
Even if my Lolcow Trolls had me murdered via police swatting me which they attempted to do in 2023, even if all the websites purged every mention of me and my rats, people would still talk about, they would continue lying about me, and I'd be unable to defend myself. The problem is even if I delete myself off the Internet, people have copies of my content. Fish wants me to fall victim to the Alex Jones Effect where he was banned off the Internet which led to people lying about him as he was unable to defend himself, this happens to me and to many people. Bill Maher is on the back of the 2nd Alex Jones Book, The Great Awakening.

Fish posted the link to my 2022-09-29 post here/Fish included a screenshot of the planted fake opening paragraphs from that post in his collages/but when I referenced this same post, Fish had the audacity to ask me for the same link he previous posted earlier in my Discord Server.

They talk about being turned off by religion. One of my crimes in life might be in perhaps turning people off to religion, politics, etc. So, I'm taking it to heart, I'm taking notes, I'm considering it all.

Alex Jones didn't predict 9/11, the truth of the matter is that globalists have to tell you what they're going to do so they can feel justified in the fact you didn't stop them which we can see with the white papers and even books from the 1800s and beyond.



The Adventures of Oatmeal & His Rats

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-06 - Wednesday | Published in December of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:37 AM

Right, I think I do remember Leia having Anakin Jr. I also remember the Dark Horse comics they had of Star Wars which was very interesting to me in the 1990s as a twelve year old boy around like 1997 as the Special Edition was coming out.

02:19 PM
For a minute I thought you were talking about McDonald's. Believe it or not, that seems more delicious to me at the moment even as I find that to be pretty fake and unhealthy. Is it safe to say Jade Blair Xox is not marriage material? A lot of men are attracted to women surface level, me too, & men don't want to consider the side effects, like even this girl is tempting. No judgements or anything, but like is it me or is Jade like a narcissist? But to be fair, men tend to have a higher body count than women.

03:24 PM
When I try to copy on Ubuntu via Ddrescue and Testdisk my 80 GB HDD Hawaii Drive (Windows, Fat32 LBA) to my SSD drive, it turns into 800+ GB and then I ran out of space and it was still going. How is that possible?

05:06 PM
Alex Jones didn't predict 9/11, the truth of the matter is that globalists have to tell you what they're going to do so they can feel justified in the fact you didn't stop them which we can see with the white papers and even books from the 1800s and beyond. Elon Musk may have felt like the globalists would attack him even harder if he let Alex Jones on. 07:06 PM. Vivek said Jan6 was an inside job, Alex Jones said weeks before Jan6 that globalists would try to turn Jan6 into a false flag, a trap, they would try to blow things up and blame it on patriots. I even published articles about Jan6 weeks before Jan6. Globalists are predictable. 08:49 PM. We need an MK Ultra Trump Alex Jones video game. 09:25 PM. Badd Ass Mommy. On your wall are characters from the Scream movies and like ghosts and do you also have those ghost like characters from the Nintendo Mario games?

11:04 PM
Make your own video games or interactive text-only stories using Twine, it utilizes HTML, you can add photos, sounds, maybe video, Twine can work on web browsers or be downloaded. It's like choose your own adventure books.


google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-06 - Wednesday - 12:09 AM - Discord Log.

