It's Ovyr: 8 out of 10 Ukrainians: Zelensky Directly Responsible For Government Corruption, EU Agrees; GR FM Flops In Queef, Doom On, Meat Wagons, AFU Hunted, and More

8 out of 10 Russian approve of Putin.

8 out of 10 Ukrainians Under Zelensky Blame Him For The Corruption in Ukraine:,respondents%20disagreed%20with%20this%20statement.
It's not just his own people:


They Whine:

Doom Mode:

The four-month-old counteroffensive has so far disappointed Ukrainian and Western hopes for a major breakthrough.

NYT CIA Puppets:
They took Rabotino!


The otherwise insufferable Retarded Bild Journalist JJ worst doom to date:

Sanctions Winning:

Can't Blame Them:

They always need more..

Seems there's a sport in Ukraine, hunting AFU Mercenaries and Volunteers on leave:

Russians Troll with Flags in grayzone and new advances:

They Weep!

Money printers try throwing money at it:

Too bad Iran can't be bought:

Germany knows it's never gonna get paid:

The US watches as China and Russia continue their ascension:

Graves are multiplying:

Try Again!

The Empire Is Crumbling, Thanks Bidiot!

Some food for thoughts to the overall situation:
Russians use a simple tactic - moving back when holding is pointless - and hammer the approaching opponent.
This is what you do in a war of attrition when your opponent thinks he has to take and hold every inch. I know people laugh when I say the best skills Russians have is defending and retreating.
But as long as you have enough strategic space to do so it serves the main goal - taking out the opponent's forces while preserving your own troops.

But what the dumb audience can't see is the transformation of the Russian forces into veterans. Some sectors of the front are just being used as training ground to improve - like we see in the north - where RF is slowly but steadily transforms unit after unit into attack formations.

Just take a look at the order of Battle. You will see that every sector is backed by 2 armies - the troops are rotating - not only to refit but also to improve.

In a war where the enemy can see everything you have to spread your forces all along the lines - so nobody knows where you will strike next - and you keep the pressure everywhere.
Simple things work.

The President’s Office was unable to shift the emphasis from Zelensky on the corruption track, which means loud revelations await us in the future. Our sources reported that corruption scandals have reduced support for Zelensky by 20%.
77.6% of Ukrainians consider Zelensky responsible for corruption in the government and local administrations, survey by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation

Geographically, the president bears the greatest responsibility in the east of the country. In terms of age, there is a clear trend: the older the citizens, the greater their percentage considers Zelensky responsible for Zelensky’s corruption.

At the time of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army had half the number of personnel and almost three times less equipment.
You need to understand a simple thing: the Armed Forces of Ukraine now have comparable forces only in manpower, in other components we are completely inferior, but in such conditions the Office of the President wants to continue the war!

Forces and assets deployed by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine at the moment, according to information from the Main Intelligence Directorate:

▪️420,000 personnel (excluding the Russian Guard, special forces, etc.);
▪️2260 tanks (15-20% T-54/62 tanks);
▪️5260 BBM;
▪️3050 artillery systems;
▪️920 MLRS;
▪️46 OTRK;
▪️360 aircraft;
▪️320 helicopters;
▪️64 ships/boats;
▪️5 submarines.

Voicing such figures and understanding the protracted format of the war, we must look for a formula for the negotiation process, and not wage a war until the last Ukrainian.

Colleagues are right in describing the problem with declaring war on Russia, but the question is that for Zelensky all options are bad, which means there is only a format for increasing rates.
This is a bad scenario for the Biden Administration; it puts the United States on a stretch, which means it will need to publicly acknowledge Russia’s loss or start an escalation, which is not clear which scenario will follow.

That is why the piglets in Ukraine began to criticize this idea, but for now the issue has been thrown into discussion in order to gauge the reaction in society.

🔥🔥🔥Declaration of war.
Over the past three days, there has been a lot of talk about the fact that Ukraine may officially declare war on the Russian Federation.

The authors of the idea argue that at the moment the government is facing a negative fork: when both main options lead Zelensky to the loss of power.

✅ In the event of a “freeze”, a huge number of real problems will open up before the authorities. It will be necessary to open not only the border, which will lead to a massive outflow of the population, but also to explain why Zelya killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and fucked up a bunch of territories; explain what’s going on with demographics, the economy, the future... People will also ask about corruption. The prospects of the authorities are clear...

