It's Ovyr: Doominghard Continues, Russian Sanctions Failt, Cope Cages Are Go, Germany Backtracking, NATO Suggestion Triggers Kivv And More

Lolol! "six weeks of fighting", published on the eleventh week of "pr00b".

Good cope spin at the end.

The last of the "elite" have entered the meatgrinder:

May the cope protect them!

It was worth it!


But they Just Broke Through!

More Sanction Success!

Probably because an overwhelming majority blame NATO, US, and Kivv:

Russians opened a display with captured Western Equipment:

Could be legit?

Apt Illustration..

..For Copium Smoking


We, the hackers of "Solntsepek", destroyed the entire system of strategic electronic intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Serious damage was caused not only to Budanov's department, but also to all Ukrainian armed forces.

It's Ovyr: Pitiful Progress

It's Ovyr: Ghosted By Newsweek, Mines, The Hill Copes With Russian Advances, WSJ Western Drone Woes, Kivv Independent Doom, Schulz Peace Talks, Arestovich Regrets, The Next Spring Offensive And WaPo Dooms Hard, Again

It's Ovyr: Ukraine Is Winning, But; A Third Patriot System Destroyed, Bloomberg US drops Ukraine, More Billions For Kivv, Kivv Seethes At Russian Lunar Landing Mission, Russian Super Helicopters

It's Ovyr: Contyroffynteve Failt, Arestovich Calls Ukrainians Morons, US Army Colonel Calls Ukraine Supporters Stupid Or Liars, Kivv Still Digging Up Old Graves And Did They Auction Off Blown Up Patriot System?

It's Ovyr: Challenger 2 Tanks Go Missing, Kupyansk Residents Refuse Kivv's Order To Evacuate, Nazi-Lensky Purges All Commissars, Russians Advances Continue, Duda Dooms, Autistic Soldiers Are Go & More

It's Ovyr: Kivv Orders Evacuation of 53 Settlements, Mainstream Media Doominghard Streak Explodes, Kivv Losses Means Hundreds Of Thousands More Ukrainians To Be Mobilized, Russians Advanced On Multiple Fronts

It's Ovyr: RF Breakthrough At Kupyansk And Significant Advances South of Bakhmut, 128th Territorial Defense Brigade Low Morale Contingency Orders, Amputee To KIA Ratio Low Estimates Points To 1 Million Casualties

It's Ovyr: Newsweek's Russian Propaganda, Mainstream Media Doominghard Again, Prigo Trolls Nulland and Russia Continues Taking Settlements

It's Ovyr: The Ukrainian Armed Forces Are Broken, Agent Z Goes For Broke, Kalibrated Breaks Down The Counter-Offensive

It's Ovyr: AFU's 35th Dooming Again, Kivv Signalling Defeat, Pro-Ukraine Turns On NATO, Denazification Carries On

It's Ovyr: Ukraine May Be Winning, WSJ Dooms, Russia Sanctions Working, Not

It's Ovyr: BBC On 2 Months Of Kivv Proobing, Russia Becomes Europes Largest Economy, And Other Doominghard By MSM

It's Ovyr: Politico Reports Main Push A Failure, Moar NYT, MSM and Nature Doomshard on Kivv, Denazification Continues

It's Ovyr: Kivv Gets Blamed By West For Failing In Counteroffensive, Gonzalo Is Disappeared, West Moves Onto Taiwan

WSJ: Amputations in Ukraine On The Scale Of WW1, Kivv Still Hopes Russians Are Feeble, More Mainstream Media Doominghard and The Grinding Continues

The Ovyr Is Undeniable: 35th Freaks Out, NATO "mulling" Zelensky Assassination, Budanov Rebukes Argentinean General

Dreizin Dump, 1 Million Dead Sim Cards, Strategic Culture Article And More: Truth Bombs Via MoA

I Told You It Was Ovyr: Time Dooms Hard on Kivv

It's Ovyr: Post Ukraine’s Failed Main Thrust

Kivv Is Screwed: Fall Of The Dictatorship

To The Last Ukrainian!

Why Don't You Gibs More!?

Seven Weeks Of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive: Another Russian Breakthrough In The North And Another Bountiful Addition To The NATO Equipment Graveyard In The South

It's Even Ovyr-er

Humiliating Failure: 6 Weeks Of Trying To Reach The Russians' First Defensive Line

The Begining Of The Ovyr, Is Ovyr

It's Even More Ovyr!

Russians Have Only 50 Lancets Left!

They Need More Money, You Pleab!

Doomed: Kivv Independent Investigation Spells End Of Kivv Regime

Clowns Of Kivv Pause The Counter-Offensive That Hasn't Started, Again

The Ovyr Is Here

FAIL: Repeat Of The Massive Catastrophic Failure By The AFU In Early June Just Happened Again!

The Ovyr Continues

It's Ovyr

Head Of AFU Claims The Success Of Their Current Counteroffensive "Is Not Feasible At All"

West Signalling End Of The Gravy Train For Kivv

Is This True?! Proob Pause, Oryx Cope Quits, Zaluzhny Demoted/Fake, Kupyansk Offensive?

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