Back to the Oatmeal Future, I bet you a million dollars I won't be posting again in my Discord Server before 2024/just trick me into messaging/pinging or hack my account to win the money/but then I'll have excuses to counter your scams/Fish owes me millions of bling bling baby. Proof Fish is an idiot/everybody knows I've been posting context/character/content/videos/photos/articles/messages/tweets/autobiography/my life/perspective/opinion/my side of the story on all the websites/online/offline for decades/but y'all too surface-level lazy to see/realize. Proof Fish owes me a million dollars come 2024 as I didn't post again in my Discord Server between now and 2024, Fish wrote: "Joey will be back on here posting and pinging people before the year is out Not a bet but rather an astronomical certainty. There." I win. Fish won't pay. Fish must give me a million dollars as we can see I've not posted on my Discord Server from the 6th day to through to the end of the 31st day of December of 2023 meaning between now & 2024, my bet is I won't be posting again there before 2024 but Fish/Lolcow Trolls think I will. Oatmeal Historians know I've provided more context than you would know what to do with. 12:32 AM. This is Fish saying he's too lazy to read my articles/watch my longer videos/look at my older tweets/Fish has even taken articles of mine out of context ignoring the body while focused on the planted fake opening paragraphs/headlines I gave/one example is my blog entry 2022-09-29. Fish stole my Vietnam Kathy Bikes, owes me a million dollars, and is a pathological liar who spread Fake Oatmeal News daily to a sea of demented Lolcow Trolls who are letting TikTok fry their brains back to Mexico which I know you're gonna take the wrong way you legless dog Bill. More evidence that Fish is an idiot, I won the bet because I didn't post again after/between my last post on the 4th of December of 2023 and 2024 (as in before 2024), I also bet Fish another one million dollars won't pay me a million dollars on the first day of January of 2024. Fish wrote to me, "PS I never accepted your asinine bet idiot" because Fish knows he'll lose this bet/also, each of my Lolcow Trolls owes me a million dollars each, 26 days or less to go until we make it to 2024, I've already won/Fish scared to death. The problem is even if I delete myself off the Internet, people have copies of my content. 12:56 AM. Fish wants me to fall victim to the Alex Jones Effect where he was banned off the Internet which led to people lying about him as he was unable to defend himself, this happens to me and to many people. Bill Maher is on the back of the 2nd Alex Jones Book, The Great Awakening. 01:02 AM. Fish is a broken record troll who demands I provide links which I already did/Fish either is lying as he knows I already did or Fish is truly autistic beyond the scope of Billy Madison Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore Water Boy colliding with Tom Hanks in Big/You Got Mail/Castaway. Fish is a pedo until he can prove he isn't. Problem with spending hours debunking Fake Oatmeal News in videos/articles is my Lolcow Trolls have no attention span which lead to them not even taking the time to look at my side of the story which counters the deception Fish peddles/I'm still publishing it for the record tho. Lolcow Trolls have broken logic/they're hypocrites/I've said thousands of times I'm not a pedo for decades on all the websites but Fish will claim I've done crimes with no evidence/how would you feel if I accused you of allegations/but Fish has no brain to compare the irony there. I sight my source, 2022-09-29. One second letter, Fish says, "Sight your sources" even as I did a second ago, that's the insanity of this Fish fella. Fish is a pedo. Fish can't proof he isn't. But Fish has no logic in his brain. I posted videos in 2022 to debunk Fake Oatmeal News. But YouTube deleted my 10K+ videos. Google stole my Vietnam Kathy Bike. Fish owes me $2M. That's two million bucks. Alphabet deleted my evidence. Fish said, "I am of course being hyperbolic." Yet, Fish will not accept when I'm utilizing hyperbole/sarcasm/trolling/satire/scamming/deception/fabricated fake news to make a point/irony/sarcasm/absurdity/two truths & a lie/twisted guinea pig metal/tests/and so on and so forth. 01:30 AM. When asking for prove, Fish will spam collages of mixed content from me and from parodies who pretend to be me/Fish conflates between what I said with what fake Oatmeal accounts said/that's defamation/plus I'm sometimes engaged in information-warfare just like Jesus was ya know? On one hand, Fish said, "IT IS ALL ON YOU TO PROVE YOUR INNOCENTS" to fake news about me. Yet on the other hand, Fish will refuse to prove his innocence if people were to accuse him of being a pedo. That's the double standard he engages in, that's hypocrisy. Fish is a clown. 01:45 AM. But to be clear, if enough people want to hear my side of the story to specific events from my life, I'm willing to take the time to express my opinions, my side of the story, my truth, this offer is always on the table for those who genuinely have a long enough attention span. 03:45 AM. Fish posted the link to my 2022-09-29 post here/Fish included a screenshot of the planted fake opening paragraphs from that post in his collages/but when I referenced this same post, Fish had the audacity to ask me for the same link he previous posted earlier in my Discord Server. Fish Man is a goldfish forgetting what he posted/Fish posted it/he has the illogical balls to ask me for the link which he already posted/and all the links from my daily blog is the same as it's simply the domain name, the username, and the date, just those 3 elements for the URL. Proof of Fish's dishonesty/what's the point of debunking Fake Oatmeal News if Fish lives/thrives off disinformation/but I'm still willing to discuss life