It's Ovyr: wE cAn vIcToRy! Doom Squad, Challenged Squad, Andreevka, not Andriivka; Polish Merc Strugglers, Dooming On, Nuclear Cringe and More

The Thesis is that now that a summer victory is gone with even more aid they'll win, this autumn, best case scenario:

Unfortunately for them, they're gonna be fighting a war of attrition, to the last retard:

After more than 18 months of grinding, attritional war, it should be obvious that there are no miracle weapons and that there are no alternatives to slowly and methodically reducing Russian forces in Ukraine.

It is time to bury the game-changing weapons narrative and embrace a more realistic understanding of what individual weapon systems can and cannot accomplish—while making sure that Ukraine gets what it needs to continue the fight.

There are numerous reasons why the idea of game-changing weapons is flawed and dangerous. For one, it risks undermining long-term military support by Western governments as their expectations for the effect of specific weapons are not fulfilled. Just think of the ongoing counteroffensive: The fact that Ukrainian soldiers quickly gained proficiency in handling the Leopard 2s and other fresh Western equipment led some commentators and policymakers to believe that this would automatically translate into battlefield success. They did not bother to ask whether just a few months of training on a limited number of vehicles would suffice to pull off a complex combined arms offensive across well-prepared Russian fortifications.

Disappointment can quickly create discord. Accusations fill the air, arguing that the weapons were not supplied fast enough or in sufficient numbers. If this criticism is voiced by Ukrainians, some Western policymakers feel that Kyiv is “ungrateful.”

Even larger quantities—whether of the Taurus alone or in combination with ATACMS—would not guarantee a game-changing impact. As Michael Kofman and Rob Lee pointed out, conducting a successful deep battle campaign is much harder than most commentators seem to think. It is very difficult to interdict supply lines, conduct dynamic targeting, or establish fire control in the deep rear without air superiority. To conduct a more systematic deep battle campaign, Ukraine would need persistent intelligence, as well as better surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities (such as satellites and uncrewed aerial vehicles) to identify and track Russian targets.

Given effective Russian countermeasures—such as electromagnetic jamming of drones, and Ukraine’s lack of high-end reconnaissance platforms and lack of control of the skies—persistent coverage of the Russian rear is a difficult proposition.

The hope that Taurus and ATACMS will be game-changers also seems to ignore systematic Russian adaptation ever since the introduction of HIMARS multiple rocket launchers in the summer of 2022. Russian forces have hardened command and control posts, diversified their supply network, and no longer rely on large, vulnerable ammunition depots close to the front line. Even if Ukraine were able to more systematically employ long-range missiles in larger quantities, it is unclear how effective such a strike campaign would be against a well-entrenched adversary with sophisticated air and missile defense and strong electronic warfare capabilities.

Russian forces are still able to mount counterattacks, conduct counterbattery fire, and keep up relatively steady artillery barrages in the face of Ukrainian attacks.

In short, given missile availability and Russian adaptations, the expectations in what can be accomplished with long-range missiles in the Russians’ deep rear are far beyond what seems to be possible. We should not expect a sudden, disruptive impact on the war effort from additional precision-strike missiles, even if they are armed with a more powerful warhead and have an even longer range, such as ATACMS. Rather, these systems will be an additional asset to help Ukraine slowly attrit Russia’s capacity to wage this war.

In Clown Central Network:

Don't Give Up!

Basic Math, they've "changed tactics" since mid June, so 3 months, let's say 90 days. Lets say they advanced the minimum .7km*90/5= 12.6km, so it's hard to see how that adds up:
3 months:

3 months:

This is over 4 months of "progress":

Even by the lowest estimate it hardly translates to reality, they continue making fools of themselves:

Just Believe!

Believe the studies!

Don't Fold, Strength To The Empire!

Team Challenged:

Same Bunch:

Lessons, in how to decimate your population for no gains.

Why is Ukraine building the largest military cemetery on the face of the Earth?

Why does Ukraine have ten times as many amputees as the US did in Vietnam?

Why does the average Ukrainian personally know 3 people killed in the war?

Why did a Ukrainian major general say multiple times that they have hundreds of thousands of dead?

Why is the Ukrainian Rada legalizing the conscription of those with episodic and motor disorders, central nervous system disorders, mild mental retardation, HIV, tuberculosis, and blood disorders?

Why does Ukraine have thousands of women in front line non-support roles?

