The Ovyr Is Undeniable: 35th Freaks Out, NATO "mulling" Zelensky Assassination, Budanov Rebukes Argentinean General

Last night I posted the telegram of AFU's 35th brigade which had been quite hilarious, today it has descended into pure hysterical comedy:

Some interesting things:

Naze-Lensky came out to speak about how brave and successful they were at Staromayorskoye, they must not appreciate the sweet words.

Meanwhile, speaking of Elensky, aka Agent Z:

And of course, MORE!

The only problem being that the blame game has begun, exactly like the Strategic Culture article I shared last night was also saying:

General Milani, Former Argentinian Chief Of Staff went to twitter to leave this devastating rebuke of Zelensky and NATO:

This was then responded to by Budanov in typical fashion, by asking him to come to Ukraine so he can see how they defend their country, kinda:

“Who is Milani? Well, I offer him to come, we invite him to Ukraine and we show him what’s going on.”

These clowns call that speaking diplomatically "we show him what's going on"

What's to see I say? The various video game footage posted directly from the Kivv MoD twitter and telegram channels? The ghost of kivv? The heroes of snake island? The Busha Massacre? The Russians bombing their own positions at a Nuclear Power Plant?

Or maybe they'd like to show him the successful interception of missiles and drones, of which they claimed thousands, I believe 4 thousand was their last count of how many successful interceptions they've made, and they have not even a handful of videos that show anything remotely "intercepted", or maybe they'll like to show him the intercepted Kinzal Hypersonic along with an internal diagram which they shared (unironically they have diagrams of Russian hypersonic missiles), where they leave a lot of empty room to accommodate an aerodynamic inner component (awash with their unironic details)..

.. an inner warhead that coincidentally has all the characteristics and holes to match another ordinance:

Or instead they will show him how they took the Airport outside Kivv:

This is who beat back the Russian Airborne, too bad

On 24 February 2022, the first day of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the airport was attacked and seized by the Russian military. On the day, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said "The enemy paratroopers in Hostomel have been blocked, and troops have received an order to destroy them".[1] Later in the day, between 8-10 PM local time (UTC+2) reports surfaced that the airport had been retaken, but heavy fighting continued for weeks at the airport and in neighboring Hostomel. Ukrainian forces regained control of the airport by 2 April,

.. they beat them only on Facebook, it's not as if lying about taking it to begin with and inadvertently duping the dumb CNN to go there and confirm your lie in real time..

These troops as you can see over here, they are Russian airborne forces.

.. would register as suspect even, let alone the utter embarrassment and humiliating shame that someone with an ounce of self awareness would feel had they been exposed for lying as such, instead with a straight face Budanov will say, look we took it, do you doubt us now?!

Their success is so visible, Budanov knows one can only appreciate it first hand, don't mind what the videos from Ukraine show, what the soldiers say, or what reporters see, go to Ukraine so he can show you.

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