Leo's 14th birthday cake and getting sick :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (73/366)

Orange and chocolate cake

I dozed off and woke up at 1AM, realized I hadn't posted my photo, and had to come online to do this...

Leo wanted an orange and chocolate cake for his birthday.

The day started nicely enough Sun was shining and it was Leo's 14th birthday and all. Vera baked a cake for him, we'd ordered some presents via the Internet, but they hadn't arrived in time.

We decided that to celebrate, Leo could choose what we'd eat for dinner. He wanted Chinese food, so we ordered some through a popular app called Wolt.

They've made the delivery pretty easy and due the closedown and all they've incorporated a contactless delivery where the food is left at the door for the customer.

The delivery was fast and the dishes tasted very good, albeit they were also very very oily and messy to open. We ended up transfering everything from the delivery packs to our own food containers.

Then, Leo got sick.

After eating, we finished off with some cake. That's when Leo started acting very disoriented and scared. He didn't know what it was but he was feeling "not good".

He was really scared stiff, and even asked if he's gotten the corona virus. (I feel for him, for a young boy it may just be their greatest fear during a pandemic. I tried to comfort him and said it's probably more likely he ate too much of that greasy food.)

While I was taking Ninnu out for a walk, he'd started vomiting.

(I don't really believe it was the food had gone bad, because the rest of us are not sick, and we shared all the food.)

He is still vomiting while I am writing this. I just took him a glass of water and got him a clean bucket.

I really hope it's just from over-eating and not the virus.

What a birthday. I am really sorry for him.

Well. I must be getting to bed so that I won't get sick myself. Must try to keep healthy for my family... well, after I go check up on Leo first.

See you Tomorrow!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #10
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #9
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #7
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #6

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