Why did the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister say they had 1300 IFVs 400 tanks and 700 artillery systems destroyed in June 2022 when oryx claimed only 132, 200, and 70 destroyed or damaged? Why the 600% difference?


What do they mean "Struggles"!

They are Victorious!


For context, they haven't captured one village around Bakhmut despite more than 4 months of trying, pre war population of less than 100, image losing thousands of troops, maybe even tens of thousands, to almost capture a village you lost in less than 8 days (1-2 days in and around the village) 10 months earlier.

Now Imagine you thought you'll get paid 400k by Queef:

But they said they're working slow and methodical to preserve manpower! And they also said 400k for benefits.. And that they liberated Andriyfka.. and that they'll be at Sea of Azov in one to three weeks..

Bakhmut City was an Impenetrable Fortress at the crossroads of many important train rail and roadways, it was Fortress Bakhmut and Bakhmut Holds before it quickly became a Grinding Operation to atrit the Russians in an insignificant town. The "one to three weeks" to sea of Azov "spring" counteroffensive now identifies as another such.. grinding operation, where it's not about how much territory they liberate, but how many Russians they destroy:

Imagine if they learn the Russians are only expanding:

Russians on February 24, 2022

Now here's the Russians after

  • The great Kivv and Kherson Counteroffensive,
  • The Greatest Summer Counteroffensive Kherson,
  • The Mighty Kharkov Rout,
  • The Soledar Encirclement,
  • The Bakhmut Grinder,
  • and now The Greatest Attrition Offensive ever:
At this rate the Russians will reach 960k in Ukraine by the time the Ukrainians are done ”Attriting" them in preparation for the Greatest Counteroffensive Spring 2024, just in time for some sapling to form into a shrub:

From Dangerous Shrubs To Danger Behind Every Shrub:

To become shrubs, cringe warning:


Be Vegetables, even The Onion would think this was a joke, but Reality is much more ridiq.

Breakdown indeed

Savor the Seethe:

Bring the Whambulance!

Sthap it Ruzzia!

No, says hateful Russia:

Generations of Attempted Domination!

(Lol, 200k)

Defence in depth is deeply entrenched, who would have thought?! They concluded that right now fighting takes precedence, and when it pauses it'll be rearmament, not peace that follows, until rearmament is no more.

It's Ovyr: Russians In Rabotino, Klishchivka and Avdeevka, New Uragan(Hurricane) 90KM Range Precision Rockets, RU Produces 7x More Than West, Muh NATO Article Five, Boris Seethes, Dooming On and More

It's Ovyr: Bombshell Claims From Zelensky's Former Ukraine National Bank Chairman, NYT, UA Pravda, Economist, Telegraph, WaPo, Sun, PBS And More All Dooming and Much More

It's Ovyr: 8 out of 10 Ukrainians: Zelensky Directly Responsible For Government Corruption, EU Agrees; GR FM Flops In Queef, Doom On, Meat Wagons, AFU Hunted, and More

It's Ovyr: Anticipating "Humiliation", Humiliating Milley OSINT Self Own, Miley Dooms, Kim and Putin Dread, Blinken Copes Over G20, Former Czech Intel Chief Dooms On Quiiv, Fictional Breakthrough and More

It's Ovyr: Quiv Is Queef, AFU DOOMS; Budanov Copes, TOTAL UKRAINIAN DEATH, Bloomberg Dooms, Bidet Folds, Estonia Dooms, US Drops Queef, Rampant Corruption and More

It's Ovyr: NYT Doominghard, Forbes Is Z, Elensky is Z, ABC Flatline, Self Own Queef, Telegraph, WaPo and Sky News in Panic, Seeing Is Believing and More

It's Ovyr: Epic Doom, WSJ Elusive Breakthrough, Stoltenberg Projects Stronkness, High On Cope Dooming, RO is Z, UA is Z, X is Z, Everyone Z, More Meatwagons and More

It's Ovyr: Quiyv False Flag, Mentally Challenged Projection and Cope, Economist Copium OD, Independent Hard Cope, BI Cope and Seethe, RFE Dooms, Telegraph Cope, Breaking Defense Dooming and More

It's Ovyr: The Atlantic, Newsweek, WSJ, WaPo, Politico, CBS, Fox, EuroNews, Business Insider, Foreign Policy, NYT, Economist and Times all Doom on Qiyv, WotR Dooms and Copes, Qiyv Says, UN Declares Russians Aren't Engaged In Genocide and More

It's Ovyr: Weeks of Counteroinkfense "Not really having any effect" Sky News Dooms, NYT Dooming, TTLU, Epileptics Too; Pope On Qyivs Hit List, New Defence Minister, TOS2 Flamethrower System and Queef Will Win, in 2025

It's Ovyr: They Struggle To Cope; "Russian Tactics" Required, Says AFU; Dooming Harder, Nobel Caves, Workforce Collapse Nears, Military Following and Much More!