events with those who, unlike Fish, genuinely want to know/Fish is a destructive Lolcow Troll. Fish runs around in circles/time-loop like broken records asking for a link he already provided/this is evidence my Discord Server guinea-pig Lolcow Trolls won't shut up like parrots with only one catch-phrase/worse than Child Play Chucky/Fish blatantly lies/Fish is Chris Chan. This is how broken Fish is who probably forgot he or maybe Flopper or Emu posted a link to my blog post which there are links provided on all of my social media/blogs/including Discord meaning Fish is extremely dishonest as he knows he can easily get the link from many places. One of my dumbest trolls is Fish, do you think I should stop interacting with this Fish character who is a pathological liar and is probably a kid? Here is evidence Fish is a demented boy. Therefore, it's probably a waste of time to engage with this troll who is very uncreative and very illegal. Fish ran out of things to say because Fish never really had anything to say in the first place/Fish is a scam artist pedo kid who is demented/broken/stuck in a time loop/engaging with trolls is probably too counterproductive for people/but ask me real questions. Fish thinks he can make me look crazy/Fish is trying to discredit me/the fate of the oatmeal is resting in your hands/I'm willing to engage with people who actually want to know things about me unlike trolls like Fish who are jokes/Fish owes me two million dollars/drowning Fish. 12:09 PM. Fish is jealous I got 100K impressions on Twitter for my tweet which invites people to join my Discord Server even as they shouldn't because it's full of Lolcow Trolls who sent police to my house and tried stealing credit cards as they also doxxed me. Fish stole my chin and my Vietnam Kathy Bike. Fish engages in defamation against me as he falsely accuses my parents, family, relatives, and ancestors of incest which couldn't be farther from the truth as seen you know where as it has been documented/archived. Only 9 chats? Better yet, why aren't you reading it? Did I get owned at Hamas University? No matter how many times I tell the people the truth about what I do online, that I'm a scam artist, that I'm simply trying to get clicks/views, no matter how many times I debunk Fake Oatmeal News, my Lolcow Trolls will pretend as if I didn't reveal all many times all over. Remember the Power Rangers parody movie we made when I was ten years old back in 1996 in the ghetto of Oregon, did you ever see that film? I don't know exactly what Roy is referring to because I write many things everywhere all the time. But Roy thinks I can figure out which one he's talking about. Roy wrote: "Direct answer: No, I do not believe that." But believe what exactly? Roy owes me a million dollars too because Roy thinks I'll be posting again after this and before 2024/my bet is that I won't be which each of my Lolcow Trolls think I'll be back in my Discord Server sending messages and pinging everybody before 2024 as in any day now/but ya wrong. 03:29 PM. It is pointless for me to write in my Discord Server because my 400+ Lolcow Trolls ignore everything, it's like talking to a wall, in one ear and out the other. They didn't join the server for me which is weird. Like why are you even there? 06:32 PM. For every day Fish fails to say I win, Fish will owe me an extra million dollars for losing the bet. 07:13 PM. I'd rather be eating pizza with Chris Christie Jabba the Hutt than live in some three-way orgy with my Discord Server guinea-pig Ra Ra Lolcow Trolls, Ron DeSantis, Vivek, here is evidence/proof they're Roy Merrick Ian Oatmeal Box Not Your Bill inspired Legless-Dogs. 08:23 PM. Even if my Lolcow Trolls had me murdered via police swatting me which they attempted to do in 2023, even if all the websites purged every mention of me and my rats, people would still talk about, they would continue lying about me, and I'd be unable to defend myself. 08:38 PM. I didn't post in my Discord Server in the last 40+ hours, y'all owe me a million dollars each. Pay me right now or you will have to pay me a thousand times that in the future. Thank you very much. My MK Ultra Clone Wars Discord Server Lolcow Trolls should resign for being so gullible/thin like legless dogs unable to see how Ian Oat Box is actually one of my alts along with Fish Bronycon, Flopper, Roy, Emu, Socks12, Geraldy Jones, & other sock puppet accounts. 09:30 PM. Fish wants to have his cake and eat it at the same time. First, Fish says Oatmeal is bad. Second, Fish then says, simultaneously, on top of that, Oatmeal lied. But which is it? It cannot logically be both. But Fish is relying on the fact you won't be able to compare/contrast. Should I stop interacting with my Fish troll who is stalking my Discord Server? People in my Discord Server literally stalk my Twitter but refuse to directly comment on what I post on Twitter. That's crazy. Proof I'm an alt of Ian. I mean, I'm not. 10:30 PM. Fish wants you to think I did bad but also lied about doing bad meaning I didn't do the bad/which is it? To use an analogy, imagine Fish asking me if I robbed a bank. For 30 years I say no. But 1 day I say yes. Fish screenshots that as evidence/Fish then says just kidding he lied. Fish, can you believe I haven't posted on Discord in the last two days? How many more days until I ping everybody in my goddamn Discord Server? Does that mean you want me to stop interacting with you by proxy? When I was a girls basketball manager, Richie Van Dyke would call my logic jofinitions. AKA Joe's definitions. I confess, I lied to Fish a bunch in 2022 because I thought he was gonna get bored with me and never ever come back. But now I'm thinking it doesn't matter what I do, Fish is unstoppable either way. Please don't ask Amy Espinoza about her apple pie.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Gilded Age 206

