It's Ovyr: Estonia/Latvia Likely Involved In Russian Drone Attacks, Main Line Breached, Not; Another Aviation Catastrophe, New Cryptic Prigozhin Video, Congress Panicking, Queef Mur Sanctions, EU Record Russian LNG Imports, Soon and NATO Failed

Estonia, a country half the size of a major city, launched an unjustified mobilization of 10,000 people one day before a Russian airport was attacked with dozens of drones, less than 40 miles from the border of the 1.2 million, pimple of a nation, Estonia. Facts.

It's obvious that NATO is goading Russia to react by opening a second front as they can claim that Estonia or Latvia or both were acting alone in the attacks, I don't believe Estonia, who promised F-16s they didn't have to Kivv wouldn't do it, they may have let the Ukranazi launch their drones from the border but you never know, and Latvia fares no better yet what's sure is that they are desperate now that the reality of post 'main thrust', post Proob, post pause, post new strategy is setting in.

And while on this development here's the "destroyed" aircraft after the strike which was supposedly loaded with 400 soldiers as reported all over Kivv:

In other developments:

Ukroboeviki are advancing - fighting is already underway near Novoprokopovka

It is truly shameful to watch the reports of the Ministry of Defense on "repelling all attacks" in the Rabotino area, when in fact the enemy continues to advance. Rabotino itself is already behind the ukroboevs, now the fighting is going on near Novoprokopovka, the Nazis are storming Verbovoye.

“The dragon’s teeth couldn’t stop anyone. If the information really matches, then we don’t have any reserves there and the front still collapsed. ” — reports Alex Parker Returns

The whole problem is that the creatures that allowed the breakthrough and collapse of the front are lying indiscriminately to the higher command. The same ones lie even more furiously to their commanders, hiding all the problems and failures! As a result, the staff rats are confident that things are going well at the front when the front itself has already been broken through!

There are no reports of the transfer of reserves, no massive strikes against the advancing ukrams! Because of the lies of the Mosh bastards, a catastrophe can happen‼


Military Chronicle:

Once again about the battles on the Rabotino-Verbovoye section.

Against the backdrop of reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have broken through and are advancing somewhere, we contacted our subscribers from the 1430th regiment and artillery supporting the RF Armed Forces in this direction to clarify the situation.

Firstly, all statements that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have reached the first line of defense and, moreover, have broken through it, do not correspond to reality. All battles are still taking place in the forward security areas (zones), which the Military Chronicle described in detail earlier.

Secondly, the “dragon's teeth” anti-tank fortifications that German journalists saw somewhere in the pictures are reflections of roads on satellite images, and not anti-tank barriers. The main defensive line (it is also the first line of defense, where the “dragon's teeth” stand) is located much to the south, and Ukrainian troops did not reach there.

Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are busy trying to accumulate and redistribute the remaining reserves on a small piece of land between Rabotin and Verbov with an area of 84 square km. This lowland is well shot by Russian artillery.

Thirdly, the Ukrainian army uses heavy equipment for massed rollovers less and less: tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, unlike infantry, cannot be quickly replenished — and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine understands this well, so units are increasingly attacking on foot and losing more and more people. To understand how this happens, read our publication on the destruction of the Sonechko GUR unit in Pyatikhatki.

The constant rotation of units and the change from one formation to another do not give the desired result of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the mine and artillery barriers are still working, the 1430th and 492nd regiments, as well as the 810th Marine Brigade, are in their positions.


After Three Months of Failing to secure Rabotino or capture even one lonely hill, they tried their luck with Verbov to the east of Rabotino where they again failed to achieve anything other than autodestruct.

Not even a week after the first collision, two pro Putin helicopters Denazify 6 AFU pilots during an Unlawful and Unprovoked Crash:

The Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations includes data on the grounds of criminal offences under Article 416 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, "Violation of flight rules or preparation for them is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to fifteen years."

Prigozhin Lives!

They fear the Reckoning this upcoming Election after the failure of the Counteroinkfense:

Ukraine has not made the gains that many hoped from the spring counter offensive.

Congress has already approved more than $113 billion in aid and military assistance

Now, the president wants more than $21 billion more for Ukraine, which includes $13.1 billion for military aid and $7.3 billion for humanitarian and economic aid, before he has spent what’s already been authorized. Congress should not appropriate further Ukraine packages until the already approved money is spent and the Biden administration provides clear U.S. objectives to Congress.

This is not a call to abandon Ukraine, but a plea for transparency and strategic clarity. The Biden administration must present Congress with a clear roadmap for Ukraine’s future before any further funds are allocated. We need to comprehend the desired outcomes, including whether the recovery of lost territories, like Crimea, is feasible and worthwhile.