It's Ovyr: Conscription Age Dropped To 17, Europe Poised To Break Record RU LNG Imports, Germany Doing Their Part, RT Analysis, Quiyv To Seek Extradition For Those Who Fleed Conscription and Much More

It's Ovyr: Gerasimov Averts WW3, Shut Up About The Counter-Offensive, UK MoD Quits, UA MoD On Chopping Block, RU FM Spokeswoman Bodies Italian Reporters, High On Meth With No Training, DoomingHard DoomingOn and More

It's Ovyr: Estonia/Latvia Likely Involved In Russian Drone Attacks, Main Line Breached, Not; Another Aviation Catastrophe, New Cryptic Prigozhin Video, Congress Panicking, Queef Mur Sanctions, EU Record Russian LNG Imports, Soon and NATO Failed

It's Ovyr: Mobilization Ruled Non-Binding, Spiegel: Quiyv Behind Nord Stream Bombing, Prigozhin Lives, 400k Dead, BBC Spins 70k KIA, 71 Year Old In Training, Counter Offensive Overshadowed By Russian Advances, Floating On The Retard's Tears And F16 Woes

It's Ovyr: Pilots For Infantry, Denazification By Bureaucracy, SBU Joins Bandera, Russia Advances, Refusing Evacuation, Forced Children "Evacuation", Daily Star Truth Bombs, RU Drones Are Go, West Pushes Serbs To BRICS and Robotino Is reCaptured

It's Ovyr: Dooming On Quiyv From India, Bild Cannon Fodder, Mangled For Queef, Agent Z Needs Funds For Democracy, OutDroned, WSJ Seethe n' Sneed, NYT Spins Terrorism And Cope With Chad Worldwide, "Around Rabotino" Queev Self Own And Seething At Neutrality

It's Ovyr: Crushing Assessment; Miley Says First Defensive Line Breached; On CNN, AFU Officers claim "Almost At First Defensive Line", More Doominghard From MSM, BRICS Expands, Lancet Strike Set New Records, Latvia Backtracking and Much More

It's Ovyr: US Intel Blames Kivv's Tactics For Failure, Kivv Opens 266 Hectare Cemetery, Kivv Back To Mosquito Tactics, 82nd Is Weak, Doom Spin By WotR, MSM Seethes At Large Conservative Majority, Kivv Bans Frontline Reporting And More

It's Ovyr: US Demands Decisive Acts, Corruption Persists, Russians Keep Amassing, 82nd BTFO Again, US Behind EuroMaidan, BBC On Cannon Fodder, The Hill Copes, NYT Vidya Soldiers, Politico F16 Dooms and More

It's Ovyr: FT Dooming Hard, Proob Called Off, Again; Kivv Self Denazify, WaPo Dooms On, Italian Intel Dooms Too, Underdogs FTW, Gen. Miley Pleads, TTLU and More

It's Ovyr: AFU Drone Expo Droned, Russia Moving Into Nicaragua, NATO Community Owned, Julian Dooms, Nobody Even Cares And More Iclu MSM Dooming

It's Ovyr: GOP Kivv Hardliner Dooms, Dooming By US Officials, TTLU, Ghost Fleet, Sky News Joins Doominghard And More

It's Ovyr: 82nd (Among Others) BTFO, More Kupyansk Dread, Russian Advance, MSM Switchup: Everyone Knew The Counteroffensive Would Fail, TTLU And More

It's Ovyr: Kivv Doomed On By MSM for "Tiny" Gains, Politico Dooms, More Mainstream Dooming On Russian Offensive, T55 Woes And More Regrets

It's Ovyr: Doominghard Continues, Russian Sanctions Failt, Cope Cages Are Go, Germany Backtracking, NATO Suggestion Triggers Kivv And More