2023-12-06 - Wednesday - 02:08 AM - The Gilded Age 206

Servant boy invented an alarm clock, his friends and coworkers gave him money, he needed maybe $50 to apply for a patent, I found this part to be intriguing. Small pox outbreak of 1853.

The Santa Clauses 204-206

2023-12-06 - Wednesday - 03:33 AM - The Santa Clauses 204-206

Bad Santa turns a park into his own land and he does magic. The you are not Olga gag. But then Olga breaks up with Bad Santa as the relationship was toxic.

11:48 AM
Bryan Cranston | Club Random with Bill Maher

11:59 AM
They talk about being turned off by religion. One of my crimes in life might be in perhaps turning people off to religion, politics, etc. So, I'm taking it to heart, I'm taking notes, I'm considering it all.

05:43 PM
Timcast IRL - GOP DEBATE LIVE Commentary, Trump Will Go FULL DICTATOR For one Day w/Tom Sauer

06:01 PM
The team-up of Ron and Vivek against Nikki Haley made me feel like I was watching an anime, I was waiting for a high-five. 07:38 PM. Did the GOP debate crash as soon as Vivek was about to attack the killer Covid Vaccines?

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:38 AM
Dave Rubin | Club Random with Bill Maher

The Gilded Age 206

2023-12-06 - Wednesday - 02:08 AM - The Gilded Age 206

The Santa Clauses 204-206

2023-12-06 - Wednesday - 03:33 AM - The Santa Clauses 204-206

11:48 AM
Bryan Cranston | Club Random with Bill Maher

12:00 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 12/6/23 • TRUMP’S “RETRIBUTION” News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:57 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 12/6/23 • News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:51 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Wednesday 12/6/23 • ALEX NEWMAN - COP28 NWO PLAN, News, Reports & Analysis

02:25 PM
Here is a minute from an hour-long Power Rangers movie we made back when I was ten years old, we played multiple characters as child actors in this indie film filmed in the ghetto, I played Billy Breaker, Ivan Ooze, etc.

04:47 PM
Elon Musk’s Sharp Reaction to Disgraceful Ivy League Testimony

04:50 PM
Episode 2314 CWSA 12/06/23 Lots Of News With Persuasion Angles Today. That's My Jam

05:43 PM
Timcast IRL - GOP DEBATE LIVE Commentary, Trump Will Go FULL DICTATOR For one Day w/Tom Sauer

09:04 PM
Steven Crowder - Did Donald Trump Just Admit He Wants To Be a Dictator?!

11:17 PM
Dana Carvey | Club Random with Bill Maher

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:20 AM. Clothes into dryer. Mom sliced apples to put into instant cooker for chips. Morning vitamins daily before breakfast now includes leg exercises and stretching since this month at least or longer a little into November by maybe a few days. Breakfast, 11:46 AM. Lunch, 01:18 PM. Compost, dirt, cloudy, mail, dishes, around 03:40 PM to 04:40 PM. Dinner, 05:30 PM, mom is on season 3 of the heart show and I asked when ties were invented and perhaps 1600s. Dishes, 07:30 PM to 08:18 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:46 AM. Lunch: soup, noodles, beans, cheese, really good stuff, thanks mom, 01:18 PM. Dinner: spaghetti from the instant pot, 05:30 PM, potato which was in the instant pot and then in the toaster oven and I said to mom my potato is part French Fries, I added ketchup including the last of the one container, added water to get the last bits out, also some from a new container which I only saw one from the front garage, 06:00 PM to like 07:30 PM.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.

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