
ASUS crash. Taylor Swift Communism. IBM is racist and connected to Hitler? On my to do list is to put out books/websites to archive and outline examples of how to deal with the trolls and the fake news be it on Discord, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, other social media networks, websites, apps, so on and so forth. Fish wouldn't have met those people in my Discord Server had I not made my Discord Server, Fish has the fish balls to say this on one hand and yet beg me to delete my server on the other hand.

Why do people join my Discord Server but refuse to read what I wrote in the different channels there? I left many messages all over the place. They don't read it and then they wonder why I don't come back to my server and write even more. But what's the point? Joe Biden sent millions of people to prison for doing what his son Hunter did?

Lolcow Trolls will be locked up in dungeons in our Discord Server come 2024, new people should be redirected to general chat when they first join so they can be properly welcomed/introduced to Oatmeal Lore. Currently, if you join, trolls will lie about me & pressure you to leave.


Taylor Swift Communism GBbr7yYWsAAuotc.jpeg

Taylor Swift Communism

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-16 - Saturday | Published in December of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

02:13 AM
Fish Owes Me Money, Again

02:33 AM
Fish Owes Me Money Song

02:41 AM
TikTok Deleted my Laura Video Song

03:13 AM
2024 New Years Resolution Includes Autobiography Outline

03:55 PM
FNT Blooper, Why Won't You AI Draw It Song, Jeremy CobraCast to Shadiversity, Godzilla


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

04:56 AM

Was feeling a little sad
So, I got an elf stuck up in my colon
Hey, now it's Christmas time all the time
And it's so fun, I think I'm rollin'

11:59 AM
Star Trek: Insurrectum
Picard goes to the doctors and gets probed

12:04 PM
What's this obsession over power frequencies like AC/DC? Heard about that band as a kid but the nerd inside me redirected me to electricity. Oh, wait, is Pink Floyd a rock band? I love Another Brick on the Wall. 12:58 PM. Who's drinking Taylor Swift Kool-Aid? Masks were worn by Trump and Haley is a wolf.

ASUS Crash

2023-12-16 - Saturday - 08:16 PM - My Laptop Log.

My 2021 ASUS laptop crashed at this time, did not respond to external or internal/built-in laptop keyboard keys or mice even if pressed for a long time like 20+ second with CTRL+ALT+DEL to shut off. Only holding on the power button for 20 seconds forced it off. I bought this laptop off Amazon in 2021. I noticed it would freeze at least since 2022 and have written about it in my logs since 2022. I have been using this laptop a lot or more often since like October of 2022. I think it has been freezing maybe only a few times since maybe July of 2023. But previous like ten months or whatever it more like once a week or once a month it would freeze. Perhaps updates patched up the hardware/software issues that cauzes it to freeze. But I may not know if it freezes due to hardware, software, OS, CPU, GPU, AMD, NVIDIA, Ubuntu Mint Mate, etc. I recently upgraded and updated software around November/December 2023 as in past few weeks. I think then it froze maybe three or less times in past several weeks. Before that I was not updating my OS since like June or July or whatever it was. Check the logs for exact dates but I thought it did not freeze as often. This laptop was on my Yoga laptop and maybe got too hot. Not sure but I moved my Yoga so ASUS can sit directly on my laptop fan. We will see if that helps. Last log entry was from August 2023, at that time I switched modes. I wrote: "Good news. One thing that might minimize or eliminate how often my laptop freezes. I switched the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 graphic driver from the on-demand mode to the performance mode. People reported that the on-demand mode caused their computers to freeze." I think that helped a little.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-16 - Saturday - 12:28 AM - Discord Server.

One of my goals for 2024 is to attract Team Humanity freedom lovers to run my Discord Server. 12:36 AM. On my to do list is to put out books/websites to archive and outline examples of how to deal with the trolls and the fake news be it on Discord, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, other social media networks, websites, apps, so on and so forth.