We cannot afford to continue down this path. Mounting expenses, rising inflation and an escalating national debt necessitate a responsible approach. The administration’s policies have contributed nearly $5 trillion to our national debt, and the cycle must be broken.

As Sanctions and Oil Price Cap Proved to have less than zero impact on Russian Economy or Military, the Ukranazi seethe at the reality by demanding more sanctions:




They cope:




NATO has clearly failed so far in its effort to weaken the Russian military. Moscow’s forces are inarguably stronger, better-armed and larger today than when the conflict started in February 2022. They’ve also gained 18 months of experience in fighting NATO-trained troops and countering NATO-supplied weaponry. In fact, Russian troops have become so formidable in this regard that even Western media outlets have quoted defense analysts on the increasingly effective tactics employed by Moscow’s battle-hardened forces.

“If you add all that together, everybody knows this will be a harder fight than for Kherson and Kharkiv in the autumn of last year,” Barrons told Associated Press in June. He added that Ukraine’s backers have used Kiev’s successes in taking back territory last year as “benchmarks, which I think is unfair, unreasonable in the circumstances.”

The Center for European Policy Assessment (CEPA), which is funded by a variety of US weapons makers, offered a similar view on the strengthening of Russia’s military. “The Russians have gone to school on the Ukrainians and have been learning quickly,” Chels Michta, a US military intelligence officer, wrote in May. “The 2023 Russian Army is a different beast from the 2022 Russian Army from the early stages of the war.”

Another measure of the increased effectiveness of Russian forces is the fact that Kiev has reportedly abandoned the battle tactics preached by Western military trainers. In response to heavy losses by the nine NATO-trained brigades at the forefront of their counteroffensive, “Ukrainian military commanders have changed tactics, focusing on wearing down Russian forces with artillery and long-range missiles instead of plunging into minefields under fire,” the New York Times reported on August 2, citing unidentified US officials.

Russia also has more troops to work with than when the conflict began. More than 231,000 Russians have signed contracts to enlist so far this year, National Security Council deputy chief Dmitry Medvedev said on August 3. Moscow called up 300,000 reservists in 2022. After increasing the number of Russian combat troops by about 13% to 1.15 million, Putin approved a plan in December to expand by a further 30%, to 1.5 million, in the years ahead.

Despite the casualties suffered in Ukraine, Russian ground forces are clearly bigger than when the conflict began, US Army General Christopher Cavoli has conceded. Cavoli, who heads the US European Command, told US lawmakers in April that Russian naval and air-force losses had been minimal. He lamented, too, that Moscow’s forces in other parts of the world had become more active, even as more units were being moved into Ukraine.

“The Russians are more active than we’ve seen them in years, and their patrols into the Atlantic, and throughout the Atlantic, are at a high level, most of the time at a higher level than we’ve seen in years,” Cavoli said. “And this is, as you pointed out, despite all of the efforts that they’re undertaking inside Ukraine.”

Similarly the NATO Sanctions Failed as the Russian Economy keeps growing and setting records, while the attempted efforts at turning the world against Russia and making it into a parish have also failed and backfired:

More Facts Published Recently:

It's Ovyr: Mobilization Ruled Non-Binding, Spiegel: Quiyv Behind Nord Stream Bombing, Prigozhin Lives, 400k Dead, BBC Spins 70k KIA, 71 Year Old In Training, Counter Offensive Overshadowed By Russian Advances, Floating On The Retard's Tears And F16 Woes

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Dreizin Dump, 1 Million Dead Sim Cards, Strategic Culture Article And More: Truth Bombs Via MoA

I Told You It Was Ovyr: Time Dooms Hard on Kivv

It's Ovyr: Post Ukraine’s Failed Main Thrust

Kivv Is Screwed: Fall Of The Dictatorship

To The Last Ukrainian!

Why Don't You Gibs More!?

Seven Weeks Of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive: Another Russian Breakthrough In The North And Another Bountiful Addition To The NATO Equipment Graveyard In The South

It's Even Ovyr-er

Humiliating Failure: 6 Weeks Of Trying To Reach The Russians' First Defensive Line

The Begining Of The Ovyr, Is Ovyr

It's Even More Ovyr!

Russians Have Only 50 Lancets Left!

They Need More Money, You Pleab!

Doomed: Kivv Independent Investigation Spells End Of Kivv Regime

Clowns Of Kivv Pause The Counter-Offensive That Hasn't Started, Again

The Ovyr Is Here

FAIL: Repeat Of The Massive Catastrophic Failure By The AFU In Early June Just Happened Again!

The Ovyr Continues

It's Ovyr

Head Of AFU Claims The Success Of Their Current Counteroffensive "Is Not Feasible At All"

West Signalling End Of The Gravy Train For Kivv

Is This True?! Proob Pause, Oryx Cope Quits, Zaluzhny Demoted/Fake, Kupyansk Offensive?

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