I may have found the "Lost Breyfogle Mine"...

I also figured out a way to get my hands on a Big Bag Full of One Ounce, $100 Gold Coins...

It's been a Life Long Dream of mine that is "soon" about to "come to pass"...

It's awesome being me, knowing what (I think) I know...


Type 1, "Proof" 1971-S One Dollar Coins in this Condition, are worth 60,000 of today's Fiat USD', and I think I may have 4 of them...

I bought them in 1971, fresh from the U.S. Mint in San Francisco...

I actually bought 5 Proofs and 5 Uncirculated 1971-S One Dollar Coins...

I gave away one of the Proof Coins as a Gift...

Now, I'm going to have to "Dig them Up" to see if I have the right ones...

They need to be the Type One's to be worth 60,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

The 5 Uncirculated ones are probably worth about 6,500 each...

I took one out of the wrapper and put it in one of those Coin Books...

Big mistake, but it's too late now...

I was very careful putting it in the Book, but who knows...???

The other 4 are still sealed in their original wrappers...

You probably won't believe this, but I have at least 1,000 mixed dates in regular Ike Dollars...

I haven't really looked through all the Dates and Mint Marks for years, but some may be rare...

It's almost like I saw the U.S. Monetary Correction coming for many Decades...

I'm actually pretty shocked at what I've been able to acquire...

What's funny about my Collection, is that I'll probably never benefit from its incredible value...

It's all part of my Collection...

If the day ever comes that I'm forced to Sell some of it, I'll probably Sell the Gold first, but only enough for what I need at the time...

My "Collector" Silver and Gold Coins are worth much more than their Melt or Face Values...

And yes, I know the U.S. Mint will be offering Special Deals for Silver and Gold Coins, Bars and Rounds...

I'd never let them Melt Down my Collector Coins...

Just so you know, the Special Deals being offered by the U.S. Treasury will be very hard to resist, but no one will be forced to sell their Silver or Gold, in any form...

The reason I like Silver so much, is because I think the Day will Come, when One Ounce of Silver will get me Two Ounces of Gold...

But for "right now" I don't think anything will do better than our Common U.S. Coinage...

I'm expecting our Common U.S. Coinage to increase 100 Fold in Spending Power, in order to "make change" for our New Product line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold "Coins"...

The U.S. Monetary Correction will happen in Phases, but I won't go into that...

Just knowing there will be a 100 Fold increase in the Spending Power of our Common U.S. Coinage, should be more than enough information, to get out of debt...

Here are 11 of my latest Blogs, about what's heading our way...

Good Friday...

You better "hope" I'm right...

The more I look at this Rock, the more excited I become...

Inflation will soon End...

More "Fine Tuning" revealed...

How many Examples must I Write...???

Pennies from Heaven...

Who's impressed with my Blogs...???

I'm not an AI Bot, I'm a Man...

Our Mistakes "can be" Corrected...

The Resurrection of Debt Free Money...

The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

I'll try to keep my latest 11 posts here, to make them easy to find...

When it comes to Common U.S. Coinage, I think of it as "Getting in on the Ground Floor"...

But no one sees it coming, and the people I tell, after giving it about 10 seconds worth of thought, usually "roll their eyes" and give me an odd look...lol...

It's all so obvious to me...

Probably because I became my own Best Teacher and Student...

Come to think of it, I'm the One who taught myself how to read and write...

Yes, I even remember learning how a single word can change the entire meaning of a sentence...

I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't been using "Big Words" to impress any of you...

I'm not really here to impress anyone...

I'm here to help you see what I see, so you can get yourselves out of Debt...

There are so many Money Making Opportunities heading our way, which reminds me of this song...

I'm looking forward to seeing "Staggering" amounts of our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, being Minted and Shipped all over the World...


I do have other inventions standing by...

One of my inventions can turn a Natural Spring that produces One Gallon of Water per Minute, into multiple "Raging" Water Falls that will create enough energy to light up Five Acres of Land and Pump the Water back to where it came from, so it can start all over again...

One Gallon per Minute, adds up to about 40,000 Gallons per Month...

Yes, with all the left over Water, I could Plant and Water a Beautiful Garden...

I'm still thinking of working out a Deal with the Bureau of Land Management for that 5 Acres of Land with Frontage on an existing Paved Road and Power Lines...

I love drawing Maps and Creating what goes on the Maps...

I have all the Building Material I'll ever need, already on the Land...

I could probably turn it into a Tourist Attraction...

People love having new places to go, right...???

Then, I may have found and walked away from the Legendary Lost Breyfogle Gold Mine, located within 100 miles of Death Valley...

Here's a Picture of a Heavy Brown Rock I brought back with me...

The Green is the Copper, the Gray seems to be the Silver and it looks like there can be Gold inside and out...
Are you seeing what I think I see...???
I didn't look beyond the Blues and Greens, until I took these pictures and Zoomed in with my Smart Phone...

I spent too much time, looking a the Blue's and Greens, without noticing the Browns and the Grays and even the specks that looked like it could have been Gold, but too small give me reason to get excited...

The texture and rounded out edges of the Rock, makes it look Metallic, and it is very heavy for a Rock this size...

I'm surprised no one commented about this Ore Sample from a few days ago...

Taking Pictures of this Rock and being able to Zoom in on it with my Smart Phone, opened my eyes and my Wild imagination, to new possibilities...

I suppose I should Stake, Map and Record the Claims...

This way, I can leave the Claims to Family...

The Ore Deposit, could be worth a Fortune...

I may have found the Lost Breyfogle's Mine, thinking I found Copper...

What would you do "if" you were me...???

I decided to search for a Video showing Ore Samples...

Now, what would you do, if you were me...???

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