✅ Second option: leave everything as it is and continue to fight against the Russian defense in the most prepared place, making unequal exchanges and gradually burning out military potential. Considering that Western support will inexorably decrease and the military potential of the Russian Federation will increase, one day we will have to go for a “freeze,” but the conditions will be even more “Russian,” which brings us back to Zelensky’s loss of power.

Therefore, a third option was born: officially declare war on the Russian Federation. We don’t yet know who the real author of this masterpiece plan is, but it is being actively thrown in through Ermasyat. In their opinion, now is the time to put Biden on a stretch: either he will lose all of Ukraine (which, according to the Yermasyat, will lead to a geopolitical defeat for the United States in Eastern Europe), or he will continue to help Zelensky, but in the status of a partner at war with the Russian Federation (and not reflecting aggression ) states. They believe that the likelihood that Washington will choose to help is enough to escalate the conflict.

To be honest, the plan is crap, and we will describe why a little later. However, it can be implemented, because it absolutely fits the logic of the Second Ukrainian Republic, which has not yet recorded losses even once since 2014. And with Zelensky in power, this policy of “we will lay down our soul and body for our freedom” has generally become an uncontested compass for the path.

The situation is reminiscent of a gambling addict who has already lost all his cash and the car he arrived in at the casino during the evening. His wife constantly calls him and asks: “how are you?” He lies that everything is fine and tries to win back. And so he was offered to call a taxi and go home, but he understands that she will divorce him when she finds out that he lost the car, and therefore decides to mortgage another house in the hope of recouping and returning “with his own people.”

A small but very active part of Ukrainian society sees state policy this way. Plus, this idea surfaced during the absence of a clear and acceptable way out of the conflict, so it is actively supported by moderate nationalists, and for the radical Nazis, a declaration of war on the Russian Federation - you know, will do just that.

The worst thing about this option is for Biden, which is why the Soros are already actively ruining the idea🧩

Today Telegram publishes satellite images on the southern front, from which it is clear that the Russian army is building new lines of defense, as British intelligence warned about.
As the Ukrainian Armed Forces advance south, the enemy is strengthening defensive structures built at the end of 2022 - beginning of 2023, and is also preparing new defense lines

Satellite images show new trenches 10 km from the current contact line.

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President has allocated additional funding for American lobbyists whom Bankova hires to solve necessary problems in the United States. Lobbyists received $50 million to persuade Republicans to provide Ukraine with $20 billion in military and financial aid for 2024.

On social networks, they again began to discuss the case of declaring war on Russia, which is necessary to legalize aggression, and most importantly, begin to form a real coalition around Ukraine. According to our information from the Office of the President, Zelensky did not declare war at the request of the United States in order to be able to receive financial assistance.
Now mobilization is taking place in the country in violation of the Constitution, but who cares about such trifles? In the future, the government will receive thousands of lawsuits in the European courts for illegal mobilization and we will be forced to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for the illegal actions of the TCC, since the decree of the president or the Ministry of Defense does not replace the Constitution.

Our source in the OP said that the General Staff is asking the Office of the President to strengthen information support for mobilization; due to corruption scandals and videos of harsh treatment of Ukrainians, the process of replenishing reserves has been disrupted.
Technologists at Bankova want to use the standard method, blaming the failure of mobilization on the Kremlin, which organized an information campaign to discredit the TCC and large losses at the front in order to intimidate the Ukrainians. TsIPSO is already working on this track, trying to form a set of enemy propaganda narratives:

• Kremlin agents who discredit military commissars are withdrawing their mobilization

•the enemy is trying to disrupt mobilization and force Ukraine to negotiate.

•corruption in the TCC and VLK is used by enemy propaganda against mobilization.

•call for mobilization of deputies and officials propaganda mechanism

•the entire campaign is organized in order to prevent the Ukrainian Armed Forces from replenishing their reserves.

There were rumors on the sidelines that at the last Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, for the first time in six months, they did not discuss the offensive, but discussed preparations for defense.
Many saw this as a clear sign that the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive had already been written off even on Bankova, admitting that it had failed and the losses were high. Also, this is a signal that the OP is aware that the Russians are preparing their offensive in which Ukraine may lose access to the sea (everyone on the sidelines says that the Russian Federation will not stop the war until it takes Odessa).

