It's Ovyr: Kivv Orders Evacuation of 53 Settlements, Mainstream Media Doominghard Streak Explodes, Kivv Losses Means Hundreds Of Thousands More Ukrainians To Be Mobilized, Russians Advanced On Multiple Fronts

First the Mainstream Surge of Doominghard:

The Washington Post:

"Two months after the start of the counteroffensive and insignificant progress, the image of unity and endless perseverance began to crumble.

The death toll is countless thousands. And it's growing every day.

Millions of people are forced to leave their homes. They don't see any chance of returning.

In every corner of the country, civilians are exhausted from a series of recent Russian attacks. Ukrainians really need good news. But they just don't get them.

Alla Bliznyuk, a baker from the small town of Smela in the central part of Ukraine, says that before, even when the situation was painful, people were united.

Now there is a sense of collective frustration.

A Ukrainian soldier with the call sign Suzy says that the bodies of the military sometimes fly apart so much that they have to use 2-3 bags.

There are cases when only 15% of a person remains.

He says it's a heavy price to pay for freedom. But in Kiev, the bars and restaurants of the capital are crowded, the city is buzzing with traffic..."

Soon, people will start beating their faces for good words about the Ukrainian authorities, as well as for a positive mention of the Russian one.

Another Grim CNN Report Embedded With AFU Near Rabotino Line

CNN's Anderson Cooper reports that the Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed with staggering losses

Media narrative completely collapses as MSM can no longer hide the " staggering losses on the Ukrainian side."

CNN's Impromptu Poll On Ukraine Goes Wrong

CNN Starting To Get Nervous: "Abrams Tanks Won't Make Difference"

In other developments, Kivv ordered evacuation of 53 settlements fearing more Russian advances in the region:

To The Last One:

Another Ukrainian Officer and Military Analyst Says Hundreds Of Thousands More Need Mobilization

🚨In the end, almost all Ukrainians will have to serve

“This is now a total problem - people who have been in the trenches for a year and a half, physiologically require restoration. And in order to do this, they need to be replaced by someone.” — Taras Chmut

Spare nobody, not even the women:

servicewomen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine use donations to finalize the standard uniform.

An initiative group of 42,000 female servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to use donations to finalize the standard uniform for women's requirements

Soon the Russians will crumble, the Kivv plan was that Russians would crumble and Kivv will march on Crimea, meanwhile:

Trust the Plan, soon the Russians will Crumble!

Irish Man In Russia Shows Scale of Infrastructure Projects


🇷🇺 "When you get up close to the vast infrastructure being built by the Russians in the far east you quickly understand that this is the realm of a Superpower." He continues"Considering how billions have been poured by Western states into Ukriane in an attempt to destroy this country, their resiliance and defiance is breathtaking. This place is testament to that. Absolutely astounding." 🇷🇺

Between 1990 and 1994, as American businesses looted the country and degraded Russian society and confidence, life expectancy for Russian men and women declined from 63.8 and 74.4 years to 57.7 and 71.2 years respectively (1). Since that socioeconomic nadir social cohesiveness has climbed (2), the level of human happiness has vastly increased (3) and life expectancy has risen by an unprecedented 10 years (4).

  1. Notzon FC, Komarov YM, Ermakov SP, Sempos CT, Marks JS, Sempos EV. Causes of declining life expectancy in Russia. JAMA. 1998 Mar 11;279(10):793-800.
  3. Personal experience

Imagine being so retarded to take on Russia:

It's Ovyr: RF Breakthrough At Kupyansk And Significant Advances South of Bakhmut, 128th Territorial Defense Brigade Low Morale Contingency Orders, Amputee To KIA Ratio Low Estimates Points To 1 Million Casualties

It's Ovyr: Newsweek's Russian Propaganda, Mainstream Media Doominghard Again, Prigo Trolls Nulland and Russia Continues Taking Settlements

It's Ovyr: The Ukrainian Armed Forces Are Broken, Agent Z Goes For Broke, Kalibrated Breaks Down The Counter-Offensive

It's Ovyr: AFU's 35th Dooming Again, Kivv Signalling Defeat, Pro-Ukraine Turns On NATO, Denazification Carries On

It's Ovyr: Ukraine May Be Winning, WSJ Dooms, Russia Sanctions Working, Not

It's Ovyr: BBC On 2 Months Of Kivv Proobing, Russia Becomes Europes Largest Economy, And Other Doominghard By MSM

It's Ovyr: Politico Reports Main Push A Failure, Moar NYT, MSM and Nature Doomshard on Kivv, Denazification Continues

It's Ovyr: Kivv Gets Blamed By West For Failing In Counteroffensive, Gonzalo Is Disappeared, West Moves Onto Taiwan

WSJ: Amputations in Ukraine On The Scale Of WW1, Kivv Still Hopes Russians Are Feeble, More Mainstream Media Doominghard and The Grinding Continues

The Ovyr Is Undeniable: 35th Freaks Out, NATO "mulling" Zelensky Assassination, Budanov Rebukes Argentinean General

Dreizin Dump, 1 Million Dead Sim Cards, Strategic Culture Article And More: Truth Bombs Via MoA

I Told You It Was Ovyr: Time Dooms Hard on Kivv

It's Ovyr: Post Ukraine’s Failed Main Thrust

Kivv Is Screwed: Fall Of The Dictatorship

To The Last Ukrainian!

Why Don't You Gibs More!?

Seven Weeks Of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive: Another Russian Breakthrough In The North And Another Bountiful Addition To The NATO Equipment Graveyard In The South

It's Even Ovyr-er

Humiliating Failure: 6 Weeks Of Trying To Reach The Russians' First Defensive Line

The Begining Of The Ovyr, Is Ovyr

It's Even More Ovyr!

Russians Have Only 50 Lancets Left!

They Need More Money, You Pleab!

Doomed: Kivv Independent Investigation Spells End Of Kivv Regime

Clowns Of Kivv Pause The Counter-Offensive That Hasn't Started, Again

The Ovyr Is Here

FAIL: Repeat Of The Massive Catastrophic Failure By The AFU In Early June Just Happened Again!

The Ovyr Continues

It's Ovyr

Head Of AFU Claims The Success Of Their Current Counteroffensive "Is Not Feasible At All"

West Signalling End Of The Gravy Train For Kivv

Is This True?! Proob Pause, Oryx Cope Quits, Zaluzhny Demoted/Fake, Kupyansk Offensive?

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