Holding On, Never Letting Go, Staying True, Never Blue

Become ninja.

Become super.

Hold tight to those you love.

Draw pictures.

Make board games.

Let your imagination run wild.

Before your wild runs your imagination.

Be true and you'll never go blue.

Be true and be your own school.

Never ever let go.

Unless if you need to.


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Holding On, Never Letting Go, Staying True, Never Blue

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-11
Published in October of 2020

1990-03-08 - Marilyn, Katie, 10 year marriage anniversary to Don.png

1990-03-08 - Marilyn, Katie, 10 year marriage anniversary to Don

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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1990 maybe - a girl, Katie.png

1990 maybe - a girl, Katie

1990's - Katie, Dad, 163 kitchen.png

1990's - Katie, Dad, 163 kitchen

1990's maybe - Katie, Ricky, a friend.png

1990's maybe - Katie, Ricky, a friend

1991 maybe - Crystal Ann Arnold, her red blue dress.png

1991 maybe - Crystal Ann Arnold

1992-04-17 - Indiana walking on trees by a tent-1.png

1992-04-17 - Indiana walking on trees by a tent

1992-04-17 - Indiana walking on trees by a tent-2.png

1992-12 - Rick drew this regarding his Christmas gift.png

1992-12 - Rick drew this regarding his Christmas gift

1992 maybe - Turtle - Joey Arnold and double headed people-1.png

1992 maybe - Turtle - Joey Arnold

1992 maybe - Turtle - Joey Arnold and double headed people-2.png

Did I just draw a double headed man or did 2 people become really close?

1993-04-28 - Super Katie - Joey Arnold drawing-1.png

1993-04-28 - Super Katie - Joey Arnold drawing

1993-04-28 - Super Katie - Joey Arnold drawing-2.png

1993-04-28 - A TMNT turtle

1993 maybe - USA map and house, fence, road, horses or other animals, maybe a tree house-1.png

1993 maybe - USA map

1993 maybe - USA map and house, fence, road, horses or other animals, maybe a tree house-2.png

1993 maybe - house, fence, road, horses or other animals, maybe a tree house

1995 maybe, Katie, Crystal, matching in blue, 163 front yard-1.png

1995 maybe, Katie, Crystal, matching in blue, 163 front yard

1995 maybe, Katie, Crystal, matching in blue, 163 front yard-2.png

1995 maybe, Katie

1995 maybe - Parable from like Matthew, Jesus told, king, man, servant, forgiveness, forgiving debts but then smaller debt of servant of the guy not forgiven-1.png

1995 maybe - Parable from like Matthew, Jesus told, king, man, servant, forgiveness, forgiving debts but then smaller debt of servant of the guy not forgiven-1

1995 maybe - Parable from like Matthew, Jesus told, king, man, servant, forgiveness, forgiving debts but then smaller debt of servant of the guy not forgiven-2.png

1995 maybe - Parable from like Matthew, Jesus told, king, man, servant, forgiveness, forgiving debts but then smaller debt of servant of the guy not forgiven-2

1998-05-20 - Crystal - AWANA Sparky Award, Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church-1.png

1998-05-20 - Crystal - AWANA Sparky Award, Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church-1

1998-05-20 - Crystal - AWANA Sparky Award, Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church-2.png

1998-05-20 - Crystal - AWANA Sparky Award, Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church-2

1998 maybe - board game for Crystal - Card- You just made a movie, you won a prize, go ahead 6 spaces-1.png

1998 maybe - board game for Crystal - Card- You just made a movie, you won a prize, go ahead 6 spaces-1

1998 maybe - board game for Crystal - Card- You just made a movie, you won a prize, go ahead 6 spaces-2.png

1998 maybe - board game for Crystal - Card- You just made a movie, you won a prize, go ahead 6 spaces-2

1998 maybe - King Salmon or Solomon.png

1998 maybe - King Salmon or Solomon

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

Making Each Key Count

Dancing Indians

Flying Over Infinity

Don't be a troll stuck inside a basement with Joe Biden

Things People Believed in the 1990s


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