We confirm our colleagues’ rumors that the Office of the President is going on the defensive. Everyone has already written off the offensive. The Russian offensive may be much more sensitive, and it’s worth preparing for it.
The task of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is to, situationally, indicatively, achieve results before September 19, so that Ze can sell it to Western partners as a success, while knocking out further support.

Next, the Ukrainian Armed Forces go on the defensive. Especially in the Odessa direction.

Our source reports that Zelensky will try to convince Republicans to support the allocation of an additional $20+ billion in military loans to Ukraine for 2024.
This is the main purpose of Ze's trip to the United States, and not a speech at the UN General Assembly.

Now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the OP are trying to organize meetings between Ze and the “resps”, but so far to no avail.

The last active stage of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive is timed just in time for Ze’s trip to the United States. That's why they threw all their strength into the attack. Banking needs a good information background.

Our source reports that the Office of the President is considering the option of officially declaring war on Russia and large-scale conscription of everyone into the army. Yes, this is also convenient to remove the topic of holding elections and indignation about illegal mobilization.
Many people call this step agony, which will confirm the fact that everything is very bad in Ukraine and the authorities are leading the country to collapse.

There are many reasons:

  1. Ze will not win parliamentary elections and will not have a monopoly. There is a version that he could be leaked and even made guilty of inciting war. This means it’s easier for him to sink the ship in order to cover up traces of corruption, etc.

  2. They stop giving money/loans anyway. This threatens internal explosion and default. Ukraine will face Maidans and military coups in the coming years.

  3. The transfer of weapons has slowed down and will soon look like mini handouts. This will not be able to influence the course of the war and the government will be forced to capitulate.

  4. Losses in manpower and equipment are growing. On the contrary, the enemy is strengthening. Nobody wants to fight anymore. The morale of society has sunk to the bottom.

We are observing... but it looks very much like ZeErmak themselves are implementing the “Yugoslav scenario” for Ukraine. They do this under the instructions of their patrons, who benefit from dismembering Ukraine, giving the destroyed regions to the Russians, and taking everything safe and sound for themselves.

Why is Ukraine building the largest military cemetery on the face of the Earth?

Why does Ukraine have ten times as many amputees as the US did in Vietnam?

Why does the average Ukrainian personally know 3 people killed in the war?

Why did a Ukrainian major general say multiple times that they have hundreds of thousands of dead?

Why is the Ukrainian Rada legalizing the conscription of those with episodic and motor disorders, central nervous system disorders, mild mental retardation, HIV, tuberculosis, and blood disorders?

Why does Ukraine have thousands of women in front line non-support roles?

Why did the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister say they had 1300 IFVs 400 tanks and 700 artillery systems destroyed in June 2022 when oryx claimed only 132, 200, and 70 destroyed or damaged? Why the 600% difference?

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I Told You It Was Ovyr: Time Dooms Hard on Kivv

It's Ovyr: Post Ukraine’s Failed Main Thrust

Kivv Is Screwed: Fall Of The Dictatorship

To The Last Ukrainian!

Why Don't You Gibs More!?

Seven Weeks Of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive: Another Russian Breakthrough In The North And Another Bountiful Addition To The NATO Equipment Graveyard In The South

It's Even Ovyr-er

Humiliating Failure: 6 Weeks Of Trying To Reach The Russians' First Defensive Line

The Begining Of The Ovyr, Is Ovyr

It's Even More Ovyr!

Russians Have Only 50 Lancets Left!

They Need More Money, You Pleab!

Doomed: Kivv Independent Investigation Spells End Of Kivv Regime

Clowns Of Kivv Pause The Counter-Offensive That Hasn't Started, Again

The Ovyr Is Here

FAIL: Repeat Of The Massive Catastrophic Failure By The AFU In Early June Just Happened Again!

The Ovyr Continues

It's Ovyr

Head Of AFU Claims The Success Of Their Current Counteroffensive "Is Not Feasible At All"

West Signalling End Of The Gravy Train For Kivv

Is This True?! Proob Pause, Oryx Cope Quits, Zaluzhny Demoted/Fake, Kupyansk Offensive?

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