01:08 AM
For those running our Discord Server, my suggestion for 2024 is to demote trolls/non-verified and try to only promote above admin people who:

  1. Helps us
  2. Helps others
  3. And/or helps themselves

Looking for people to help me do the following:

  1. Archive my stuff
  2. Outline my stuff
  3. Create teaser/intro trailers/websites
  4. Create a chat bot
  5. Websites/video games

01:11 AM
Fish doesn't like Billy Breaker's Arnold Attic. 01:25 AM. Archiving update, been organizing through my Hawaii Drive. There are other HDDs I'm trying to resurrect. Copied content from floppy disks. Outside of that, been unable to locate my 2006 sermon video, Ella, Back & Ready to Roll. Trying to rescue discs. List goes on and on. 01:35 PM. Who wants to see me not screenshot Fish for a day to see Fish who owes me money for losing a bet flip and flop like a real fish, big changes coming, trolls must get our Discord Server to 1K members before 2024 before I'll consider their demands or else. Rule number one in dealing with trolls like Fish in my Discord Server, refer to them in third-person because they're more an idea than a personal entity. Conservatives were fired from many jobs, especially these past few years, freedom lovers must unite to hire each other, work with each other. When trolls like Fish lie, you can correct the record cuz others are watching. But eventually you gotta move on as trolls are broken/stuck. Fish wrote: "Alex (Gout Riddled) Jones have employed very expensive PR departments." Trolls will literally make stuff up. When dealing with trolls, it's difficult if you don't know the truth yourself about the topics at hand. Watch out & move on baby. Almost daily in my Discord Server from like July to the 4th of December of 2023, like five months consecutively, I would message and ping everybody like 57 times each day. Fish, Socks12, and others said I will always do that every single day. I kept saying I left. 02:01 PM. I'm more likely to interact with creative trolls who can help bring out Oatmeal Lore. One of my goals for 2024 is to transition away from trolls like Fish who is way too lazy to make the Fake Oatmeal News imaginatively engaging which would at least add fictional layer/allure/allegory which could be used for the lore creatively. Karla Villa is a case in point which proves that Fish is not only a troll but a scam because anybody who knows anything about me knows all about Karla as there are videos on the Internet everywhere all about it which proves that Fish is more retarded than Alex Jones. 02:54 AM. How do people Internet, I don't get it, how do you enter a Discord Server without knowing what it is before you engage, people must be zombies. I've been spoon-feeding surface-level trolls like Fish for years, this is the evidence of how they refuse to do deep research/investigation but instead will react to whatever is directly on the screen/I've successfully click-bait/scammed Fish into an endless feedback-loop paradox. If you join my Discord Server, trolls like Fish will lie about me, beg you to leave, and most people will simply comply like they did with masks/vaccines. If there's enough interest, I'm considering compiling outlines of the Fake Oatmeal News to debunk, we're talking websites, videos, and whatever else to better summarize and unpack allegations. Did you know I was on television? 03:33 AM. I'd be tempted to do longer videos, articles, and whatever else if more people screenshot, soundbite, clip, quote, reference, click-bait, and whatever else me more often; the more interest and interaction I get, the more tempted to do longer-form content I get/become. Good luck. Fish thought I'd be back pinging everybody in a day but here we are 10+ days/who wants to bet Fish would continue having a fake conversation with my Discord Server bot who asks about Karla Villa/even if I stopped screenshoting Fish to Twitter for weeks/I bet Fish would still flop. Do I have to spoon-feed you everything? Walt Disney around a century ago allegedly stole art from his coworker and copyrighted it, I'm against the weaponization and monopoly tyranny involved. Fish scares people away from my Discord Server and then wonders why they left, geez I wonder. If it turns out Fish is actually Roy Merrick in disguise, I'd be not be surprise as they both believe I've done nothing since like 2009 or pick a year. Fish wouldn't have met those people in my Discord Server had I not made my Discord Server, Fish has the fish balls to say this on one hand and yet beg me to delete my server on the other hand. 04:42 AM. I bet Fish a million dollars I wouldn't respond on Discord. Fish lost the bet and owes me money. Hoodbarber said he was leaving my Discord Server for good like only a week ago, he left, and then he came back just like that. 04:48 AM. Why do people join my Discord Server but refuse to read what I wrote in the different channels there? I left many messages all over the place. They don't read it and then they wonder why I don't come back to my server and write even more. But what's the point? I've been online for 26+ years since like 1997. 11:38 AM. I let trolls lie about me in my Discord Server because there might be some truth in what they say and it offers a window into how others might see me: their perspective, opinions, questions, criticism, concerns. If I ban the Oatmeal Fake News, then that would create BLACK MARKETS. 11:52 AM. Lolcow Trolls will be locked up in dungeons in our Discord Server come 2024, new people should be redirected to general chat when they first join so they can be properly welcomed/introduced to Oatmeal Lore. Currently, if you join, trolls will lie about me & pressure you to leave. 01:53 PM. Feel free to come to my fan club on Discord to rant, vent, confess, complain, debate, chat, talk via webcams, audio, memes, spam, troll, lie, gossip, teach, learn. I think I created a hate server. Patriots love Trump and Haley is a monster. 01:57 PM: promoted this Discord account @ quickdashattack because I appreciate honesty. The Discord Challenge. How long can you last in my server before my trolls scare you away? How do you not know my username? Fish thought I'd be back pinging and messaging everybody in my Discord Server like a million times each and every day like I used to, Fish thought I couldn't go without doing that for longer than a day, but here we are 10+ days later, I won the bet, Fish owes me money. 05:54 PM. Around twenty fake Oatmeal Parody Accounts were on my Discord Server in November of 2023, the top parody accounts will be rewarded and promoted, this is an open invitation, I get no love? For almost ten years since 2014, my username on social media has been @ joeyarnoldvn and I have been telling everybody this everywhere on all the websites for only the past decade or longer, it's only common sense to know one's URL username not to be confused with display names. 08:48 PM. Not much of a gamble if I already won the bet and now Fish already owes me money as Fish lost, I literally am from the year 2024, I went back in time to tell everybody Fish has already lost the million dollar bet, we all know I won the bet, I did what I said I would do.

