Episode 9 Steem-pocalypse Season 5 round table discussion


Below is our video discussion of @papa-pepper's Steem-pocalypse Season 05 Day 06 Part 01 survival game.

@dwells and @essentialoilmom, discuss the 4 options for this round, we sat down again with our friends Phillip and Jena who we have been staying with this weekend to discuss what our options are.

Option 1 - Try to look out in the waves and open sea for something edible.
Option 2 - Try to look on the beach for something edible.
Option 3 – Try to dig in the sand for something edible.
Option 4 – Try to look in the rocks on the edge of the water for something edible.

After our discussion @essentialoilmom has chose option 2 and I have chose option 4.

Because of the massive slaughter last round we did not read off the entire list of the fallen. We did mention a few of our favorites that did fall, that being @keepdoodling and @asimplewriter.

Here is the list of those who fell.

Option 2

Option 3:

Option 4:

Option 5:

We are down to just 14 players now.

May the options be ever in your favor.

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