It's Ovyr: Pitiful Progress

It's Ovyr: Ghosted By Newsweek, Mines, The Hill Copes With Russian Advances, WSJ Western Drone Woes, Kivv Independent Doom, Schulz Peace Talks, Arestovich Regrets, The Next Spring Offensive And WaPo Dooms Hard, Again

It's Ovyr: Ukraine Is Winning, But; A Third Patriot System Destroyed, Bloomberg US drops Ukraine, More Billions For Kivv, Kivv Seethes At Russian Lunar Landing Mission, Russian Super Helicopters

It's Ovyr: Contyroffynteve Failt, Arestovich Calls Ukrainians Morons, US Army Colonel Calls Ukraine Supporters Stupid Or Liars, Kivv Still Digging Up Old Graves And Did They Auction Off Blown Up Patriot System?

It's Ovyr: Challenger 2 Tanks Go Missing, Kupyansk Residents Refuse Kivv's Order To Evacuate, Nazi-Lensky Purges All Commissars, Russians Advances Continue, Duda Dooms, Autistic Soldiers Are Go & More

It's Ovyr: Kivv Orders Evacuation of 53 Settlements, Mainstream Media Doominghard Streak Explodes, Kivv Losses Means Hundreds Of Thousands More Ukrainians To Be Mobilized, Russians Advanced On Multiple Fronts

It's Ovyr: RF Breakthrough At Kupyansk And Significant Advances South of Bakhmut, 128th Territorial Defense Brigade Low Morale Contingency Orders, Amputee To KIA Ratio Low Estimates Points To 1 Million Casualties

It's Ovyr: Newsweek's Russian Propaganda, Mainstream Media Doominghard Again, Prigo Trolls Nulland and Russia Continues Taking Settlements

It's Ovyr: The Ukrainian Armed Forces Are Broken, Agent Z Goes For Broke, Kalibrated Breaks Down The Counter-Offensive

It's Ovyr: AFU's 35th Dooming Again, Kivv Signalling Defeat, Pro-Ukraine Turns On NATO, Denazification Carries On

It's Ovyr: Ukraine May Be Winning, WSJ Dooms, Russia Sanctions Working, Not

It's Ovyr: BBC On 2 Months Of Kivv Proobing, Russia Becomes Europes Largest Economy, And Other Doominghard By MSM

It's Ovyr: Politico Reports Main Push A Failure, Moar NYT, MSM and Nature Doomshard on Kivv, Denazification Continues

It's Ovyr: Kivv Gets Blamed By West For Failing In Counteroffensive, Gonzalo Is Disappeared, West Moves Onto Taiwan

WSJ: Amputations in Ukraine On The Scale Of WW1, Kivv Still Hopes Russians Are Feeble, More Mainstream Media Doominghard and The Grinding Continues

The Ovyr Is Undeniable: 35th Freaks Out, NATO "mulling" Zelensky Assassination, Budanov Rebukes Argentinean General

Dreizin Dump, 1 Million Dead Sim Cards, Strategic Culture Article And More: Truth Bombs Via MoA

I Told You It Was Ovyr: Time Dooms Hard on Kivv

It's Ovyr: Post Ukraine’s Failed Main Thrust

Kivv Is Screwed: Fall Of The Dictatorship

To The Last Ukrainian!

Why Don't You Gibs More!?

Seven Weeks Of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive: Another Russian Breakthrough In The North And Another Bountiful Addition To The NATO Equipment Graveyard In The South

It's Even Ovyr-er

Humiliating Failure: 6 Weeks Of Trying To Reach The Russians' First Defensive Line

The Begining Of The Ovyr, Is Ovyr

It's Even More Ovyr!

Russians Have Only 50 Lancets Left!

They Need More Money, You Pleab!

Doomed: Kivv Independent Investigation Spells End Of Kivv Regime

Clowns Of Kivv Pause The Counter-Offensive That Hasn't Started, Again

The Ovyr Is Here

FAIL: Repeat Of The Massive Catastrophic Failure By The AFU In Early June Just Happened Again!

The Ovyr Continues

It's Ovyr

Head Of AFU Claims The Success Of Their Current Counteroffensive "Is Not Feasible At All"

West Signalling End Of The Gravy Train For Kivv

Is This True?! Proob Pause, Oryx Cope Quits, Zaluzhny Demoted/Fake, Kupyansk Offensive?

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