Oatmeal lore

06:34 PM

Oatmeal Lore begins once upon in a forest, Oatmeal Billy Breaker, who might be an alien, is adopted into the Arnold Attic of the Ojawall Bumbaloe Ghetto of Rose Grove in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA, in 1985. After that, he is homeschooled by M&M, not @Eminem. Dead Wing Dork featured one of my videos from like 2011 with a click-bait title featuring Beyonce and Lady Gaga, don't ask anybody about Sharon Clayton.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


New Frasier 108

2023-12-16 - Saturday - 04:19 AM - New Frasier 108

Son smart when drunk. Beer thing. Homework guy. Paper. Bar. Class. Impress man.

05:50 PM
Alex Jones on Twitter X, Episode 002

06:14 PM
IBM is racist and connected to Hitler? How Ironic Mystic for IBM Red Hat Linux people to be seeking to dox and destroy whistleblowers who exposes corruption, OMG @JamesOKeefeIII & @elonmusk referencing @Alanis Morissette's Ironic which is a song I treasure from the 1990s, @RealAlexJones reporting. You know what Thomas Watson did? Is @IBM @RedHat bad? Do I have to get rid of my @ubuntu OS Mint Mate @ubuntumate? This girl is in a @JamesOKeefeIII video, what did she do? Are the Ubuntu and Linux communities for or against Hitler who is connected to Thomas Watson of IBM? 06:54 PM. Joe Biden sent millions of people to prison for doing what his son Hunter did?

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:06 AM
Timcast IRL - Democrat CAUGHT Filming Gay Adult Film In Senate Room, Video ALL OVER X w/Owen Shroyer

03:24 AM
Red Letter Media - Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia

New Frasier 108

2023-12-16 - Saturday - 04:19 AM - New Frasier 108

11:26 AM
Nerdrotic - Disney's Internal Civil War, Hollywood Crumbling | Friday Night Tights 280 w/ Disparu

04:07 AM
Democrats Are DISGUSTING | CobraCast 199

05:50 PM
Alex Jones on Twitter X, Episode 002

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:00 AM. Little headache. I put on Tom's new hat. Breakfast, 11:10 AM. Made a short video, recorded mom play keyboard piano for a second around 01:25 PM. Lunch, 01:30 PM. Dishes, 02:30 PM. Mom & Larry went to a Christmas thing or whatever it was around like 3 or 4. Back around 5 for an hour or whatever it was, I made TikTok videos during that time, was eating too, that is dinner around 05:20 PM, and then back to church around like 06:30 PM. Shower around 7. Back here, 07:35 PM. ChinhPham0303: Son Class 0143: 2023-12-16 - Saturday - 09:30 PM. 1. TV Old Man Addict Story, page 133. Night in jungle story, 134. Preceded means before. He preceded me in the forest means he went first, he was in front, he went before you or ahead of you. Supper is dinner. First aid. Incomplete means not complete. A rough sea is the opposite of a calm sea. Toilets. Seasons. Bonuses. Sun. Earth. If no sun, then dark and cold. Toilet, season 22. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, sliced apple, 11:10 AM. Lunch: some of the baked bread mom made was good, 01:30 PM. Spaghetti with that bread, 02:46 PM. Dinner: more of the lunch, 05:20 PM. Pecan pie, 9.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.

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