • Bipartisan Resistance Against Trump’s Removal From Maine Ballot

06:47 PM
Vivek @VivekGRamaswamy is more hardcore than @realDonaldTrump because Vivek goes on @RealAlexJones to talk about the insurrection of the deep state against The Constitution.

06:53 PM
Alex Jones was the engine that energized the Trump vs CNN memes wars of 2016 online which was lacking in 2020, may we rise again in 2024 with even more memes than 2016

07:17 PM
She asked @RealAlexJones why the long pause before saying I'm the wife of @maxkeiser and the friend of @joerogan, @LauraLoomer and @TuckerCarlson said he was thinking of calling her his boss, love that Buck The Fed shirt

07:38 PM
1971, world went to fiat for the first time ever.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:30 AM
Dave Rubin - Dave Debunks Popular Dem Conspiracy Theory on 'Real Time' & Bill Maher Agrees

01:17 AM
Chrissie Mayr - Chrissie Mayr Podcast LIVE with Jeremy Griggs of Geeks & Gamers and Friday Night Tights, Trump

The Doll Factory 105

2023-12-29 - Friday - 03:39 AM - The Doll Factory 105

12:06 PM
Seth MacFarlane | Club Random with Bill Maher

12:12 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Friday 12/29/23 • BIDEN'S BORDER INVASION ACCELERATOR, News, Reports & Analysis

12:54 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Friday 12/29/23 • VIVEK RAMASWAMY - DEEP STATE WILL DO ANYTHING, News & Analysis

02:26 PM
Willyalfredo - Jimmy Dore Interviews Alex Jones! Bill Maher Has NO IDEA What the World Economic Forum Is!

05:25 PM
Mikestarwalker - Skywalker Shadows of Evil | Award Winning Lightsaber Duel | Star Wars Fan Film| SaberComp 2022

06:36 PM
The Final CobraCast of 2023 | Scan In 199

06:41 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Friday 12/29/23 • Bipartisan Resistance Against Trump’s Removal From Maine Ballot

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:30 AM. Scrubbed pan that was in the instant pot as whey or whatever wheat it was mom was cooking got stuck to the bottom of the pan. Breakfast, 12:03 PM. Lunch, 01:36 PM. Dishes, compost, mail, recycling around 4 to 5 or whatever it was. Dinner, 06:00 PM. Dishes again for a sec around 7. Hawaii drive work. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 12:03 PM. Lunch: potatoes, 01:36 PM. Dinner: rice on kidney beans soup stuff, really good, 06:00 PM. ChinhPham0306: Son Class 0146: 2023-12-29 - Friday - 09:25 PM. 1. Page 157: Old Man & Strong Man. Redder. Page 80 of another book. My Hobby. Leisure, free time. Empathy means experiencing someone else's feelings. Sympathy, on the other hand, means understanding someone else's suffering. Recap means to give a summary. Avenue. Privacy. Chaos. Concentration. Ancestor. Universe. Acquainted. Inner space. The universe would be outer space and inner space. Inner space is in outer space. Toilet 69 part 2. Aliens. Alliance. The toilet's main base or building could be called their headquarters. Toilet people have human heads but a toilet body. So, they are part human and part not human. The Alliance members are the opposite with human bodies with tech as their heads. The Alliance might have computer brains. Hybrids. It could be that the camera men have regular human heads underneath. The Alliance are like AI with human bodies. Toilets are crazy people with toilet bodies. He was injured and has injuries. When you say alliance, it sometimes sounds like you are saying alien. Alliance is like when 2 teams or countries or groups come together.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.

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