Snow :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (74/366)


Leo was in quite a poor condition today for the most day. But looks to be on the recovery now. Stomach illnesses are normally fast to come and equally quick to abate. Although he did have a bit of a fever when he went to sleep today.

I hope Miro or anyone else of us doesn't catch it.

Anyhow it appears I'm posting now a bit late.

It was snowing again.

I decided to document it through some windows.

Leo needed some medication, so I made him some curcumin tea. When in Thailand, we learned that it was a good remedy for stomach ailments.

A bit later the snow was almost gone...

And the sun was shining.

Oh, and then I went to the grocery.

Wearing a face mask.

It was kind of weird seeing the reactions of people when they saw me with the disposable mask on. As soon as they'd get a glimpse of me near them, they'd immediately move away from my vicinity. It was if I had contracted leprocy or something.

Practically no-one in Finland wears a face mask in public. I personally think people should try put a bit effort in protecting others. (I'm guilty too, but I'm trying to change.)

I really need to make some better looking masks. I guess this one was a bit too intimidating.

I found some cool howto videos on YouTube, so I've been watching them and "stealing" their designs with no mercy, trying to find one that's fitting and suitable for my European facial contours.

I hope I can get them made before the closedown ends. 🤪

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #10
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #9
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #7
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #6

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